Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced)

罪恶有痕 22  
“怎么讲?” “Why?”
“ zěnme jiăng?”  
“他已经跑了。没人知道他去了哪儿。“ “He has escaped. No one knows where he had gone to.”
“ tā yĭjīng păo le。 méi rén zhīdào tā qù le năr。“  
“我说啊, 这已经是大突破了,
“In my opinion, you’ve made major breakthrough.
At least you can swap photo with picture for the most wanted?”
Li Wei, who was sitting in the rear seat joined their conversation.
“ wŏ shuō ā, zhè yĭjīng shì dà tūpò le,
zhìshăo nĭmen kěyĭ bă huàxiàng huànchéng zhàopiàn lái tōngjī le ba?”
zuò zài hòuzuò de Lĭwéi yě jiārù le tāmen de tánhuà。
”而且, 从他的关系网摸下去,
“That’s for sure.” Zhao Kaifeng answered.
“Moreover, the second suspect should be identified soon as well once we sort out the social network of the first one.”
Honestly, Zhao Kaifeng did prefer to be sitting on Liu Mingtian’s car,
he didn’t want to miss the moment that the second suspect were identified.
“ nà dāngrán。” zhào kăi fēng huídá。
“érqiě, cóng tā de guānxi wăngmō xiàqù,
èrhào xiánfàn yě yīnggāi néng chá chūlái。”
zhào kăi fēng qíshí gèng xiăng zuò zài Liú míngtiān de chē shàng,
tā kě bùxiăng cuòguò cháchū èrhào xiánfàn de jīngcăi shíkè。
原来, 他们已经到了搞活动的广场。
Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by harsh honking sound.
They’ve just arrived at the square.
Ke Yong was honking to other colleagues as a greeting.
liăng shēng cì’ěr de chē lăba shēng dăduàn le tāmen de tánhuà。
yuánlái, tāmen yĭjīng dàoliăo găo huódòng de guăngchăng。
kē yŏng zhèngyòng chē lăba shēng hé tóngshì dă zhāohū ne。
It was early in the morning when Wen Suyun
encountered two policemen at the gate of Jia Jia’s school.
The things they told Wen Suyun there after made her rather confused.

yī qīng zăo zài jiājiā shàngxué de xiào ménkŏu,
liăng gè jĭngchá bă wén sù yún lán le xiàlai。
tāmen jiēxiàlái hé wén sù yún tándehuà,
ràng tā bàntiān huí bùguò shén lái。

“同志, 你们一定搞错了。
“Sir, you must have made mistakes.
Liqun is a good kid,
it’s not even possible that he could have been involved in robbery and killing.
I know my own kid.”
“ tóngzhì, nĭmen yīdìng găocuò le。
lì qún shì gè dŏngshì de háizi,
tā gēnběn bùkěnéng qù gànshénme qiăngjié shārén de shì。
wŏ de háizi wŏ zuì qīngchu。”

罪恶有痕 23  
然而, 她的话并没有得到足够的重视。
However, her comment didn’t attract enough attention.
The police still went on with their questions calmly.
rán’ér, tādehuà bìng méiyŏu dédào zúgòu de zhòngshì。
jĭngchá bùdòngshēngsè de jìxù tāmen de wèntí。
他该在哪儿, 还在哪儿啊。
“How could I know where he is now?
He should be where he should be.
Have you visited his work place? Also the place he lives?”
“ wŏ zěnme zhīdào tā xiànzài zàinăr?
tā gāi zàinăr, hái zàinăr ā。
nĭmen qù tā shàngbān de dìfang zhăo guò ma?
tā zhù de dìfang ne?”
“他刚把租的房子退掉, 也辞了职。
你是他母亲, 他跟你讲过要离开的打算吗?”
“He just signed out from his renting lease and quit his job.
Nobody knows where he has gone to.
You are his Mom. Did he tell you about his plan to leave?”
The police asked kindly.
However, the question lit up fire in Wen’s heart.
“ tā gāng bă zū de fángzi tuì diào, yě cí le zhí。
méi rén zhīdào tā qù năr le。
nĭ shì tā mŭqīn, tā gēn nĭ jiăng guò yào líkāi de dăsuàn ma?”
jĭngchá réngrán xīnpíngqìhé de tíwèn,
kě wén sù yún de xīn lĭ què xiàng shāo qĭ le yī bă huŏ.
“That’s not possible!
 My son just had dinner at my home this past weekend.
How could he leave just like that?”
” zhè bùkěnéng!
wŏ érzi zhège zhōumò cái lái wŏ zhèr chī guò fàn ne,
zěnme kěnéng shuō zŏu jiù zŏu ne?”
Wen’s almost-yelling pitch
didn’t bring any disturbance at all to the police.
On the contrary, she sensed sympathy in their eyes.
That brought her even more fear.
Could that be true that Liqun did commit to something illegal?
wén sù yún de jìnhu jiàohăn de fănwèn
bìng méiyŏu yĭnqĭ liăng gè jĭngchá de făngăn,
zhèng xiāngfăn, tā zài tāmen de yănzhōng,
sìhū juéchá dàoliăo tóngqíng de chéngfèn。
zhèzhŏng tóngqíng ràng tā xīn shēng kŏngjù。
nándào, lì qún shì zhēn de chūshì le?

罪恶有痕 24  
“It is possible that I’ll be out somewhere soon,
can’t visit you for a sometime.”
” wŏ nán shuō guò duàn shíjiān yào qù wàidì,
lái bùliăo nĭmen zhèr。
难道 。。。文素云不敢再往下想。
That words of her son suddenly struck her mind.
Could it be true that … Wen Suyun dared not to continue the thoughts.
The guilt for her son that she had been hiding in her mind after the divorce started to boil now.
” érzi de zhè jù huà tūrán de huíxiànzài wén sù yún de năohăi。
nándào 。。。 wén sù yún bù găn zài wăng xià xiăng。
líhūn hòu xīnli yīzhí cáng zhe de duì érzi de qiàn jiù,
No matter what her son had done, she was determined to help him regardless.
cĭshí zhèzhŏng qiàn jiù yīgŭnăo fānténg qilai。
bùguăn érzi zuò le shénme, tā dōu yào jìn quánlì bāng tā。
She had belief in that her son was not a bad boy.
He had had tough teenager time, but that was long gone.
Robbery and murder?! That was beyond imagination!
tā yě yīzhí xiāngxìn, lì qún bùshì yī gè huài háizi。
tā suīrán yŏu guò shífēn jīliè de pànnì qī,
dàn nà zăoyĭ guòqu le。
qiăngjié shārén?! zhè juéduì bùkěnéng!
That whole day, Wen Suyun’s mind was somewhere else
until she received a phone call in the evening …
nà yī zhěngtiān,
wén sù yún dōu chŭyú yīzhŏng húnbùshŏushè de zhuàngtài,
zhídào wănshang yī gè diànhuà dăjìn lái de shíhou。。。
“妈,是我。” “Mom, it’s me.”
” mā, shì wŏ。”  
“Is it you Liqun? You finally call back!
Where have you been?
There were two policemen approached me today for you!”
” ya, shì lì qún ma? nĭ zŏngsuàn dă lái diànhuà le!
nĭ zhè shì qù năr le ya?
jīntiān liăng gè jĭngchá lái zhăo wŏ, wèn nĭ de qíngkuàng ne!”
“Mom, I’m fine, don’t worry.
I want to come out and do some business.
I’m in a hurry, can’t chat for long. You take care!”
” mā, wŏ hěn hăo, nĭ bùyòng diànjì,
wŏ xiăng chūlái zuò diăn shēngyì。
wŏ hái jízhe gănlù, bù gēn nĭ duō shuō le。
nĭ yīdìng băozhòng!”
“唉等等,立群,别挂!” “No wait, Liqun, don’t hang up yet!”
” āi děngděng, lì qún, bié guà!”  
That was the end of the call.
Wen Suyun put down the phone in a heavy mood.
She was a bit comforted upon hearing his son’s voice.
However, that ease of mind was replaced by more worries soon.
diànhuà jiù zhèyàng cōngcōng guàduàn le。
wén sù yún shīshén de fàngxia huàtŏng。
tīngdào érzi bào píng’ān, tā yŏule xiēxŭ xīnwèi,
dàn zhèzhŏng xīnwèi hěn kuài jiù bèi gèng zhòng de chóu-yún suŏ qŭdài。