せい height, stature
せい (logical) true, regular
正確 せいかく accurate, punctuality, exactness, authenticity, veracity
正式 せいしき due form, official, formality
せい (1) draft (beer), (2) raw, unprocessed
生産 せいさん production, manufacture
生物 せいぶつ raw food
生命 せいめい life, existence
せい sex, gender
性格 せいかく character, personality
所為 せい cause, reason, fault
所為 しょい act, deed
ぜい toll,  tax
税金 ぜいきん tax, duty
世紀 せいき century, era
世間 せけん world, society
世話 せわ looking after, help, aid, assistance
請求 せいきゅう claim, demand, application, request
請願 せいがん petition
清潔 せいけつ clean, neat, unsoiled
清浄 せいじょう pure, clean
制限 せいげん restriction, restraint, limitation
制度 せいど system, institution, organization
制圧 せいあつ oppression; gaining total control
成功 せいこう success, hit
成人 せいじん adult
成績 せいせき results, record
成長 せいちょう growth, grow to adulthood
精神 せいしん mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
精々 せいぜい at the most, at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possible
~製 ~せい made of (in)
製造 せいぞう manufacture, production
製品 せいひん manufactured goods, finished goods
贅沢 ぜいたく luxury, extravagance
贅肉 ぜいにく excessive flash, flab
青年 せいねん youth, young man
政府 せいふ government, administration
政治 せいじ politics; government
整理 せいり sorting, arrangement, adjustment, regulation
整合 せいごう adjustment, integration
せき cough
石炭 せきたん coal
石油 せきゆ oil, petroleum, kerosene
責任 せきにん duty, responsibility
責務 せきむ duty, obligation
責める せめる to condemn, to blame, to criticize
せつ theory
せき product
積極 せっきょく positive, progressive
積極的 せっきょくてき positive, active, proactive
積載 せきさい loading, carrying
設計 せっけい plan, design
設備 せつび equipment, device, facilities, installation
絶対 ぜったい absolute, unconditional, absoluteness
絶滅 ぜつめつ destruction, extinction
  セット set
節約 せつやく economizing, saving
節食 せっしょく eating lightly
是非 ぜひ certainly, without fail
ぜん good, goodness, right, virtue
善人 ぜんにん good people
善徳 ぜんとく virtues, integrity, justice
ぜん all, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan
全員 ぜんいん all members (unanimity), all hands, the whole crew
全然 ぜんぜん (1) wholly, entirely, completely, (2) not at all (with neg. verb)
全体 ぜんたい whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)
全国 ぜんこく country-wide, nation-wide, whole country, national
専攻 せんこう major subject, special study
専制 せんせい despotism, autocracy
専任 せんにん full-time service
先日 せんじつ the other day, a few days ago
前者 ぜんしゃ the former (first of two)
前進 ぜんしん advance, drive, progress
  センター a center
選択 せんたく selection, choice
選手 せんしゅ player in game
選集 せんしゅう selection
選曲 せんきょく chosen song