Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 51 | |
赵凯峰凝视着柯勇的脸, 希望能在上面找到一些答案。 |
Zhao Kaifeng stared at Ke Yong’s face, hoping he could find some answers. |
zhào kăi fēng níngshì zhe kē yŏng de liăn,
xīwàng néng zài shàngmian zhăodào yīxiē dá’àn。 |
然而他找到的只有冷漠。 在他的头的上方,贴着一张书法作品, 上书,“出人头地”。 |
Yet all he could find was coldness. Right above Ke Yong’s face, a piece of calligrapher's work was hanging on the wall, on it it wrote: “Chu Ren Tou Di”. |
rán’ér tā zhăodào de zhĭyŏu lěngmò。 zài tā de tóu de shàng fāng, tiē zhe yī zhāng shūfă zuòpĭn, shàngshū,“ chūréntóudì”。 |
这四个字也曾经伴随过赵凯峰成长。 “出人头地”,在他年轻的生命中, 这四个字也曾经激励过他。 |
Those four characters had been too familiar to him while he grew up. “Chu Ren Tou Di” – they had kept inspiring him through out his young life. |
zhè sì gè zì yě céngjīng bànsuí guò zhào kăi fēng chéngzhăng。 “ chūréntóudì”, zài tā niánqīng de shēngmìng zhōng, zhè sì gè zì yě céngjīng jīlì guò tā。 |
不过今天,它们的形象却显得如此扭曲。 他悲哀地揣度,某一年的某一天, 当柯勇和他现在一样注视这四个字的时候, 他的心里是否正盘算着 一个杀人劫财的计划呢? |
However today, the meaning of the phrase felt twisted. The thoughts came to him sadly that, on a certain day of a year, while Ke Yong was standing here looking at the motto like he was, a plan of murder and robbery was actually hatching in his mind. |
bùguò jīntiān, tāmen de xíngxiàng què xiănde rúcĭ niŭqū。 tā bēi’āi de chuăiduó, mŏu yī nián de mŏu yī tiān, dāng kē yŏng hé tā xiànzài yīyàng zhùshì zhè sì gè zì de shíhou, tā de xīnli shìfŏu zhèng pánsuàn zhe yī gè shārén jié cái de jìhuà ne? |
此次抢劫案劫得的赃款, 大部分都在农宅里被寻获。 |
Most of the robbed money was found in the farm house. |
cĭcì qiăngjié’àn jié-dé de zāngkuăn, dàbùfen dōu zài nóng zhái lĭ bèi xún huò。 |
庄力群还没有等到分赃就被警方发现。 而柯勇收买的“内线”, 也很快得到了确认。 他逃过了柯勇的“灭口”, 却没有逃过法律的制裁。 |
Zhuang Liqun was captured before he got a chance to take his share of
money. The “insider” that Ke Yong used was soon identified. He escaped murder from Ke Yong, but couldn’t escape the penalty from the law. |
zhuāng lì qún hái méiyŏu děngdào fēnzāng jiù bèi jĭngfāng fāxiàn。 ér kē yŏng shōumăi de“ nèi xiàn”, yě hěn kuài dédào le quèrèn。 tā táo guò le kē yŏng de“ mièkŏu”, què méiyŏu táo guò fălǜ de zhìcái。 |