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Chinese online short story 罪恶有痕 Traces of Sin (Intermediate to Advanced) |
罪恶有痕 13 | |
然后转头问老闻, “最近这一星期有车辆进出过这两道大门吗?” |
Zhao Kaifeng made an eye contact with Liu Mingtian, and then asked Lao Wen, ”Was there any car came in through either of these gates this week?” |
zhào kăi fēng kàn le yīyăn Liú míngtiān, ránhòu zhuăntóu wèn lăo wén, “ zuìjìn zhè yī xīngqī yŏu chēliàng jìnchū guò zhè liăng dào dàmén ma?” |
老闻摸着脑门想了一想, 然后说, “没有。” |
Lao Wen put his hand on his forehead and thought for a moment, “No, there were none.” |
lăo wén mō zhe năomén xiăng le yī xiăng, ránhòu shuō, “méiyŏu。” |
“不进这两道门, 有没有可能从别的地方开车进水库呢?” 刘明天并不甘心。 |
“Without going through these two gates, are there any other entrance that a car could get in?” Liu Ming didn’t give up. |
” bù jìn zhè liăng dào mén, yŏu méiyŏu kěnéng cóng biéde dìfang kāichē jìn shuĭkù ne?” Liú míngtiān bìngbù gānxīn。 |
“那是肯定没有的。 你们来时开的那条小路, 是唯一一条能走车的路。 而且那是条死路, 绕到南门就断了。 |
“Zero possibility. The road you came in from is the only route a vehicle could drive in from. Moreover, that road hit a dead end at the south gate. |
” nàshi kěndìng méiyŏu de。 nĭmen lái shí kāi de nà tiáo xiăolù, shì wéiyī yī tiáo néng zŏu chē de lù。 érqiě nàshi tiáo sĭlù, rào dào nán mén jiù duàn le。 |
水库沿路都有围栏,人有可能钻得进来, |
The reservoir is fully encompassed by barriers that could only allow
people to slip in, but not cars. Other than the two gates, there’s no other way for a car to slip in.” Apparently Lao Wen knew the inside and out of the reservoir. |
shuĭkù yánlù dōu yŏu wéilán, rén yŏukěnéng zuān dé jìnlái,
dàn chē bù tōngguò liăng dào dàmén shì jìn bù lái de。” lăo wén duì shuĭkù de qíngkuàng liăorúzhĭzhăng。 |
“那谁有这两道大门的钥匙呢?” 赵凯峰沉不住气了。 |
“Then who has the keys to these two gates then?” Zhao Kaifeng asked impatiently. |
” nà shéi yŏu zhè liăng dào dàmén de yàoshi ne?” zhào kăi fēng chénbùzhùqì le。 |
“有钥匙的只有两个人, 我和保卫处的罗元。” |
“Only two people, Luo Yuan, the security staff and me.” |
” yŏu yàoshi de zhĭyŏu liăng gèrén, wŏ hé băowèi chŭ de luó yuán。” |
“罗元? 他今天在吗?”刘明天问。 | “Luo Yuan? Is he in today?” Asked Liu Mingtian. |
” luó yuán? tā jīntiān zài ma?” Liú míngtiān wèn。 | |
“在!在!他刚刚去水边取样去了。 水库的水质我们定期要做检查的。 要不要我带你们去找他?” |
“Oh yeah! He just went off to take water samples. As a routine, we need to check water quality. Do you want me to take you to him?” |
” zài! zài! tā gānggang qù shuĭbiān qŭyàng qù le。
shuĭkù de shuĭzhì wŏmen dìngqī yào zuò jiănchá de。 yàobùyào wŏ dài nĭmen qù zhăo tā?” |
水库一眼望去象个大湖。 水边是黄白黄白的沙滩。 因为不对游人开放, 沙滩上还是挺干净的。 |
The reservoir was like a big lake. There was yellowish sandy shore around the water. The shore looked very clean since it’s not open to public. |
shuĭkù yīyănwàngqù xiàng gè dà hú。 shuĭbiān shì huáng bái huáng bái de shātān。 yīnwèi bùduì yóurén kāifàng, shātān shàng háishi tĭng gānjìng de。 |
刘明天和赵凯峰一路走, 一路观察,
就怕漏掉什么重要的线索。 |
Liu and Zhao checked the surrounding carefully while walking. They didn’t want to miss any critical clues. |
Liú míngtiān hé zhào kăi fēng yīlù zŏu, yīlù guānchá,
jiù pà lòudiào shénme zhòngyào de xiànsuŏ。 |
身边放着一个打开的箱子, 里面放着一些大大小小的玻璃瓶。 |
Luo Yuan was crouching beside the water facing his back to them. A box was open aside with sorted glass bottles, big or small. |
luó yuán bèi duì zhe tāmen dūn zài shuĭbiān, shēnbiān fàng zhe yī gè dăkāi de xiāngzi, lĭmiàn fàng zhe yīxiē dà dàxiăo xiăode bōli píng。 |
“小罗啊,公安局的同志来找你了解情况。 你把东西放放,我们先回办公室吧!” 老闻对罗元说。 |
“Mr. Luo, police is here to collect information. Please put down your work for a while and come back to the office!” Lao Wen talked to Luo Yuan. |
” xiăo luó ā, gōng’ānjú de tóngzhì lái zhăo nĭ liăojiě qíngkuàng。
nĭ bă dōngxi fàng fàng, wŏmen xiān huí bàngōngshì ba!” lăo wén duì luó yuán shuō。 |
刘明天冲老闻摆摆手, ”不用麻烦,我们就在这儿谈吧!” 说着,他向罗元伸出了手, 并简单做了自我介绍。 赵凯峰也和罗元打了个招呼。 |
Liu Mingtian gestured to Lao Wen and said, “No worries, we can just talk here!” He reached out his hand to Luo Yuan and introduced himself. Zhao Kaifeng greeted Luo Yuan as well. |
Liú míngtiān chòng lăo wén băi băishŏu, ” bùyòng máfan, wŏmen jiù zài zhèr tán ba!” shuō zhe, tā xiàng luó yuán shēnchū le shŏu, bìng jiăndān zuò le zìwŏjièshào。 zhào kăi fēng yě hé luó yuán dă le gè zhāohu。 |