
Learn Chinese Online Short Story – 我身后的眼睛 The Eyes Behind Me (Elementary)

从餐馆出来, 已是满街灯火. When we stepped out of the restaurant, the street had been lit up with street lights.
cóng cānguǎn chūlái, yǐ shì mǎn jiē dēnghuǒ.  
初秋的风, 夹杂着街市的味道, 扑面而来. The breeze of early autumn, mixed with the smell of the city, gently stroked our face.
chū qiū de fēng, jiāzá zhe jiē shì de wèidao, pūmiàn’érlái.  
“孩子在等你回去了吧?” 他问. “Perhaps your child is expecting you to come home now?”, he asked.
“ háizi zài děng nǐ huíqu le ba?” tā wèn.  
“他们以为我今天加班.” 我回答. “They thought I worked late today.”, I answered.
“ tāmen yǐwéi wǒ jīntiān jiābān.” wǒ huídá.  
“哦…” 他顿了顿, “对不起.” “Oh,” he paused for a second, “I’m sorry.”
“ o…” tā dùn le dùn, “ duìbuqǐ.”  
我停下了脚步, 面对着他.
“You don’t need to apologize for anything.”,
I stopped and faced him.
“ nǐ méiyǒu shénme duìbuqǐ wǒ de dìfang…”
wǒ tíngxià le jiǎobù, miànduì zhe tā.
他也站住了. He stopped as well.
tā yě zhànzhù le.  
“我们去长青湖边走走好吗?”我央求他. “Can we have a walk to Chang Qing river?”, I asked.
“ wǒmen qù cháng qīng húbiān zǒu zǒu hǎo ma?” wǒ yāngqiú tā.  
他点了点头. He nodded.
tā diǎn le diǎntóu.  
长青湖的湖面闪着星星点点的光亮. The surface of Chang Qing river was scattered with sparkling lights.
cháng qīng hú de hú miàn shǎn zhe xīngxing diǎndiǎn de guāngliàng.  
“How is your mother doing now?”,
I should have asked this question earlier.
“ nǐ mǔqīn xiànzài zěnmeyàng le?”
wǒ zǎo gāi wèn tā zhège wèntí le.
“She passed away the second year I returned….
sometime later I found a job.”

“ tā zài wǒ huíqu de dì’èr nián jiù qùshì le….
nà zhīhòu wǒ yě zhǎodào le gōngzuò.”

“真对不起.” 我知道我的问候太迟了. “I’m so sorry.” I know my condolences came too late.
“ zhēn duìbuqǐ.” wǒ zhīdào wǒ de wènhòu tài chíle.  
“我工作刚满八个月就请假来过这里.” “After eight months of work, I actually came here once.”
“ wǒ gōngzuò gāng mǎn bā gè yuè jiù qǐngjià lái guò zhèlǐ.”  
“是吗? 我怎么不知道?” “Really? How come I didn’t know?”
“ shì ma? wǒ zěnme bù zhīdào?”  
“我先住在王浩那里. “I first stayed at Wang Hao’s when I came.
“ wǒ xiān zhù zài wáng hào nàli.  
王浩说, 你如果是来玩,
Wang Hao said to me “If you came here to spend your vacation,
then please fully enjoy it,
and don’t bother to think about anything else.
wáng hào shuō, nǐ rúguǒ shì lái wán,
jiù tòngtongkuàikuài de wán,
bié xiǎng biéde.
如果是来找你以前的女朋友, 现在就回去. But if you came here to find your ex-girlfriend, then you’d better go back now.”
rúguǒ shì lái zhǎo nǐ yǐqián de nǚpéngyou, xiànzài jiù huíqu.  
I told him I did come here to find my girlfriend,
and I wanted to have a talk with her face to face.
wǒ gàosu tā wǒ jiùshì lái zhǎo wǒ nǚpéngyou de,
xiǎng hé tā dāngmiàn tántán.
王浩说, 她下个月就结婚了,
Then Wang Hao said, “She already has her wedding planned for next month.
You’d better wake up and face reality. “
wáng hào shuō, tā xiàgèyuè jiù jiéhūn le,
ràng wǒ sǐ le zhè tiáo xīn.”
I still remembered how Wang Hao
had passed his blessing and wedding gift to me on my wedding day.
wǒ de nǎohǎi lǐ huí xiǎngqǐ hūnlǐ shàng
wáng hào zhuànjiāo gěi wǒ de tā sòng de hèlǐ hé zhùfú。
婚礼后我问王浩”他人呢?” After the wedding, I asked Wang Hao, “Where was he?”
hūnlǐ hòu wǒ wèn wáng hào” tārén ne?”  
Wang Hao explained how he had asked someone to bring the wedding gift to me,
because he had been unable to come himself.
wáng hào shuō shì tā tuō rén dàilái de,
tā běnrén bìng méiyǒu lái。
My heart started to ache.
I waited for him to finish the story.
wǒ de xiōngkǒu kāishǐ yǐnyǐn zuòtòng。。。
wǒ jìxù tīng tā bǎ gùshi jiǎng wán。

“I told Wang Hao not to make joke about this;
She had promised me she would wait for me to find her again.”
He continued.
” wǒ shuō wáng hào, nǐ bùyào dāng wǒ miàn biān xiāhuà!
tā dāying guò děng wǒ de.”
tā jiēzhe shuō xiàqù。
“Wang Hao didn’t waste words on that.
He showed me your wedding invitation right away.
On that invitation letter, your name and another man’s name was clearly printed together.
” wáng hào èrhuà méi shuō,
bǎ nǐ de jiéhūn qǐngjiǎn dì gěi wǒ kàn。
nà shàngmian qīngqīngchǔchǔ de xiě zhe nǐ hé lìngyī gè nánrén de míngzi。
只想着要马上见到你, 越快越好.
I grabbed that piece of paper and stepped outside of the door.
My mind went blank all of a sudden.
All that I wanted to do at that moment was to see you, the sooner the better.
wǒ ná zhe nà zhāng zhǐ jiù wǎngwài zǒu,
wǒ dāngshí nǎozi yīpiàn kòngbái,
zhǐ xiǎng zhe yào mǎshàng jiàndào nǐ, yuèkuàiyuèhǎo.
王浩死死地抱着我, 说我是个傻子,
Wang Hao held me back with all his might. He called me an idiot,
saying what was the point of meeting you under those circumstances.
wáng hào sǐsǐ dì bào zhe wǒ, shuō wǒ shì gè shǎzi,
zhège shíhou qù zhǎo rénjiā gànshénme?
我象疯了一样把他甩开, 骂他多管闲事. I pushed him away like a mad man, I told him to stay out of my business.
wǒ xiàng fēng le yīyàng bǎ tā shuǎikāi, mà tā duōguǎnxiánshì.  
我冲下楼梯, 王浩一路跟着我. I rushed down the stairs. Wang Hao followed me closely.
wǒ chōng xià lóutī, wáng hào yīlù gēnzhe wǒ.  
我到半路上才想起你已经不在家里住了. On my way to your home, I suddenly remembered that you did not live there anymore.
wǒ dào bàn lùshang cái xiǎngqǐ nǐ yǐjīng bù zài jiālǐ zhù le.  
I turned around and grabbed Wang Hao,
and I demanded that he tell me your address.
wǒ huítóu zhuāzhù wáng hào de yīlǐng,
ràng tā gàosu wǒ nǐ de zhùchù.
王浩一拳打在我的脸上. Wang Hao punched me right in the face.
wáng hào yī quándǎ zài wǒ de liǎn shàng.  
He told me to wake up.
I said I was awake enough to know that my girlfriend would soon marry another man,
how much more awake did you want me to be?
shuō yào ràng wǒ qīngxǐng qīngxǐng.
wǒ shuō wǒ qīngxǐng de zhīdào wǒ de nǚpéngyou jiùyào gēn biéde nánrén jiéhūn le,
nǐ hái yào wǒ zěnme qīngxǐng?!
‘如果你真爱她, 你不希望她幸福吗?’
Wang Hao shouted back,
‘If you do love her, don’t you want her to be happy?’
wáng hào duì wǒ hǒu:
‘ rúguǒ nǐ zhēn’ài tā, nǐ bù xīwàng tā xìngfú ma?’
他把我问住了. His question caught me up short.
tā bǎ wǒ wènzhù le.  
‘她幸福吗?’我问王浩. ‘Is she happy?’, I asked him.
‘ tā xìngfú ma?’ wǒ wèn wáng hào.  
他说他见过你们在一起, 很快乐.
Wang Hao nodded.
He said he had seen you two together, you were very happy.
wáng hào diǎndiǎntóu.
tā shuō tā jiàn guò nǐmen zàiyīqǐ, hěn kuàilè.
那一刻, 我的心象被掏空一样难受. At that moment, I felt as if my heart was gouged out.
nà yī kè, wǒ de xīn xiàng bèi tāo-kōng yīyàng nánshòu.  
后来的事情现在想来都很模糊了. The days that followed were vague in my memories.
hòulái de shìqing xiànzài xiǎnglái dōu hěn móhu le.  
I got drunk a few times at Wang Hao’s.
Then I left a wedding gift for you and left.”
wǒ zài wáng hào nàr dà zuì le jǐ chǎng,
gěi nǐ liúxià yī fèn hèlǐ jiù huíqu le.“
他就此打住, 没有再说下去。 He stopped right there.
tā jiùcǐ dǎzhù, méiyǒu zàishuō xiàqù。  
在不知不觉中,我的脸颊已湿。 My face had gone wet without my awareness.
zài bùzhībùjué zhōng, wǒ de liǎnjiá yǐ shī。  
I felt a weakness that I’ve never felt before.
I reached out my hand to the chair beside the river and slowly sat down.
wǒ gǎndào cóngwèi yǒu guò de xūruò。
wǒ shēnshǒu fú zhù húbiān de chángyǐ, huǎnhuǎn de zuò xiàlai。


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