Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced)

罪恶有痕 28  
“只要我办得到的,当然愿意!” “Of course, as long as it’s something I’m capable of.”
” zhĭyào wŏ bàn dédào de, dāngrán yuànyì!”  
“Excellent! Could you help my friend,
who’s in jade stone business, to deliver a car load of goods to the city?
He’s too busy to find time to do it himself.
Moreover, he doesn’t want to hire a driver randomly.
He prefers a reliable person and is willing to pay generously.”
” shuăngkuai! nà nĭ néng bāng wŏ yī gè
zuò yùshí shēngyì de péngyou lā yī chē huò qù shěngchéng ma?
tā tài máng, chōu bù chūshēn, zìjĭ méi shíjiān păo,
yòu bùxiăng xiàn qù gù sījī。
jiù xiăng zhăo yī gè kěkào de rén,
tā huì fù bùcuò de bàochou de。”
“不就是帮忙开开车吗,包在我身上了!” “If driving the car is all he wants, I can take care of it with no doubt.”
” bù jiùshì bāngmáng kāi kāichē ma, bāozàiwŏshēnshang le!”  
Zhuang Liqun’s friend kept his words.
He was rewarded generously the next day after his help.
It was much more than what he had expected.
zhuāng lì qún de péngyou méiyŏu shíyán,
tā bāngmáng lā huò de dì’èrtiān,
bàochou jiù dàoliăo shŏu,
érqiě bĭ tā qīwàng de gāo dé duō。
俗话说, 无功不受禄。
He did hesitate in mind for once.
As the old saying went, “Do not accept a reward if you’re not deserved.”
He did have doubts on the goods he helped delivered.
However, the special identity of his friend made him feel relieved.
tā de xīnli yŏu guò tăntè。
súhuàshuō, wúgōngbùshòulù。
tā huáiyí guò nà chē huòpĭn de shuĭ fèn。
dàn zhège péngyou de tèshū shēnfèn yòu ràng tā fàngxia xīn lái。
No one could gain any success by just hiding in his own comfortable zone.
 zhĭ xiăng zài jiālĭ xīn’ānlĭdé dì guòrìzi, z
ěnme kěnéng chéng dàshì?
就这样, 他的这个朋友为他带来了不少机会。
Just like that, his friend brought lots of opportunities to him.
He’s getting rich than he was day after day. He also became more and more fearless.
jiù zhèyàng, tā de zhège péngyou wéi tā dàilái le bùshăo jīhuì。
tā de yāobāo yī tiāntiān gŭ qilai,
dănr yě yuèláiyuè dà。
直到有一天, 朋友教他用枪,
He hadn’t realized that he had gone on a no-return path
until one day his friend began to teach him how to shoot a hand gun.
zhídào yŏu yī tiān, péngyou jiāo tā yòng qiāng,
tā cái yìshí dào tā sìhū wúkěwănhuí de zŏucuò le fāngxiàng。

罪恶有痕 29  
“You still don’t understand?
There’s no absolute right or wrong in this world.
All that truly exists is just a simple law.”
His friend nudged on him patiently.
“ nĭ dàoxiànzài hái bù míngbai ma?
zhège shèhuì méiyŏu juéduì de hăo yŭ huài,
tā suŏ zūnxún de zhĭshì yī gè jiăndān de făzé.”
péngyou duì tā nàixīn kāidăo.
“什么法则?” “What law?”
“ shénme făzé?”  
“森林法则. “ “The Law of the Jungle.”
“ sēnlín făzé. “  
他一脸迷惑. He looked bewildered.
tā yī liăn míhuo.  
“兄弟, 不爱读书吧?
森林法则简单讲, 就是大鱼吃小鱼,
“My brother, you’re not fond of reading, are you?
Simply put, Law of the Jungle means the big fish feeds on the smaller fish,
the smaller fish feeds on little shrimp.
“ xiōngdì, bù ài dúshū ba?
sēnlín făzé jiăndān jiăng, jiùshì dà yú chī xiăo yú,
xiăo yú chī xiāmĭ.
朝廷是这样, 民间是这样, 江湖更是这样.”
It’s another word for ‘survival of the strongest’.
It applies to the rulers, the civilians and even more to the underworld.”
shéi qiáng shéi jiù de tiānxià.
cháotíng shì zhèyàng, mínjiān shì zhèyàng, Jiānghú gèng shì zhèyàng.”
“If that’s so,
why you’re still doing your current job?”
“ rúguŏ shì zhèyàng,
nĭ wèishénme hái zuò nĭ xiànzài de gōngzuò?”
zhuāng lì qún fănwèn dào.
“呵呵…” 朋友笑了,
“工作只是份工作, 如果你足够聪明,
它可以是你最好的伪装. “
“Hehe …” His friend laughed,
”If you’re smart enough, your job could be your best disguise.”
“ hēhē…” péngyou xiào le,
“ gōngzuò zhĭshì fèn gōngzuò, rúguŏ nĭ zúgòu cōngming,
tā kěyĭ shì nĭ zuìhăo de wěizhuāng. “
那之后, 庄立群咬着牙杀了第一个人.
Thereafter, Zhuang committed his first murder.
The mission was very well planned
and the case has since not been resolved.
nà zhīhòu, zhuāng lì qún yăo zhe yá shā le dì yīgèrén.
tāmen de xíngdòng bùzhì de hěn zhōumì.
ànzi zhìjīn wèi pò.
庄立群整整做了一个月噩梦. Zhuang Liqun had been having nightmares for a whole month.
zhuāng lì qún zhěngzhěng zuò le yī gè yuè èmèng.  

罪恶有痕 30  
With time went by,
he started to realize that he needed a bigger dream to motivate himself
to live on in that way.
tā zhújiàn yìshí dào,
tā xūyào yī gè gèng qiángdà de mèngxiăng lái gěiyŭ tā
jìxù zhèzhŏng shēnghuó de dònglì.
“急什么, 等我们做完这笔大生意,
你再辞职也不迟. “
He wanted to quit his simple job.
However, his friend said to him,
”Why now? Wait till we complete THE “big deal”.
You still have time.”
tā xiăng cíqù zìjĭ zhè fèn pŭtōng de gōngzuò.
dàn tā de péngyou duì tā shuō,
“ jí shénme, děng wŏmen zuòwán zhè bĭ dà shēngyì,
nĭ zài cízhí yě bù chí. “
“这笔大生意”和以往的小单生意不一样. THE “big deal” is nothing like the other small deals they’ve sealed in the past.
“ zhè bĭ dà shēngyì” hé yĭwăng de xiăo dān shēngyì bùyīyàng.  
His friend kept his lips closed but always got his minds occupied.
Knowing his friend so well,
Zhang Liqun’s could guess it out that a carefully calculated plan was forming in his friend’s mind.
tā de péngyou méiyŏu gàosu tā dàodĭ shì shénme yàng de shēngyì,
dàn què zŏngshì suŏ zhe méitóu míngsīkŭxiăng.
jīyú tā duì péngyou de liăojiě,
tā zhīdào tā xīn lĭ yīdìng zhuāng zhe yī gè shàfèikŭxīn de jìhuà.
As a matter of fact,
the plan did take a long time to complete.
ér shìshí zhèngmíng,
“ zhè bĭ dà shēngyì” quèshí chóuhuà le hěn cháng shíjiān.
His friend only told him that they bribed an “internal guy”.
tā de péngyou zhĭ duì tā shuō,
zhè yīcì tāmen shōumăi le yī gè hěn shēn de” nèi xiàn”.

