メモ | memorandum | |
面 | めん | face, surface |
面倒 | めんどう | trouble, difficulty, care, attention |
綿 | めん,わた | cotton, padding |
免許 | めんきょ | license, permit, certificate |
メンバー | member | |
申し込む | もうしこむ | to apply for, to make an application |
申し訳 | もうしわけ | apology, excuse |
毛布 | もうふ | blanket |
燃える | もえる | to burn |
目的 | もくてき | purpose, goal, aim, objective, intention |
目標 | もくひょう | mark, objective, target |
木曜 | もくよう | Thursday |
文字 | もじ,もんじ | letter (of alphabet), character |
もしも | if | |
持ち上げる | もちあげる | to raise, to lift up, to flatter |
用いる | もちいる | to use, to make use of |
勿論 | もちろん | of course, certainly, naturally |
最も | もっとも | most, extremely |
尤も | もっとも | quite right, plausible, natural, but then, although |
元 | もと | (1) origin, original, (2) former |
基 | もと | basis |
元,本,素 | もと | origin, genesis |
戻す | もどす | to restore, to put back, to return |
基づく | もとづく | to be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to, to originate from |
求める | もとめる | to seek, to request, to demand, to want, to wish for |
者 | もの | person |
物音 | ものおと | sounds |
物語 | ものがたり | tale, story, legend |
物事 | ものごと | things, everything |
模様 | もよう | pattern, figure, design |
貰う | もらう | to receive |
文句 | もんく | phrase; complaints |