space, room, time, pause
  まあ (female) you might say
  マーケット market
  マイク mike
迷子 まいご lost (stray) child
任せる まかせる to entrust to another, to leave to
まく curtain, bunting, act (in play)
負け まけ defeat, loss, losing (a game)
まご grandchild
  まさか indeed,  surely; by no means
正に まさに correctly, surely
真面目 まじめ diligent, serious, honest
増す ます to increase, to grow
先ず まず first (of all), to start with, about, almost, hardly (with neg. verb)
貧しい まずしい poor, needy
  マスター proprietor, manager, master (e.g. arts,  science)
益々 ますます increasingly, more and more
また again, and
未だ まだ yet, still, more, besides
まち (1) town, (2) street, road
間違い まちがい mistake
まつ pine tree
真っ赤 まっか deep red, flushed (of face)
真っ直ぐ まっすぐ straight (ahead), direct, upright
全く まったく really, truly, entirely, completely
まつり festival, feast
学ぶ まなぶ to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
真似 まね mimicry, imitation, behavior, pretense
招く まねく to beckon,  to call; to invite
  ママ Mama
まめ beans, peas
守る まもる to protect, to obey, to guard, to abide (by the rules)
まる circle, full (month), perfection, purity, suffix for ship names
丸い まるい round, circular, spherical
丸で まるで quite, entirely, completely
まる circle, money
回す まわす to turn, to revolve
回り まわり circumference, surroundings, circulation
万一 まんいち by some chance, by some possibility, if by any chance, 10E4:1 odds
満足 まんぞく satisfaction