Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 23 | |
然而, 她的话并没有得到足够的重视。 警察不动声色地继续他们的问题。 |
However, her comment didn’t attract enough attention. The police still went on with their questions calmly. |
rán’ér, tādehuà bìng méiyŏu dédào zúgòu de zhòngshì。
jĭngchá bùdòngshēngsè de jìxù tāmen de wèntí。 |
他该在哪儿, 还在哪儿啊。 你们去他上班的地方找过吗? 他住的地方呢?” |
“How could I know where he is now? He should be where he should be. Have you visited his work place? Also the place he lives?” |
“ wŏ zěnme zhīdào tā xiànzài zàinăr? tā gāi zàinăr, hái zàinăr ā。 nĭmen qù tā shàngbān de dìfang zhăo guò ma? tā zhù de dìfang ne?” |
“他刚把租的房子退掉, 也辞了职。 没人知道他去哪儿了。 你是他母亲, 他跟你讲过要离开的打算吗?” 警察仍然心平气和地提问, 可文素云的心里却象烧起了一把火. |
“He just signed out from his renting lease and quit his job. Nobody knows where he has gone to. You are his Mom. Did he tell you about his plan to leave?” The police asked kindly. However, the question lit up fire in Wen’s heart. |
“ tā gāng bă zū de fángzi tuì diào, yě cí le zhí。
méi rén zhīdào tā qù năr le。 nĭ shì tā mŭqīn, tā gēn nĭ jiăng guò yào líkāi de dăsuàn ma?” jĭngchá réngrán xīnpíngqìhé de tíwèn, kě wén sù yún de xīn lĭ què xiàng shāo qĭ le yī bă huŏ. |
“这不可能! 我儿子这个周末才来我这儿吃过饭呢, 怎么可能说走就走呢?” |
“That’s not possible! My son just had dinner at my home this past weekend. How could he leave just like that?” |
” zhè bùkěnéng! wŏ érzi zhège zhōumò cái lái wŏ zhèr chī guò fàn ne, zěnme kěnéng shuō zŏu jiù zŏu ne?” |
文素云的近乎叫喊的反问 并没有引起两个警察的反感, 正相反,她在他们的眼中, 似乎觉察到了同情的成分。 这种同情让她心生恐惧。 难道,立群是真的出事了? |
Wen’s almost-yelling pitch didn’t bring any disturbance at all to the police. On the contrary, she sensed sympathy in their eyes. That brought her even more fear. Could that be true that Liqun did commit to something illegal? |
wén sù yún de jìnhu jiàohăn de fănwèn bìng méiyŏu yĭnqĭ liăng gè jĭngchá de făngăn, zhèng xiāngfăn, tā zài tāmen de yănzhōng, sìhū juéchá dàoliăo tóngqíng de chéngfèn。 zhèzhŏng tóngqíng ràng tā xīn shēng kŏngjù。 nándào, lì qún shì zhēn de chūshì le? |