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Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 9 | |
那小的物品就会被水流冲走, 而且很容易卡在有缝隙的地方.” 秦东觉察到赵凯峰语气里的烦躁, 但他并不介意. |
“If they use water to wash the trunk of the car, then small objects might have been flushed away and got stuck in narrow cracks.” Qin Dong sensed the agitation in Zhao Kaifeng’s tone, but he didn’t mind. |
“ tāmen rúguŏ yòng shuĭ chōngxĭ guò hòu xiāng,
nà xiăode wùpĭn jiù huì bèi shuĭliú chōngzŏu, érqiě hěn róngyì qiă zài yŏu fèngxì de dìfang.” Qín dōng juéchá dào zhào kăifēng yŭqì lĭ de fánzào, dàn tā bìngbù jièyì. |
片刻后, 他从备用胎的缝隙里摸出几粒粗沙.
他把他们放在一个物证带里, 然后继续在备用胎里摸索. |
After a little while, he took out a few big pieces of grit. He put them into an evidence bag, then went on fumbling inside the spare tire. |
piànkè hòu, tā cóng bèiyòng tāi de fèngxì lĭ mō chū jĭ lì cūshā.
tā bă tāmen fàng zài yī gè wùzhèng dài lĭ, ránhòu jìxù zài bèiyòng tāi lĭ mōsuo. |
让赵凯峰着实愣住了. |
The thing that he got out of the tire really surprised Zhao Kaifeng. |
jiēxiàlái Qín dōng mō chūlái de dōngxi, ràng zhào kăifēng zhuóshí lèngzhù le. |
“螺狮?!” | “A snail?!” |
“ luó shī?!” | |
“没错, 螺狮! 从一个崭新的备用胎里找到的螺狮.“ 秦东小心翼翼地举起他的新发现, 得意而畅快地笑了, 笑得眼角的皱纹都立时堆积起来. |
“That’s right, a snail! A snail that comes out of a brand new tire. ” Qin Dong held up his discovery carefully with a loud laughter, a laughter that made all his eye wrinkles that obvious. |
“ méicuò, luó shī! cóng yī gè zhănxīn de bèiyòng tāi lĭ zhăodào de luó shī. “ Qín dōng xiăoxīnyìyì de jŭqĭ tā de xīn fāxiàn, déyì ér chàngkuài de xiào le, xiào dé yănjiăo de zhòuwén dōu lìshí duījī qilai. |
“这一定是冲洗用的水里带来的. 还有这些沙子, 这些东西是不可能从自来水里跑出来的.” 秦东说着, 用食指戳了戳螺狮的螺盖, “还是湿润的呢!” |
“This thing might have come from the water that they used to wash the
car. Together with all the sand, there’s no way they could come out of water tap.” While talking, Qin Dong poked the lid of the snail with his forefinger, “It’s still wet!” |
“ zhè yīdìng shì chōngxĭ yòng de Shuĭlĭ dàilái de.
háiyŏu zhèxiē shāzi, zhèxiē dōngxi shì bùkěnéng cóng zìláishuĭ lĭ păochū lái de.” Qín dōng shuō zhe, yòng shízhĭ chuō le chuō luó shī de luó gài, “ háishi shīrùn de ne!” |
“这么说, 他们是在野外清洗的车子?”
赵凯峰又回到了请教式的语气. |
“So that means they washed the car in the wilderness?” Zhao Kaifeng changed his tone into consulting. |
“ zhème shuō, tāmen shì zài yěwài qīngxĭ de chēzi?”
zhào kăifēng yòu huídào le qĭngjiào shì de yŭqì. |
“没错. 走, 我们该去看看地图了.”
秦东把几个物证带捏在手上, 朝赵凯峰挥了挥手, 一起走出了车库. |
“Yes. It’s time for us to check the map out.” Qin Dong pinched the evidence bags with his fingers and gestured Zhao Kaifeng to walk out of the garage. |
“ méicuò. zŏu, wŏmen gāi qù kànkan dìtú le.” Qín dōng bă jĭge wùzhèng dài niē zài shŏu shàng, cháo zhào kăifēng huī le huīshŏu, yīqĭ zŏuchū le chēkù. |
“妈妈! 哥哥来啦! 哥哥来啦!”
小姑娘站在门口, 把门外一个穿白T恤衫的年轻小伙子拉了进来. |
“Mommy! Bro is here! Bro is here!” The little girl stood at the door and dragged in a young man in white T-shirt. |
“ māma! gēge lái la! gēge lái la!” xiăo gūniang zhàn zài ménkŏu, bă ménwài yī gè chuān bái T xùshān de niánqīng xiăohuŏzi lā le jìnlái. |
在空中轻轻抛起又接住, ”小丫头, 你是越长越沉了, 哥都快抱不动你了!” |
The young man grabbed his little sister, gently threw her into the air and caught her back again, ”Little sis, how heavy you’ve grown, I hardly can hold you now!” |
xiăohuŏzi yī bă bào qĭ le mèimei, zài kōngzhōng qīngqīng pāo qĭ yòu jiē zhù, ” xiăo yātou, nĭ shì yuè cháng yuè chén le, gē dōu kuài bàobùdòng nĭ le!” |
“立群来啦? 快进来!
先坐会儿, 菜一会儿就好!” 女孩的妈妈文素云手里拿着一把蔬菜, 眉开眼笑地把儿子迎了进来. |
“Liqun is coming? Come on in! Have a seat, dinner will be ready soon!” With a handful of vegetables, Wen Suyun, the girl’s Mom welcomed her son in with a warm smile. |
“ lì qún lái la? kuài jìnlái! xiān zuò huìr, cài yīhuìr jiù hăo!” nǚhái de māma wén sùyún shŏulĭ ná zhe yī bă shūcài, méikāiyănxiào de bă érzi yíng le jìnlái. |