Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 43 | |
“我承认我参与了抢劫杀人。” 说出这句话后他突然感觉到一阵轻松。 |
“OK,I admit that I was part of the robbery and murder.” He felt greatly relieved after that confession. |
“ wŏ chéngrèn wŏ cānyù le qiăngjié shārén。”
shuōchū zhè jù huà hòu tā tūrán gănjuédào yīzhèn qīngsōng。 |
“很好。告诉我,谁是策划人?” | “Very good. Who planned all this?” |
“ hěn hăo。 gàosu wŏ, shéi shì cèhuàrén?” | |
“这个…我不能告诉你。” | “This … I can’t tell you.” |
“ zhège… wŏ bùnéng gàosu nĭ。” | |
刘明天笑了一笑, “你觉得你很讲义气是不是? 庄立群,我知道你不是策划人, 那你告诉我,和你在131国道上 持枪抢劫的那个同伙是不是策划人?” |
Liu Mingtian smiled, “Do you think you’re doing the right thing being blindly loyal to your friends? Zhuang Liqun, I know you were not the one behind all this. Was it the one that robbed together with you on Highway 131?” |
Liú míngtiān xiào le yī xiào, “ nĭ juéde nĭ hěn jiăngyìqì shìbùshì? zhuāng lì qún, wŏ zhīdào nĭ bùshì cèhuàrén, nà nĭ gàosu wŏ, hé nĭ zài 131 guódào shàng chíqiāng qiănjié de nàge tónghuŏ shìbùshì cèhuàrén?” |
然后回答,“是。” |
Zhuang Liqun was silence for half a minute, and then he said, ”Yes.” |
zhuāng lì qún chénmò le bàn fēnzhōng zhī jiŭ,
ránhòu huídá,“ shì。” |
他近期有没有别的什么计划?” 刘明天仍然用朋友聊天般的口气继续问庄立群。 |
“Very good. Then do you know whether he has any other plans lately?” Liu Mingtian asked in a chatty manner. |
“ hěn hăo。 nà nĭ zhī bù zhīdào, tā jìnqī yŏu méiyŏu biéde shénme jìhuà?” Liú míngtiān réngrán yòng péngyou liáotiān bān de kŏuqì jìxù wèn zhuāng lì qún。 |
刘明天倒吸了口凉气, 心想, 如果他没有及时否认, 那就暗示策划人还有新的计划. |
Zhuang Liqun became quiet again. Seeing the likelihood of another planned crime, Liu Mingtian felt a chill ran down his spine. |
zhuāng lì qún yòuyīcì chénmò. Liú míngtiān dăo xī le kŏu liáng qì, xīnxiăng, rúguŏ tā méiyŏu jíshí fŏurèn, nà jiù ànshì cèhuàrén háiyŏu xīn de jìhuà. |
做笔记的年轻刑警 也紧张而期待地看着他们。 |
The young police officer who was taking notes for the interview looked at them, worried. |
zuò bĭjì de niánqīng xíngjĭng yě jĭnzhāng ér qīdài de kàn zhe tāmen。 |
“是不是还会有人丢掉性命?” 刘明天尽量把语气放平和。 |
“Is anyone going to die?” Asked Liu Mingtian in a peaceful tone. |
“ shìbùshì hái huì yŏurén diūdiào xìngmìng?” Liú míngtiān jĭnliàng bă yŭqì fàng pínghé。 |