身 | み | body, main part, oneself, sword |
実 | み | fruit, nut, seed, content, good result |
見る | みる | to see, to watch |
見送り | みおくり | seeing one off, farewell, escort |
見事 | みごと | splendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable |
見舞い | みまい | enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern |
味方 | みかた | friend, ally, supporter |
ミス | miss (mistake, error, failure), Miss | |
満ちる | みちる | to be full, to rise (tide), to mature, to expire |
密 | みつ | secret |
認める | みとめる | to recognize, to appreciate, to approve, to admit, to notice |
皆 | みんな | all, everyone, everybody |
土産 | みやげ | present, souvenir |
都 | みやこ | capital |
妙 | みょう | strange, unusual |
明後日 | みょうごにち | day after tomorrow |
未来 | みらい | future (life, tense) |
魅力 | みりょく | charm, fascination, glamour |
ミルク | milk |