場 | ば | place, field (physics) |
場面 | ばめん | scene, setting (e.g. of novel) |
はあ(感) | ah? what? | |
はい(感) | yes | |
パーセント | percent | |
佩 | はい | wear, put on sword |
佩剣 | はいけん | wearing a sword |
灰 | はい | ash |
灰殻 | はいがら | ashes |
梅雨 | ばいう, つゆ | rainy season, rain during the rainy season |
バイオリン | violin | |
ハイキング | hiking | |
配達 | はいたつ | delivery, distribution |
パイプ | (1) pipe, tube, (2) channels, official or otherwise | |
俳優 | はいゆう | actor, actress, player, performer |
パイロット | pilot | |
墓 | はか | grave, tomb |
墓参り | はかまいり | visit to a grave |
馬鹿 | ばか | fool, idiot, trivial matter, folly |
博士 | はかせ | doctorate, PhD |
博愛 | はくあい | charity; benevolence; philanthropy |
博物館 | はくぶつかん | museum |
計る | はかる | to measure, to weigh, to survey |
履く | はく | to wear, to put on (lower body) |
吐く | はく | (1) to breathe, (2) to tell (lies), (3) to vomit, to disgorge |
拍手 | はくしゅ | clapping hands, applause |
莫大 | ばくだい | enormous, vast |
爆発 | ばくはつ | explosion, detonation, eruption |
激しい | はげしい | violent, vehement, intense |
鋏 | はさみ | scissors |
破産 | はさん | (personal) bankruptcy |
端 | はし | end (e.g. of street), edge, tip, margin, point |
端た金 | はしたがね | small sum of money |
始まり | はじまり | origin, beginning |
パス | path, pass (in games) | |
外す | はずす | to unfasten, to remove |
パスポート | passport | |
旗 | はた | flag |
肌 | はだ | skin |
裸 | はだか | naked, nude |
畑 | はたけ | field |
二十 | はたち | 20 years old, 20th year |
働き | はたらき | work, labor |
バッグ | bag, bug | |
発見 | はっけん | discovery, detection, finding |
発行 | はっこう | issue (publications) |
発車 | はっしゃ | departure of a vehicle |
発展 | はってん | development, growth |
発表 | はっぴょう | announcement, publication |
発明 | はつめい | invention |
発達 | はったつ | development, growth |
罰する | ばっする | to punish, to penalize |
ばったり | with a clash (thud), with a bang, plump, flop | |
話し合う | はなしあう | to discuss, to talk together |
離す | はなす | to part, divide, separate |
離れる | はなれる | to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off |
放す | はなす | to separate, to set free |
羽 | はね | counter for birds, counter for rabbits |
幅 | はば | width, breadth |
幅広い | はばひろい | extensive; wide; broad |
母親 | ははおや | mother |
省く | はぶく | to omit, to eliminate, to curtail, to economize |
腹 | はら | abdomen, belly, stomach |
原 | はら | field, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness |
針 | はり | needle, hand (e.g. clock) |
張る | はる | to stick, to paste |
番 | ばん | |
バン | bun, van (caravan), VAN (value-added network) | |
範囲 | はんい | extent, scope, sphere, range |
反抗 | はんこう | opposition, resistance |
ハンサム | handsome | |
判断 | はんだん | judgment, decision |
犯人 | はんにん | offender, criminal |
犯罪 | はんざい | crime |
販売 | はんばい | sale, selling, marketing |
販路 | はんろ | market, outlet |