
Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced)

罪恶有痕 7  
It’s not hard to see that,
the white Jetta was quite possible to be the car that was used in the robbery.
A forensic investigation of the car became a new focus of the case.
bù nán tuīduàn,
zhè liàng báisè Jiédá hěn kěnéng jiùshì jié àn zhòngdì nà liàng chē.
duì tā de kān yàn yě lìkè chéngle pò’àn de guānjiàn.
也该留个爪印不是? “ 秦东嘀咕着.
“How much cleaner it could be?
Even if it was driven by an alien,
there must have been paw print left somewhere, isn’t?” Qin Dong murmured.
“ zhè chē shōushi dé kě zhēn gānjìng,
jiùshì wàixīngrén kāi guòlái de,
yě gāi liú gè zhăoyìn bùshì? “ Qín dōng dígu zhe.
赵凯峰耸耸肩, 做了个鬼脸.
看秦东一脸大汗, 就安慰他道,
”秦老师, 你刚才不是在后车座位上发现两点血迹了吗?”
说着, 他抬了抬手上拿着的紫外灯,
Zhao Kaifeng shrugged and grinned.
Checking on the sweating face of Qin Dong, he decided to give him some comfort,
”Qin Sir, didn’t you find two bloodstains on the rear car seats just now?”
He raised the ultraviolet lamp on his hand as a reminder to Qin Dong.
zhào kăifēng sŏng sŏngjiān, zuò le gè guĭliăn.
kàn Qín dōng yī liăn dàhán, jiù ānwèi tā dào,
” Qín lăoshī, nĭ gāngcái bùshì zàihòu chē zuòwèi shàng fāxiàn liăng diăn xuèjì le ma?”
shuō zhe, tā tái le tái shŏu shàng ná zhe de zĭwài dēng,
tíxĭng Qín dōng.
我本来想, 既然有弹孔, 那车上应该能检测到多一些的血迹.
“Those two bloodstains could be human’s,
could be not.
I was hoping there were much more bloodstains in the car judging by the bullet hole.
But I was wrong.
The whole interior of the car is just too clean to bear any valuable evidence.
“ nà liăng diăn hénjì kěnéng shì rén xuè,
yě kěnéng bùshì.
wŏ běnlái xiăng, jìrán yŏu dànkŏng, nà chē shàng yīnggāi néng jiăncè dào duō yīxiē de xuèjì.
dàn wŏ cuò le.
zhěnggè chē nèi gānjìng de chūqí,
gēnběn zhăobudào yŏujiàzhí de zhèngjù.  
你帮我把车库门打开, 灯也开了.
我们可以看看车外部. 这鬼天气!”
秦东骂了一句, 擦了擦额上的汗.
Please help me open the garage door and turn on the light.
This damn weather!”
Qin Dong cursed while wiping off the sweat from his forehead.
Then he stood the engine cover up.
nĭ bāng wŏ bă chēkù mén dăkāi, dēng yě kāi le.
wŏmen kěyĭ kànkan chē wàibù. zhè guĭtiānqì!”
Qín dōng mà le yījù, cā le cā é shàng de hàn.
ránhòu bă chē yĭnqíng gài dăkāi zhī le qilai.
赵凯峰开了灯, 虽然是白天,
通常在人命案里, 后厢多会被用来运尸.
Zhao Kaifeng turned on the light.
Although it’s day time, the sunlight came into the garage was not sufficient.
He had no interest in the engine.
Usually in a homicide case, the trunk of a vehicle is often used to carry bodies.
zhào kăifēng kāi le dēng, suīrán shì báitiān,
néng zhào jìn chēkù de tàiyángguāng réng bù chōngfèn.
tā duì yĭnqíng méiyŏu xìngqù.
tōngcháng zài rén mìng’àn lĭ, hòu xiāng duō huì bèi yònglái yùn shī.
他绕到车尾, 正打算开车后厢,
With that thoughts in mind,
he walked to the back of the car and was about to open the trunk
before he heard an outcry from Qin Dong.
zhèyàng xiăng zhe,
tā rào dào chē wěi, zhèng dăsuàn kāichē hòu xiāng,
Qín dōng zài nà yītóu fāchū yīshēng găntàn.
“怪事, 引擎上居然有鸟粪?!” “Weird. How could bird shits get on the engine?”
“ guàishì, yĭnqíng shàng jūrán yŏu niăofèn?!”  
“鸟粪?!” “Bird shits?”
“ niăofèn?!”  


The bird shits that Qin Dong mentioned was a small blob of white sticky stuff.
He touched it with glove on.

Qín dōng zhĭ de niăofèn shì yī xiăo kuài báisè de niánchóu wù.
tā yòng dàizhe shŏutào de shŏuzhĭ mō le mō.


“还没干, 落到引擎上的时间还不长.

“Not dried up yet. It hasn’t been too long after it got on the engine.
How could bird shits get dropped on the engine?”
Qin Dong thought out loud.
“ hái méi gān, luò dào yĭnqíng shàng de shíjiān hái bù cháng.
niăo de fènbiàn zěnme huì luò dào yĭnqíng shàng ne?”
Qín dōng zuómo zhe.
“For sure it didn’t happen when the car was moving.
Who would drive a car when the engine cover is open up?”
The question aroused Zhao Kaifeng’s curiosity too.
“ kěndìng bùshì zài chēháng zŏu de shíhou,
shéi huì kāi zhe yĭnqíng gài kāichē?”
zhào kăifēng yě lái le xìngqù.

罪恶有痕 8  
Qin Dong strolled beside the car,
“Since Qi Youfa and Cui Yan were both disappeared,
the car they were in also appeared again in a robbery,
we could probably speculate the case like this:
Qín dōng zài chē páng duó qĭ bù lái,
“ jìrán qí yŏufā hé qíngfù cuī yàn shuāng shuāng shīzōng,
érqiě shīzōng shí kāi de chē yòu chūxiàn zài qiăngjié’àn zhōng,
wŏmen shìbùshì kěyĭ zhèyàng tuīcè:
把车停了, 待在车内,
Qi youfa drove his car out after work with Cui Yan.
They probably went to the woods in the suburb area.
They parked their car and stayed in the car.
Being afraid to be watched by the passersby,
Qi Youfa pull up the engine over.
Birds in the tree made their mark on the engine during that period.
qí yŏufā xiàbān hòu hé cuī yàn kāichē chūlái,
tāmen kěnéng qù le jiāowài yī gè yŏu línzi de dìfang,
bă chē tíng le, dài zài chē nèi,
yòu pà bèi lùrén kànjiàn,
suŏyĭ qí yŏufā jiù bă yĭnqíng gài zhī qilai.
shù shàng de niăor jiù zài nà duàn shíjiān lĭ zài yĭnqíng shàng zuò le yìnjì.”
所以他们也不会注意路人. “
“With the engine cover stood up,
Qi Youfa and Cui Yan
couldn’t see the passersby well either.”
Zhao Kaifeng tried to complete Qin Dong’s speculation.
“ yĭnqíng gài bèi lā qĭ,
dăngzhù le qí yŏufā hé cuī yàn de shìxiàn,
suŏyĭ tāmen yě bùhuì zhùyì lùrén. “
zhào kăifēng shìzhe bă Qín dōng de tuīcè jiăng wán.
“他们更不会想到, 有人竟拿着枪来打劫.
从车被发现时的状况来看, 歹徒至少开了一枪.
车被抢, 再被丢弃时里里外外都清洗得干干净净.
“They never expected that someone could have robbed them with guns in hand.
Based on the condition of the car when it was found, the robbers at least had fired one shot.
The car was robbed and then again got abandoned after a thorough cleanup.
That means it is quite possible that Qi Youfa and Cui Yan have both been killed.
 “ tāmen gèng bùhuì xiăngdào, yŏurén jìng ná zhe qiāng lái dăjié.
cóng chē bèi fāxiàn shí de zhuàngkuàng láikàn, dăitú zhìshăo kāi le yī qiāng.
chē bèi qiăng, zài bèi diūqì shí lĭlĭwàiwài dōu qīngxĭ de gāngānjìngjìng.
zhè shuōmíng qí yŏufā hé cuī yàn hěn kěnéng yĭjīng bèi hài le.”
Qin Dong nodded silently,
”Then the next question is,
where did they dumped the bodies?”
Qín dōng chénsī zhe diăn le diăntóu,
” jiēxiàlái de wèntí shì,
pāo shī dìdiăn yòu zài năr ne?”
“We haven’t check the car trunk yet?”
Reminded by Zhao Kaifeng,
Qin Dong turned to the back and opened the trunk.
“ wŏmen hái méi kān yàn guò hòuxiāng ba?”
bèi zhào kăifēng yī tíxĭng,
Qín dōng máng rào guòlái dăkāi hòu xiāng.
后厢和车内一样, 干净得没有任何杂物.
The trunk was as sparkly clean as the inside of the car, no single extra object was found.
Zhao Kaifeng was a bit disappointed.
hòu xiāng hé chē nèi yīyàng, gānjìng de méiyŏu rènhé záwù.
zhào kăifēng lüè xiăn shīwàng.
“还有点湿! 看来他们用水好好清洗过.”
Qin Dong took one glove off
and touched the mat in the trunk,
“Still wet! I bet they did a good wash on it.”
Qín dōng qŭ xià yī zhĭ shŏutào,
mō le mō hòu xiāng de diàn tăn,
“ háiyŏu diăn shī! kànlai tāmen yòng shuĭ hăohăo qīngxĭ guò.”
说着他把垫毯拉起来, 底下露出一个备用胎.
He lifted the mat up while talking. A spare tire came to light from underneath.
Qin Dong put the glove back on
and reached his fingers inside the spare tire.
shuō zhe tā bă diàn tăn lā qilai, dĭxia lùchū yī gè bèiyòng tāi.
Qín dōng chóngxīn dài shàng shŏutào,
zài bèiyòng tāi de fèngxì lĭ mō lái mō qù.
“你在找什么?” 赵凯峰忍不住问.
“What are you looking for?” Zhao Kaifeng couldn’t help but ask.
A new guy in the criminal police squad,
he still carried on a bit of pride and arrogance from his youth.
“ nĭ zài zhăo shénme?” zhào kăifēng rěnbuzhù wèn.
gāng bèi fēn dào xíngjĭng duì de tā,
xīnli hái dài zhe yīxiē xīngāoqì’ào.
对老刑警的办案方式, 他有自己的看法.
对秦东现在的举动, 他觉得是白费时间.
For the methods the senior folks used in their work, he had his own opinion.
He thought it was a waste of time for what Qin Dong was doing.
duì lăo xíngjĭng de bàn’àn fāngshì, tā yŏu zìjĭ de kànfă.
duì Qín dōng xiànzài de jŭdòng, tā juéde shì báifèi shíjiān.


Mandarin 2008-2018-2024