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Chinese Short Story 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary Level] |
心锁 | 11 |
小吉讲述了春游那晚讲鬼故事, 又做恶梦, 以及接下来一个月里, 反复做同一个恶梦的情形。 |
Xiaoji told her about the story telling night during field trip, the nightmare, and the recurrences of the same nightmare in the month followed. |
xiăo jí jiăngshù le chūnyóu nà wăn jiăng guĭgùshi,
yòu zuò èmèng, yĭjí jiēxiàlái yī gè yuè lĭ, fănfù zuò tóngyī gè èmèng de qíngxing。 |
说完,她补充道, |
After she finished, she added, “I feel that … it has taken its toll on the relationship between my Dad and me. The dream was so real. It brought me to realize that my Dad has been lying to me.” |
shuō wán, tā bŭchōng dào, "wŏ juéde… tā yĭngxiăng le wŏ hé bàba de guānxi。 mèngjìng tài zhēnshí le, tā zài xiàng wŏ ànshì… bàba yīzhí zài duì wŏ sāhuăng。" |
林医生端茶的手一颤, 茶水洒了一桌。 |
Dr. Lin’s hand trembled a little and spilled her tea on the table. |
lín yīshēng duān chá de shŏu yī chàn,
chá shuĭ să le yī zhuō。 |
心锁 | 12 |
“小吉,吃饭啦!"罗致远脱下围裙, 往女儿的碗里夹了块炸鸡腿。 |
“Xiaoji, time to eat!” Lou Zhiyuan took off his apron and added a fried drumstick to his daughter’s bowl. |
“ xiăo jí, chīfàn la!" luó zhì yuăn tuōxià wéiqún,
wăng nǚ’ér de wăn lĭ jiā le kuài zhá jītuĭ。 |
女儿踩着拖鞋,从里屋走出来。 只是一剎那, 罗致远仿佛看见了“她”。 |
The girl stepped out from her bedroom in her slippers. In a flash second, Lou Zhiyuan had the illusion that it was actually “she” out there. |
nǚ’ér căi zhe tuōxié, cóng lĭ wū zŏu chūlái。
zhĭshì yī chànà, luó zhì yuăn făngfú kànjiàn le“ tā”。 |
他仔细端祥着女儿。 | He started studying her. |
tā zĭxì duān xiáng zhe nǚ’ér。 | |
“爸,你看我干嘛?"小吉不满地问。 | “Dad, why are you staring at me?” Xiaoji asked, being upset. |
“ bà, nĭ kàn wŏ gànmá?" xiăo jí bùmăn de wèn。 | |
十五岁的女儿最近好象有心事。 | The fifteen-year-old looked like in a gloomy mind lately. |
shíwŭ suì de nǚ’ér zuìjìn hăoxiàng yŏuxīnshì。 | |
罗致远笑了笑, 心想,女儿大了, 脾气也大了。 |
Luo Zhiyuan brushed it off, accepting the fact that his daughter would get moodier while she’s growing older. |
luó zhì yuăn xiào le xiào, xīnxiăng, nǚ’ér dà le, píqi yě dà le。 |
“看你,快有爸爸高了。 来,尝尝我新学的炸鸡,味道怎么样?" |
“Look at you, you’re almost as tall as I am. Come have a taste of my new fried chicken, do you like it?” |
“ kàn nĭ, kuài yŏu bàba gāo le。 lái, cháng cháng wŏ xīn xué de zhájī, wèidao zěnmeyàng?" |
小吉懒懒地尝了一口,又放下筷子。 | Xiaoji took a bite carelessly, and then put down her chopsticks. |
xiăo jí lăn lăn de cháng le yīkŏu, yòu fàngxia kuàizi。 | |
“爸,妈到底是怎么死的?" | “Dad, how exactly did Mom die?” |
“ bà, mā dăodĭ shì zěnme sĭ de?" | |
心锁 | 13 |
罗致远的笑容凝固了。 |
Lou Zhiyuan’s smile went frozen. |
luó zhì yuăn de xiàoróng nínggù le。 | |
“小吉…怎么…又问这个问题? 我已经跟你说过…" |
“Xiaoji … why do you bring this up again? I’ve told you …” |
“ xiăo jí… zěnme… yòu wèn zhège wèntí? wŏ yĭjīng gēn nĭ shuō guò…" |
“你撒谎!妈妈不是病死的, 她是被人害死的!" |
“You lied! Mom didn’t die from a disease, she was murdered!” |
“ nĭ sāhuăng! māma bùshì bìngsĭ de,
tā shì bèi rén hàisĭ de!" |
“你在胡说什么?! "罗致远的心脏几乎停跳了几秒。 |
“What the heck you’re talking about?!” Lou Zhiyuan felt his heart stop pounding for a few seconds. |
“ nĭ zài húshuō shénme?!" luó zhì yuăn de xīnzàng jīhū tíng tiào le jĭ miăo。 |
“你一直在骗我, 你到底想隐瞒什么? |
“You’ve been lying to me all the time, what is it that you’re hiding? |
“ nĭ yīzhí zài piàn wŏ, nĭ dàodĭ xiăng yĭnmán shénme? |
为什么不敢把实情告诉我? 妈妈死在地窖里, 而且是被人锁在里面的!" |
Why don’t you have the guts to tell me the truth? Mom died in the cellar, and she had been locked inside by others!” |
wéi shénme bù găn bă shíqíng gàosu wŏ? māma sĭ zài dìjiào lĭ, érqiě shì bèi rén suŏ zài lĭ miàndī!" |
女儿用目光质问父亲。 | The girl directed a questioning gaze at her Dad. |
nǚ’ér yòng mùguāng zhìwèn fùqīn。 | |
心锁 | 14 |
沉默。 | Silence. |
chénmò。 | |
沉默之后还是沉默。 | Silence still. |
chénmò zhīhòu háishi chénmò。 | |
女儿忿然起身,跑进自己的房间, 呯的一声关上了门。 |
Daughter jumped to her feet with anger and ran back to her room. The door was closed shut with a big Bang. |
nǚ’ér fèn rán qĭshēn, păo jìn zìjĭ de fángjiān,
píng de yīshēng guānshàng le mén。 |
餐桌旁剩下了罗致远, 和他精心制作的炸鸡。 |
Lou Zhiyuan was left alone beside the dinner table, |
cānzhuō páng shèngxià le luózhì yuăn, hé tā jīngxīn zhìzuò de zhájī。 |
那把他曾经用力砸开的锁, 再一次锁紧他的天空, 窒息的味道,呛得他湿润了双眼。 |
The lock that he had laboriously broke open once again sealed the sky. The taste of suffocation choked him to tears. |
nà bă tā céngjīng yònglì zá kāi de suŏ,
zàiyīcì suŏ jĭn tā de tiānkōng, zhìxī de wèidao, qiàng de tā shīrùn le shuāngyăn。 |
小吉,请原谅爸爸! | Xiaoji, please forgive Dad. |
xiăo jí, qĭng yuánliàng bàba! |