Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 30 | |
他需要一个更强大的梦想来给予他 继续这种生活的动力. |
With time went by, he started to realize that he needed a bigger dream to motivate himself to live on in that way. |
tā zhújiàn yìshí dào, tā xūyào yī gè gèng qiángdà de mèngxiăng lái gěiyŭ tā jìxù zhèzhŏng shēnghuó de dònglì. |
但他的朋友对他说, “急什么, 等我们做完这笔大生意, 你再辞职也不迟. “ |
He wanted to quit his simple job. However, his friend said to him, ”Why now? Wait till we complete THE “big deal”. You still have time.” |
tā xiăng cíqù zìjĭ zhè fèn pŭtōng de gōngzuò.
dàn tā de péngyou duì tā shuō, “ jí shénme, děng wŏmen zuòwán zhè bĭ dà shēngyì, nĭ zài cízhí yě bù chí. “ |
“这笔大生意”和以往的小单生意不一样. | THE “big deal” is nothing like the other small deals they’ve sealed in the past. |
“ zhè bĭ dà shēngyì” hé yĭwăng de xiăo dān shēngyì bùyīyàng. | |
他的朋友没有告诉他到底是什么样的生意, 但却总是锁着眉头冥思苦想. 基于他对朋友的了解, 他知道他心里一定装着一个煞费苦心的计划. |
His friend kept his lips closed but always got his minds occupied. Knowing his friend so well, Zhang Liqun’s could guess it out that a carefully calculated plan was forming in his friend’s mind. |
tā de péngyou méiyŏu gàosu tā dàodĭ shì shénme yàng de shēngyì,
dàn què zŏngshì suŏ zhe méitóu míngsīkŭxiăng. jīyú tā duì péngyou de liăojiě, tā zhīdào tā xīn lĭ yīdìng zhuāng zhe yī gè shàfèikŭxīn de jìhuà. |
“这笔大生意”确实筹划了很长时间. |
As a matter of fact, the plan did take a long time to complete. |
ér shìshí zhèngmíng, “ zhè bĭ dà shēngyì” quèshí chóuhuà le hěn cháng shíjiān. |
他的朋友只对他说, 这一次他们收买了一个很深的”内线”. |
His friend only told him that they bribed an “internal guy”. |
tā de péngyou zhĭ duì tā shuō, zhè yīcì tāmen shōumăi le yī gè hěn shēn de” nèi xiàn”. |