Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 53 | |
“你现在先别打开,等我走了慢慢看吧。 昨天顺路看了你母亲,她现在状态不太好。 不过她说, 你的事她和老钱会慢慢跟你妹妹说的。 |
“You can open it later after I left. I visited your Mom yesterday on my way home. She’s still trying hard to face it. However, she said that she and Lao Qian will tell your sister what happened to you little by little. |
“ nĭ xiànzài xiān bié dăkāi, děng wŏ zŏu le mànmàn kàn ba。
zuótiān shùnlù kàn le nĭ mŭqīn, tā xiànzài zhuàngtài bùtàihăo。 bùguò tā shuō, nĭ de shì tā hé lăo qián huì mànmàn gēn nĭ mèimei shuō de。 |
她希望你心里负担不要太大。 事情已经这样了, 多想无益, 这段时间保养好身体就行.” |
She hoped that you don’t burden yourself too much. What happened happened, it won’t help to keep thinking about it. Please take care of yourself for this period of time.” |
tā xīwàng nĭ xīn lĭ fùdān bùyào tài dà。 shìqing yĭjīng zhèyàng le, duō xiăng wúyì, zhè duàn shíjiān băoyăng hăo shēntĭ jiù xíng.” |
庄力群点点头, 母亲嘱咐的“这段时间”, 正是自己在人世的最后日子。 什么梦想,憧憬,欲望,打算, 现在统统没了。 |
Zhuang Liqun nodded. ”This period of time” his Mom mentioned, was actually his last days to live. Dreams, hope, desire and plans, they are all gone now. |
zhuāng lì qún diăn diăntóu, mŭqīn zhŭfù de“ zhè duàn shíjiān”, zhèngshì zìjĭ zài rénshì de zuìhòu rìzi。 shénme mèngxiăng, chōngjĭng, yùwàng, dăsuàn, xiànzài tŏngtŏng méile。 |
给亲人的阴影还会有多长。 对于受害者的家属,在法庭最后陈述中, 他由衷地向他们道歉,并深深鞠了一躬。 |
All that had been left to him to concern about, was how long his sin will shadow his loved ones. For the victim’s family, while giving his last statement on the court, he sincerely apologized to them and bowed to them in deep regret. |
tā xiànzài suŏ diànjì de, zhĭshì zìjĭ fàn xià de zuì’è, gěi qīnrén de yīnyĭng hái huì yŏu duō cháng。 duìyú shòuhàizhě de jiāshŭ, zài fătíng zuìhòu chénshù zhōng, tā yóuzhōng de xiàng tāmen dàoqiàn, bìng shēnshēn jū le yī gōng。 |
他说,“如果时间能够倒转, 如果我还能有第二次选择, 我真的希望什么都没有发生。 为了过上有头有脸的生活, 在他人的鼓动下, 我一错再错,越陷越深, 最终犯下不可饶恕的罪行。 |
He said, “If we can travel back in time, |
tā shuō,“ rúguŏ shíjiān nénggòu dàozhuăn, rúguŏ wŏ hái néng yŏu dì’èrcì xuănzé, wŏ zhēn de xīwàng shénme dōu méiyŏu fāshēng。 wéi le guò shàng yŏutóuyŏuliăn de shēnghuó, zài tārén de gŭdòng xià, wŏ yīcuòzàicuò, yuèxiànyuèshēn, zuìzhōng fàn xià bùkě ráoshù de zuìxíng。 |
我很后悔,但已无力回天。 希望我的教训, 能警醒其他步入歧途的年轻人。” |
As much as I regret about it, I can’t reverse what I’ve done. I hope the lessons of me will wake up those young people that are stepping on the wrong path of life now.” |
wŏ hěn hòuhuĭ, dàn yĭ wúlì huí tiān。 xīwàng wŏ de jiàoxun, néng jĭngxĭng qítā bùrù qítú de niánqīngrén。” |