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Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 14 | |
最近这几天有没有开过水库的大门? |
Liu Mingtian asked Luo Yuan whether the gates of the reservoir were ever opened lately? |
Liú míngtiān wèn luó yuán, zuìjìn zhèjĭtiān yŏu méiyŏu kāi guò shuĭkù de dàmén? |
罗元长得人高马大, 脸上看起来却十分地稚气。 他摸着脑袋努力思考了一下。 |
Luo Yuan was tall and strong. However his face looked childish. He scratched his head and thought hard for a while. |
luó yuán zhăngde réngāomădà, liăn shàng kànqĭlái què shífēn dì zhìqì。 tā mō zhe năodài nŭlì sīkăo le yīxià。 |
“没有开过。 这两道门没事儿我们都锁着的。 去年一年大概也就开过五六次吧。 你们是不是怀疑有人躲在这儿啊? |
“No. We usually keep both gates locked. They were open only five or six times in previous year. Do you suspect that someone is hiding here? |
” méiyŏu kāi guò。 zhè liăng dào mén méishìr wŏmen dōu suŏ zhe de。 qùnián yī nián dàgài yě jiù kāi guò wŭ liù cì ba。 nĭmen shìbùshì huáiyí yŏurén duŏ zài zhèr ā? |
我们水库不对外开放,闲人一般进不来, 这里面都是开阔地,小树林也很稀疏, 就是有人想躲这儿也没地方藏啊! 你们到底要找什么?” 罗元连珠炮似的说了一通。 |
The reservoir is not open to public, no one is allowed to come in other
than staff members. It’s a open place, even the ravine is sparse. There’s no spot secluded enough to hide a person here! What exactly you’re looking for?” Luo Yuan talked in a fast fashion. |
wŏmen shuĭkù bù duìwài kāifàng, xiánrén yībān jìn bù lái,
zhèlĭ miàn dōu shì kāikuò dì, xiăoshùlín yě hěn xīshū, jiùshì yŏurén xiăng duŏ zhèr yě méi dìfang cáng ā! nĭmen dàodĭ yào zhăo shénme?” luó yuán liánzhūpàosì de shuō le yī tōng。 |
刘明天和赵凯峰交换了眼色, 罗元的态度很主动,但似乎过于主动了。 刘明天想, 那我就给他透露些情况,看他有什么反应。 |
Liu Mingtian and Zhao Kaifeng exchanged a meaningful glance. The attitude of Luo Yuan was quite active, a bit too active though. Liu Mingtian thought that he should reveal more information to him to get more reaction. |
Liú míngtiān hé zhào kăi fēng jiāohuàn le yănsè,
luó yuán de tàidu hěn zhŭdòng, dàn sìhū guòyú zhŭdòng le。 Liú míngtiān xiăng, nà wŏ jiù gěi tā tòulù xiē qíngkuàng, kàn tā yŏu shénme fănyìng。 |
“是这样,我们正在寻找一辆白色捷达车的车主。 | “The situation is like this. We are looking for the owner of a white Jetta. |
” shì zhèyàng, wŏmen zhèngzài xúnzhăo yī liàng báisè Jiédá chē de chēzhŭ。 | |
他已经失踪好几天了。 这是他和他朋友的照片,你见过他们吗?” |
He had been missing for a couple of days. Here are photos of him and his friend. Have you ever seen them before?” |
tā yĭjīng shīzōng hăo jĭtiān le。
zhè shì tā hé tā péngyou de zhàopiàn, nĭ jiàn guò tāmen ma?” |
老闻也凑过来看刘明天手上的照片。 但两人都摇头表示没见过。 |
Lao Wen came close to check the photos too. Yet the two of them shook their heads and said that they hadn’t seen any of them. |
lăo wén yě còu guò láikàn Liú míngtiān shŏu shàng de zhàopiàn。
dàn liăng rén dōu yáotóu biăoshì méi jiàn guò。 |
刘明天又拿出两张打印纸, 指着上面的画像让他们辨认。 老闻认真得看了半天,失望地摇了摇头。 而罗元则马上开始问问题。 |
Liu Mingtian then took out two pieces of print paper and let them to identify the portraits on the paper. Lao Wen looked carefully for a while, but shook his head disappointedly in the end. Luo Yuan, instead, started to ask questions right away. |
Liú míngtiān yòu náchū liăng zhāng dăyìn zhĭ,
zhĭ zhe shàngmian de huàxiàng ràng tāmen biànrèn。 lăo wén rènzhēn de kàn le bàntiān, shīwàng de yáo le yáotóu。 ér luó yuán zé măshàng kāishĭ wèn wèntí。 |
“这两个人犯什么事儿了?” | “What crime did these two guys commit?” |
” zhè liăng gè rén fàn shénme shìr le?” |