family name, lineage, birth
幸せ しあわせ happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing
  ジーンズ jeans
ジェット機 ジェットき jet aeroplane
じき earnestly, immediately, exactly
直に じかに immediately, readily, directly
  しかも moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, and yet
叱る しかる to scold
しき equation, formula, ceremony
時期 じき time, season, period
時刻 じこく instant, time, moment
頻りに しきりに frequently, repeatedly, incessantly, eagerly
刺激 しげき stimulus, impetus, incentive
事件 じけん event, affair, incident
事実 じじつ fact, truth, reality
事情 じじょう circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasons
事態 じたい situation, present state of affairs
自殺 じさつ suicide
自身 じしん by oneself, personally
自然 しぜん nature, spontaneous
自動 じどう automatic, self-motion
自慢 じまん pride, boast
支給 しきゅう payment, allowance
支出 ししゅつ expenditure, expenses
支度 したく preparation
支店 してん branch store (office)
支配 しはい rule, control, direction
支払 しはらい payment
支払う しはらう to pay
poem, verse of poetry
詩人 しじん poet
沈む しずむ to sink, to feel depressed
思想 しそう thought, idea
した tongue
次第 しだい (1) order, precedence, (2) circumstances, (3) immediate(ly)
従う したがう to abide (by the rules), to obey, to follow, to accompany
従って したがって therefore, consequently, in accordance with
親しい したしい intimate, close (e.g. friend)
しち seven
しつ quality, nature (of person)
質問 しつもん question; inquiry
失業 しつぎょう unemployment
失望 しつぼう disappointment,  despair
失格 しっかく disqualification,  elimination
失礼 しつれい discourtesy
実は じつは as a matter of fact, by the way
実に じつに indeed, truly, surely
実験 じっけん experiment
実現 じつげん implementation, materialization, realization
実行 じっこう practice, performance, execution (e.g. program), realization
実際 じっさい practical, actual condition, status quo
実施 じっし enforcement, enact, put into practice, carry out, operation
  じっと fixedly, firmly, patiently, quietly
指導 しどう leadership, guidance, coaching
しな thing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods), counter for meal courses
品切れ しなぎれ out of stock,  stock rupture
芝居 しばい play, drama
芝生 しばふ lawn
屡々 しばしば often, again and again, frequently
死亡 しぼう death, mortality
資源 しげん resources
資本 しほん funds, capital
  しまい(終わり) end,  termination
姉妹 しまい sisters
  しまう(終わる) to finish, to close, to do something completely
  しまった(感) Damn it!
事務 じむ business, office work
事務所 じむしょ office
示す しめす to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate
占める しめる to comprise, to account for; to hold, to occupy
しも under, below, beneath
しも frost
霜解け しもどけ thawing
  じゃあ well, well then
借金 しゃっきん debt, loan, liabilities
喋る しゃべる to talk, to chat, to chatter
邪魔 じゃま hindrance, intrusion