無 | む | nothing, naught, nil, zero |
無駄 | むだ | futility, uselessness |
無料 | むりょう | free, no charge |
無視 | むし | disregard, ignore |
迎え | むかえ | meeting, person sent to pick up an arrival |
向く | むく | to face |
向かい | むかい | facing, opposite, across the street, other side |
向ける | むける | to turn towards, to point |
虫歯 | むしば | cavity, tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries |
寧ろ | むしろ | rather, better, instead |
結ぶ | むすぶ | to tie, to bind, to link |
夢中 | むちゅう | daze, (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium, engrossment |
胸 | むね | breast, chest |