間 | ま | space, room, time, pause |
まあ | (female) you might say | |
マーケット | market | |
マイク | mike | |
迷子 | まいご | lost (stray) child |
任せる | まかせる | to entrust to another, to leave to |
幕 | まく | curtain, bunting, act (in play) |
負け | まけ | defeat, loss, losing (a game) |
孫 | まご | grandchild |
まさか | indeed, surely; by no means | |
正に | まさに | correctly, surely |
真面目 | まじめ | diligent, serious, honest |
増す | ます | to increase, to grow |
先ず | まず | first (of all), to start with, about, almost, hardly (with neg. verb) |
貧しい | まずしい | poor, needy |
マスター | proprietor, manager, master (e.g. arts, science) | |
益々 | ますます | increasingly, more and more |
又 | また | again, and |
未だ | まだ | yet, still, more, besides |
街 | まち | (1) town, (2) street, road |
間違い | まちがい | mistake |
松 | まつ | pine tree |
真っ赤 | まっか | deep red, flushed (of face) |
真っ直ぐ | まっすぐ | straight (ahead), direct, upright |
全く | まったく | really, truly, entirely, completely |
祭 | まつり | festival, feast |
学ぶ | まなぶ | to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in |
真似 | まね | mimicry, imitation, behavior, pretense |
招く | まねく | to beckon, to call; to invite |
ママ | Mama | |
豆 | まめ | beans, peas |
守る | まもる | to protect, to obey, to guard, to abide (by the rules) |
丸 | まる | circle, full (month), perfection, purity, suffix for ship names |
丸い | まるい | round, circular, spherical |
丸で | まるで | quite, entirely, completely |
円 | まる | circle, money |
回す | まわす | to turn, to revolve |
回り | まわり | circumference, surroundings, circulation |
万一 | まんいち | by some chance, by some possibility, if by any chance, 10E4:1 odds |
満足 | まんぞく | satisfaction |