田 | た | rice field |
他 | た | other (esp. places and things) |
他人 | たにん | another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger |
対 | たい | pair, couple, set |
対象 | たいしょう | target, object (of worship, study, etc), subject (of taxation, etc) |
対する | たいする | to face, to confront, to oppose |
台 | だい | stand, rack, table, support |
題 | だい | title, subject, theme, topic |
題材 | だいざい | material, theme, subject |
題目 | だいもく | book title, heading |
体育 | たいいく | physical education, gymnastics, athletics |
体温 | たいおん | temperature (body) |
団体 | だんたい | organization, association |
大 | だい | big |
大会 | たいかい | convention, tournament, mass meeting, rally |
大気 | たいき | atmosphere |
大使 | たいし | ambassador |
大した | たいした | considerable, great, important, significant, a big deal |
大戦 | たいせん | great war, great battle |
大抵 | たいてい | usually, generally |
大統領 | だいとうりょう | president, chief executive |
大半 | たいはん | majority, mostly, generally |
大部分 | だいぶぶん | most part, greater part, majority |
大変 | たいへん | awful, dreadful, terrible, very |
大陸 | たいりく | continent |
大臣 | だいじん | cabinet minister |
退屈 | たいくつ | tedium, boredom |
滞在 | たいざい | stay, sojourn |
態度 | たいど | attitude, manner |
代表 | だいひょう | representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model |
代金 | だいきん | price, payment, cost, charge |
代理 | だいり | representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent |
タイプライター | typewriter | |
逮捕 | たいほ | arrest, apprehension, capture |
ダイヤ | (1) dyer, (2) diagram, (3) (railway) schedule, (4) diamond | |
太陽 | たいよう | sun, solar |
平ら | たいら | flatness, level, smooth, calm, plain |
倒す | たおす | to throw down, to beat, to bring down, to blow down |
タオル | (hand) towel | |
だが | but | |
互い | たがい | mutual, reciprocal |
宝 | たから | treasure |
宝物 | たからもの | treasure |
だから | so, therefore | |
宅 | たく | house, home, husband |
宅配 | たくはい | home delivery |
だけど | however | |
確かめる | たしかめる | to ascertain |
多少 | たしょう | more or less, somewhat, a little, some |
多分 | たぶん | perhaps, probably |
助ける | たすける | to help, to save, to rescue |
ただ | mere, only, purely | |
唯 | ただ | mere, sole, only |
唯今 | ただいま | just now; I came home! |
たった | mere, sole, only, but | |
だって | but, because, even, also, too | |
たっぷり | full, in plenty, ample | |
戦い | たたかい | battle, fight, struggle, conflict |
戦う | たたかう | to fight, to battle, to combat |
叩く | たたく | to strike, to clap, to dust, to beat |
直ちに | ただちに | at once, immediately, directly, in person |
立ち上がる | たちあがる | to stand up |
立場 | たちば | standpoint, position, situation |
経つ | たつ | to pass, to lapse |
達する | たっする | to reach, to get to |
縦 | たて | length, height |
縦波 | たてなみ | longitudinal wave |
例え | たとえ | simile, metaphor, allegory |
谷 | たに | valley |
谷間 | たにま | ravine, chasm, valley |
種 | たね | (1) seed, (2) material, (3) cause, source |
種変わり | たねがわり | variety; brother or sister; different strain; hybrid |
束 | たば | handbreadth, bundle |
度 | たび | counter for occurrences |
度々 | たびたび | often, repeatedly, frequently |
旅 | たび | travel, trip, journey |
旅商人 | たびしょうにん | peddler |
玉 | たま | ball, sphere, coin |
球 | たま | globe, sphere, ball |
弾 | たま | bullet, shot, shell |
偶に | たまに | occasionally |
偶々 | たまたま | casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance |
堪らない | たまらない | intolerable, unbearable, unendurable |
黙る | だまる | to be silent |
駄目 | だめ | useless, no good, hopeless |
試し | ためし | trial, test |
試す | ためす | to attempt, to test |
便り | たより | news, tidings; information, correspondence, letter |
頼る | たよる | to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on |
誰か | だれか | someone, somebody |
段 | だん | step, stair, flight of steps, grade, rank, level |
段段 | だんだん | gradually |
単位 | たんい | unit, denomination, credit (in school) |
単語 | たんご | word, vocabulary, (usually) single-character word |
単純 | たんじゅん | simplicity |
単なる | たんなる | mere, simple, sheer |
単に | たんに | simply, merely, only, solely |
男子 | だんし | youth, young man |
誕生 | たんじょう | birth |
ダンス | dance | |
担当 | たんとう | (in) charge, to be in charge |
担保 | たんぽ | collateral, (mortgage) security |