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Learn Mandarin Online Short Story – 她的故事 Her Story (Intermediate)
她的故事 Her Story [1] | tā de gùshi |
她, 一个温柔清秀的女孩儿, 从小被养父母抚养长大。 |
She was a gentle and good looking girl raised by an adoptive family. |
tā, yī gè wēnróu qīngxiù de nǚháir, cóngxiǎo bèi yǎng fùmǔ fǔyǎng zhǎngdà。 |
养父母不能生育, 对她如亲生女儿一样宠爱。 |
Her adoptive parents couldn’t bear child of their own. The couple loved her as their own daughter. |
yǎng fùmǔ bùnéng shēngyù, duì tā rú qīnshēng nǚ’ér yīyàng chǒng’ài。 |
那一年,中越边境正在打仗。 学校里组织学生去部队医院听英模的演讲。 |
That year, Vietnam was having a war with China on the border. School students were organized to visit military hospitals and attend presentations of the soldiers’ medals. |
nà yī nián, zhōng yuè biānjìng zhèngzài dǎzhàng。 xuéxiào lǐ zǔzhī xuésheng qù bùduì yīyuàn tīng yīng mó de yǎnjiǎng。 |
就是从前线打仗回来的战士 给大家讲战争的故事。 |
I.e, from the battlefront fight returned soldiers, |
jiùshì cóng qiánxiàn dǎzhàng huílai de zhànshì gěi dàjiā jiǎng zhànzhēng de gùshi。 |
过后, 同学们还要去病房看望疗伤的士兵。 |
They visited the wounded soldiers in the wards afterward. |
guòhòu, tóngxué men hái yào qù bìngfáng kànwàng liáoshāng de shìbīng。 |
城市里长大的她被那些 热血沸腾的战斗故事深深吸引。 |
Growing up in the city, she was deeply drawn to those bloody battle field stories. |
chéngshì lǐ zhǎngdà de tā bèi nàxiē rèxuè-fèiténg de zhàndòu gùshi shēnshēn xīyǐn。 |
并且悄悄爱上了在战斗中失去双腿的他。 | She even fell in love with a guy, who had lost both legs in the war. |
bìngqiě qiāoqiāo àishàng le zài zhàndòu zhōng shīqù shuāngtuǐ de tā。 | |
她主动到医院照顾他, 陪他说话,为他擦洗, |
She volunteered to take care of him in the hospital. She talked with him, and helped him to stay clean. |
tā zhǔdòng dào yīyuàn zhàogu tā, péi tā shuōhuà, wéi tā cāxǐ, |
两颗年轻的心紧紧的靠到了一起。 | The two young hearts became closer and closer. |
liǎng kē niánqīng de xīn jǐnjǐn de kào dào le yīqǐ。 | |
在他康复出院的那一天, 十六岁的她向家人宣布, |
On the day he was released from the hospital, she at the age of 16 made an announcement to her family |
zài tā kāngfù chūyuàn de nà yī tiān, shíliù suì de tā xiàng jiārén xuānbù, |
她要放弃学业和他结婚, 随他嫁到边远的山区。 |
that she decided to give up her studying and to marry him. She would go with him to live in the remote mountain area. |
tā yào fàngqì xuéyè hé tā jiéhūn, suí tā jià dào biānyuǎn de shānqū。 |
她的故事 Her Story [2] | |
她的决定差点儿让养父养母晕了过去。 | Upon hearing her decision, her parents almost passed out. |
tā de juédìng chàdiǎnr ràng yǎngfù yǎngmǔ yūn le guòqu。 | |
他们用尽各种方式劝说她 放弃这个幼稚的想法, 可是都无法改变她的决定。 |
They tried all they could to persuade her to give up this naive (childish) decision. However, a girl in love like her, could not listen to anything. |
tāmen yòngjìn gèzhǒng fāngshì quànshuō tā
fàngqì zhège yòuzhì de xiǎngfǎ, kěshì dōu wúfǎ gǎibiàn tā de juédìng。 |
很快她上了新闻头条。 被称为”英雄的妻子”, 成为同学们的榜样。 |
Soon her name was in the news headlines, she became a model for the rest of the school. |
hěn kuài tā shàng le xīnwén tóutiáo。 bèi chēngwéi ”yīngxióng de qīzi”, chéngwéi tóngxué men de bǎngyàng。 |
那一天天上下着蒙蒙的细雨, 她推着轮椅上幸福微笑着的丈夫, |
That day, it was raining lightly, pushing a smiling husband in the wheel chair, |
nà yī tiān tiānshàng xià zhe méngméng de xìyǔ, tā tuī zhe lúnyǐ shàng xìngfú wēixiào zhe de zhàngfu, |
在领导,老师, 同学们的祝福中上了火车。 |
she was escorted and blessed by officials, teachers, and students to get on the train. |
zài lǐngdǎo, lǎoshī, tóngxué men de zhùfú zhōng shàng le huǒchē。 |
当车门被紧紧关上时候, 她盼望的目光还停留在远处站台的入口。 |
When the door of the train shut tightly, her eyes were still searching the entrance of the platform. |
dāng chēmén bèi jǐnjǐn guānshang shíhou, tā pànwàng de mùguāng hái tíngliú zài yuǎnchù zhàntái de rùkǒu。 |
可是养父母并没有出现。 他们无法接受这个现实, 赌气与她脱离了父母关系。 |
However, her parents didn’t show up. Devastated, her parents revoked their parental relationship with her. |
kěshì yǎng fùmǔ bìng méiyǒu chūxiàn。 tāmen wúfǎ jiēshòu zhège xiànshí, dǔqì yǔ tā tuōlí le fùmǔ guānxi。 |
伤心过度的养母 此时正躺在病床上输着液。 |
The broken hearted adoptive mother was lying in bed at this time with a transfusion solution. |
shāngxīn guòdù de yǎngmǔ cǐshí zhèng tǎng zài bìngchuáng shàng shū zhe yè |
她的故事 Her Story [3] | |
火车走了一天又一天, 然后是汽车, 然后是很长很长的山路。 |
The train kept going day after day, and then they transferred to bus, and then they had a long marching in the mountains, |
huǒchē zǒu le yī tiān yòu yī tiān, ránhòu shì qìchē, ránhòu shì hěn cháng hěn cháng de shānlù。 |
最终, 在另外两个同路的战士的帮助下, |
finally, |
zuìzhōng, zài lìngwài liǎng gè tónglù de zhànshì de bāngzhù xià, |
疲惫不堪的他们总算在天黑之前回了家 -一个坐落在深山里的农家小院。 |
exhausted, they arrived home – a small court yard in the mountains. |
píbèi bùkān de tāmen zǒngsuàn zài tiān hēi zhīqián huí le jiā - yī gè zuòluò zài shēnshān lǐ de nóngjiā xiǎo yuàn。 |
她的公公婆婆老泪纵横的 来迎接他们没了双腿的儿子 和城里来的年轻媳妇。 |
Her mother-in-law and father-in-law, with tears in eyes, welcomed their disabled son and young daughter-in-law from the city to be back home. |
tā de gōnggong pópo lǎo lèi zònghéng de lái yíngjiē tāmen méile shuāngtuǐ de érzi hé chéng lǐ lái de niánqīng xífù。 |
从此,为了爱情, 她心甘情愿的做了一个农妇。 |
From that day on, for love, she turned herself into a peasants wife. |
cóngcǐ, wèile àiqíng, tā xīngānqíngyuàn de zuò le yī gè nóngfù。 |
很多年后,战争早已结束, 她和他的故事渐渐在人们的记忆中淡忘。 |
Many years later, their story was fading away from people’s memories. |
hěn duō nián hòu, zhànzhēng zǎoyǐ jiéshù, tā hé tā de gùshi jiànjiàn zài rénmen de jìyì zhōng dànwàng。 |
一次偶然的机会,我听到了关于她的消息。 | By accident, I heard about her again … |
yīcì ǒurán de jīhuì, wǒ tīng dàoliǎo guānyú tā de xiāoxi。 |