灯 | ひ | lamp, light |
ビール | beer | |
被害 | ひがい | damage, harm |
比較 | ひかく | comparison |
轢く | ひく | to run somebody over (with vehicle), to knock someone down |
ピクニック | picnic | |
悲劇 | ひげき | tragedy |
非常 | ひじょう | emergency, extraordinary, unusual |
飛行 | ひこう | aviation |
膝 | ひざ | knee, lap |
美人 | びじん | beautiful person (woman) |
額 | ひたい | forehead, brow |
びっくり | be surprised, be amazed, be frightened, astonishment | |
日付 | ひづけ | date, dating |
必死 | ひっし | inevitable death, desperation, frantic, inevitable result |
ぴったり | exactly, neatly, sharp | |
引っ張る | ひっぱる | (1) to pull, to draw, to stretch, to drag, (2) to pull the ball (baseball) |
否定 | ひてい | negation, denial, repudiation |
ビデオ | video | |
一言 | ひとこと | single word |
人込み | ひとごみ | crowd of people |
等しい | ひとしい | equal |
独り | ひとり | alone, unmarried |
一人一人 | ひとりひとり | one by one, each, one at a time |
批判 | ひはん | criticism, judgment, comment |
批評 | ひひょう | criticism, review, commentary |
評価 | ひょうか | valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation |
評判 | ひょうばん | fame, reputation, popularity, arrant |
秘密 | ひみつ | secret, secrecy |
微妙 | びみょう | delicate, subtle |
紐 | ひも | (1) string, cord, (2) pimp |
費用 | ひよう | cost, expense |
秒 | びょう | second (60th min) |
表 | ひょう | table (e.g. Tab 1), chart, list |
表現 | ひょうげん | expression, presentation, representation (math) |
表情 | ひょうじょう | facial expression |
表面 | ひょうめん | surface, outside, face, appearance |
平等 | びょうどう | equality (a), impartiality, evenness |
広がる | ひろがる | to spread (out), to extend, to stretch, to reach to, to get around |
品 | ひん | thing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods), counter for meal courses |
瓶 | びん | bottle |
便 | びん | way, means |
便乗 | びんじょう | taking a ship |
ピン | pin |