You can use a te-form if you want to
combine two or more verbs,
as in describing a sequence of events or actions ("I did
this then that").
In other words, the te-form does the work of "and"
with verbs.
Note: て - te can only connect nouns, not verbs. |
ノート を かりて、コピー します。 |
I will borrow her notebook and Xerox it.
"Note /object/ borrow /and/, copy make". |
nooto o karite, kopii shimasu. |
きょう は、ろくじ に おきて、べんきょうしました。 |
Today I got up at six and studied. |
kyoo-wa, roku-ji ni okite,
benkyoo-shimashita. |
しょくどう に いって、ひるごはん を たべましょう。 |
Let's go to the cafeteria and have lunch. |
shokudoo ni itte, hirugohan o tabemashoo. |
The te-form of a verb can also be used to connect a
verb more "loosely" with the rest of a sentence. |
バス に のって、かいしゃ に いきます。 |
I go to work by bus.
I take a bus to work. |
basu ni notte, kaisha ni ikimasu. |
きょうかしょ を わすれて、すみません。 |
I'm sorry for not bringing in the textbook.
I left the book at home, and I'm sorry. |
kyookasho o wasurete, sumimasen. |