そう そう so
ぞう elephant
騒音 そうおん noise
騒乱 そうらん riot, disturbance
増加 ぞうか increase, addition
増進 ぞうしん advance, promotion
増大 ぞうだい enlargement
操作 そうさ (manipulate) operation, management, processing
操行 そうこう conduct
掃除 そうじ cleaning, sweeping
掃除機 そうじき vacuum cleaner
掃討 そうとう sweeping up, cleaning up
想像 そうぞう imagination, guess
相続 そうぞく succession, inheritance
相談 そうだん consultation, discussion
相当 そうとう suitable, fair, tolerable, proper
装置 そうち equipment, installation, apparatus
装束 しょうぞく costume; personal appearance; decoration
速度 そくど speed, velocity, rate
そこ bottom, sole
底力 そこぢから latent energy
  そこで so (conj), accordingly, now, then, thereupon
組織 そしき (1) organization, (2) structure, construction, (3) (living) tissue
組閣 そかく formation of a cabinet
  そして and
注ぐ そそぐ to pour (into), to irrigate, to pay, to fill, to feed (e.g. a fire)
育つ そだつ to raise (child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
育て親 そだておや foster parent
  そっくり all, altogether, entirely, be just like, the splitting image of
率土 そっと face of the earth
率直 そっちょく frankness; candor
率然 そつぜん suddenly, unexpectedly
そで sleeve
袖口 そでぐち cuff
備える そなえる to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install
其の その the, that
その内 そのうち eventually, sooner or later, of the previously mentioned
  そのまま without change, as it is (i.e. now)
そば side, edge, third person
  ソファー sofa, couch
粗末 そまつ crude, rough, plain, humble
粗暴 そぼう wild; rude; violent
粗大な そだいな coarse, rough
  それ(接。感) it, that
各々 それぞれ each, every; either; respectively
  それでも but (still), and yet, nevertheless, even so, notwithstanding
  それと and with that...
其れ共 それとも or, or else
そん loss, harm; disadvantage
損害 そんがい damage, injury, loss
損じ そんじ error, failure
そん exalted
尊敬 そんけい respect, esteem, reverence, honor
尊重 そんちょう respect, esteem, regard
尊卑 そんぴ aristocrat and plebeian; high and low
存在 そんざい existence, being