週 | しゅう | week | |
週間 | しゅうかん | week, weekly | |
州 | しゅう | sandbank | |
州境 | しゅうきょう | provincial boundary, state boundary | |
十 | じゅう | 10, ten | |
銃 | じゅう | gun | |
銃声 | じゅうせい | gunshot | |
周囲 | しゅうい | surroundings, circumference, environs | |
周年 | しゅうねん | whole year, anniversary | |
収穫 | しゅうかく | harvest, crop, ingathering | |
収入 | しゅうにゅう | income, receipts, revenue | |
宗教 | しゅうきょう | religion | |
宗徒 | しゅうと | follower, believer | |
重視 | じゅうし | importance, stress, serious consideration | |
重要 | じゅうよう | important, momentous, essential, principal, major | |
重大 | じゅうだい | serious, important, grave, weighty | |
就職 | しゅうしょく | finding employment, inauguration | |
ジュース | juice, soft drink, deuce | ||
修正 | しゅうせい | amendment, correction, revision, modification | |
修理 | しゅうり | repairing, mending | |
渋滞 | じゅうたい | congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation | |
渋面 | じゅうめん | sullen face | |
住宅 | じゅうたく | resident, housing | |
住民 | じゅうみん | citizens, inhabitants, residents, population | |
集団 | しゅうだん | group, mass | |
集中 | しゅうちゅう | concentration, focusing the mind | |
主義 | しゅぎ | doctrine, rule, principle | |
主張 | しゅちょう | claim, request, insistence, assertion | |
主婦 | しゅふ | housewife, mistress | |
主要 | しゅよう | chief, main, principal, major | |
宿泊 | しゅくはく | lodging | |
宿舎 | しゅくしゃ | lodging house, dorm | |
手術 | しゅじゅつ | surgical operation | |
手段 | しゅだん | means, way, measure | |
首相 | しゅしょう | Prime Minister | |
首都 | しゅと | capital city | |
出身 | しゅっしん | graduate from, come from | |
出席 | しゅっせき | attendance, presence | |
出発 | しゅっぱつ | departure | |
出版 | しゅっぱん | publication | |
需要 | じゅよう | demand, request | |
種類 | しゅるい | variety, kind, type | |
種別 | しゅべつ | classification; assortment | |
瞬間 | しゅんかん | moment, second, instant | |
順 | じゅん | order, turn | |
順調 | じゅんちょう | favourable, doing well, O.K., all right | |
順番 | じゅんばん | turn (in line), order of things | s2166 |
準備 | じゅんび | preparation, arrangements, provision, reserve | |
準ずる | じゅんずる | to correspond, to apply correspondingly |