方 | ほう | side |
法 | ほう | Act (law: the X Act) |
棒 | ぼう | pole, rod, stick |
棒状 | ぼうじょう | a cylinder form |
冒険 | ぼうけん | risk, venture, adventure |
方向 | ほうこう | direction, course, way |
方法 | ほうほう | method, manner, way, means, technique |
方々 | ほうぼう | persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere |
報告 | ほうこく | report, information |
宝石 | ほうせき | gem, jewel |
放送 | ほうそう | broadcast, broadcasting |
豊富 | ほうふ | abundance, wealth, plenty, bounty |
訪問 | ほうもん | call, visit |
吠える | ほえる | to bark, to bay, to howl, to bellow, to roar, to cry |
ボーイ | boy | |
ボート | rowing boat | |
ホーム | (1) platform, (2) home | |
ボール | ball, bowl | |
他 | ほか | other (esp. places and things) |
外 | ほか | other place, the rest |
誇り | ほこり | pride |
埃 | ほこり | dust |
保証 | ほしょう | guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty |
保存 | ほぞん | preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance |
程 | ほど | degree, extent, bounds, limit |
歩道 | ほどう | footpath, walkway, sidewalk |
仏 | ほとけ | Buddha, merciful person, Buddhist image, the dead |
骨 | ほね | bone |
炎 | ほのお | flame |
頬 | ほほ | cheek (of face) |
頬 | ほお | cheek (of face) |
略 | ほぼ | almost, roughly, approximately |
微笑む | ほほえむ | to smile |
褒める | ほめる | to praise, to admire, to speak well |
濠 | ほり | moat; water trench |
本当 | ほんと | really; truth, reality |
本当 | ほんとう | truth, reality |
本人 | ほんにん | the person himself |
本物 | ほんもの | genuine article |
ぼんやり | absent-minded, block-head, dim, faint, vague |