出 | で | outflow, coming (going) out, graduate (of) |
出会い | であい | meeting, rendezvous, encounter |
出会う | であう | to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter |
出端 | では | chance of going out, opportunity (to succeed), moment of departure, beginning of work |
提案 | ていあん | proposal, proposition, suggestion |
提出 | ていしゅつ | presentation, submission, filing |
定期 | ていき | fixed term |
抵抗 | ていこう | electrical resistance, resistance, opposition |
程度 | ていど | degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number) |
停留所 | ていりゅうじょ | bus or tram stop |
デート | date, go on a date | |
敵 | てき | enemy, rival |
適する | てきする | to fit, to suit |
適切 | てきせつ | pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance |
適度 | てきど | moderate |
適用 | てきよう | applying |
できる(可能。出現。発生) | to be able to, to be ready, to occur | |
出来事 | できごと | incident, affair, happening, event |
出来るだけ | できるだけ | if at all possible |
できれば | preferably, if possibly | |
手品 | てじな | sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, juggling |
手間 | てま | time, labour |
手伝い | てつだい | help, helper, assistant |
ですから | therefore | |
鉄 | てつ | iron |
鉄道 | てつどう | railroad |
哲学 | てつがく | philosophy |
徹底 | てってい | thoroughness, completeness |
徹夜 | てつや | all night, all night vigil, sleepless night |
では | well, then | |
でも | but, however | |
デモ | (abbr) demo, demonstration | |
典型 | てんけい | type, pattern, archetypal |
天候 | てんこう | weather |
天然 | てんねん | nature, spontaneity |
電子 | でんし | electron |
テント | tent | |
伝統 | でんとう | tradition, convention |