Корейский язык KOR86
EK06: | EK-16 L6 Example sentences |  p98 (78)
6.1 Наличие предмета Existence and location with isso-yo and opso-yo
책이에요 Это книга, тут книга есть.
"Книга /это/ /в/, йо."
It's a book. They are books.
책이 있어요 Книга есть (где-то).
"Книга /это/ иметься."
There is a book (somewhere).
There are some books (somewhere).
(Someone) has got a book.
책(이) 아니에요 Это не книга.
"Книга /это/ не быть."
It's not a book
They aren't books.
책이 없어요 Книги нет. There isn't any hook (somewhere).
There aren't any books (somewhere).
(Someone) hasn't got a book.
학교에요 Это школа. It's a school, or They are schools.
It's at school.
학교에 있어요 (Где-то) есть школа.
Школа имеется.
They are at school, or
There's (one) at school.
There are (some) at school.
They've got one at school.
학교(가) 아니에요 Это не школа.
"Школа /выделение/ не есть."
It's not a school.
They aren't schools.
학교에 없어요 Школы нет. It's not at school.
They aren't at school, or
There isn't or aren't (any) at school
여기가 어디에요? Это что за место?
"Тут "где в, йо" ?"
What is this (place)?
[Lit.: This place is what place?]
여기 어디(에) 있어요? Где это место?
"Место/Тут, где является?"
Where in this place is it? or
Where in this place is there (one)?
  Местоположение предмета  
그 학생이 여기 있어요 Этот студент тут. The student is here.
대학교 뒤에 시장이 없어요 За институтом, рынка нет. There isn't any market behind the university.
교실 안에 그림이 있어요? В классе, есть картинки? Are there any pictures in the classroom:
네, 있어요 Да, есть. Yes, there are.
아니오, 없어요 Нет, нет ("не иметься"). No, there aren't
백화점이 어디(에) 있어요?
백화점이 어디에요?
Где универмаг? Where is the department store?
저기 있어요 Вон там. Its over there.
화장실이 어디(에) 있어요? Где туалет? Where is the toilet?
왼편에 있어요 Слева. It's to your left.
여기 호텔이 있어요? Тут есть отель? Is there a hotel here?
없어요 Нет. (No) there isn't.
6.2 Владение предметом Possession with isso-yo and opso-yo
돈이 있어요? Есть деньги? Is there money (in some place)?
Have you [any] money?
여자친구가 없어요 Подруги нет. There aren't any girlfriends.
I haven't got a girlfriend.
내가 애기가 있어요 У меня есть ребёнок. I have a baby.
그 사람은 가방이 있어요? У него ("Тот человек"), сумка есть? Does he have a satchel/bag?
우리는 텔레비전이 없어요 У нас нет телевизора. We don't have a television.
만호는 종이가 없어요 У Манхо нет бумаги. Manho hasn't got any paper.
성냥이 있어요? Есть (у тебя / вообще) спички? Have you got a match?
있어요 Есть. (Yes), I have.
돈이 없어요 Денет (у меня / вообще) нет. I haven't any money.
나는 가방이 없어요 У меня нет сумки. I haven't got a briefcase.
6.3 Частица "в" Location particle e (ai)
우리는 교실 안에 있어요 Мы в классе.
"Мы, класс "внутри в" являться."
We're in the classroom.
그 사람은 학교에 없어요 Он не в школе.
"Этот человек школа в /не являться/."
He's not at school.
어디(에) 있어요? Где это.
Что это за место?
Where is it?
거기(에) ... Там... (In) that place...
6.4 Частица "(вместе) с" Particle hago - (together) with
담배하고 성냥 Сигареты и спички
Сигареты со спичками
Cigarettes and matches
진영 씨는 어디(에) 있어요? Где Чин-йонг? Where's Jinyong ?
옆방에 남자친구하고 있어요 В соседней комнате, со (своим) приятелем. She's in the next room with her boyfriend.
6.5 Указание местоположения предмета Place nouns
광화문 근처에는 무슨 건물이 있어요 В окрестности Кванг-хва-мун, какие здания есть/имеются? What kind of buildings are there in the vicinity of Kwanghwamun?
백화점 건너편에 무엇이 있어요? Напротив универмага, что есть / что там? What is there across from the department store?
대학교 정문 앞에 가방가게가 있어요? Перед главными воротами университета, магазин сумок есть? Is there a briefcase shop outside (in front of) the main gate of the university?
이 건물 안에 커피숍이 있어요? В этом здании /внутри/, coffee-shop (кафе), есть? Is there a coffee shop in(side of) this building?
6.6 Частица "тема предложения" The topic Particle
가방 속에 무엇이 있어요? В (данной) сумке, что есть? Talking about the inside of the bag, what is in there?
왼편에는... 오른편에는... Слева /что-то/... Справа /что-то/... On the left (guess what?!).. . (and) on the right (guess what?!)
6.7 Ответ на негативный вопрос. Answering negative question
가방 속에 담배는 없어요? В сумке, нет сигарет? Don't you have any cigarettes inside your briefcase?
네, 없어요 Да (я подтверждаю), нет. Yes, [I agree with your words] there aren't any.
아니오, 있어요 Нет (я отрицаю), есть. No, [your impression is mistaken] there are some cigarettes.
그 사람은 미국사람이 아니에요? Он - не американец? Isn't that man an American?
, 아니에요. 영국사람이에요 Да, "не являться." (Он - ) англичанин. No, he's not. He's English. (Yes, he's not an American.)
연필아 없어요? Нет ли карандаша? Haven't you a pencil?
네, 없어요 Да, нет (у меня карандаша). No, I haven't.
가방(이) 없어요? Есть ли (у тебя / вообще) сумка? Don't you have a bag ?
아니오, 있어요 Нет, имеется (у меня сумка). Yes, I do.
6.8 "дыль" - множественное число The Plural marker "Dyl"
책하고 공책하고 연필이 있어요 Книга, тетрадь, карандаш (имеется у меня).
Книги, тетради, карандаши (есть у меня).
I've got a book, a notebook, and a pencil.
I've got some hooks, a notebook, and a pencil.
I've got some books, a notebook, and some pencils.
I've got some books, some notebooks, and a pencil.
어서 오세요! Прошу вас, проходите!
Добро пожаловать!
Welcome! (said to more than person to be explicit that all are welcome)
천천히 가세요! Помедленнее (вы) езжайте! Go slow! (said to two or more people going too fast)
  "Дыль" передаёт общую идею множественного числа,
может стоять не сразу за словом.
The word "dyl" is uniquely versatile.
It may pop up just about anywhere in a Korean sentence except on the verb at the very end.
Furthermore, "dyl" need not always refer to the words near it.
It is used to make explicit that the speaker is talking about (or to) more than one thing (or person).
학생이 어디에 있어요? Где студенты?
"Студент /мн.ч./ /это/ где есть"?
Where are the students?
교실에 있어요 В классах.
"Класс /в/ /мн.ч./ есть."
They're in the classroom.