You need the particle に with the days of the week, numerical time expressions,
and months. |
にちようび に いきます。 |
will go on Sunday. |
nichiyoobi ni ikimasu. |
じゅう じ よんじゅうに ふん に おきます。 |
I get up at 10:42. |
juu ji yonjuu-ni fun ni okimasu. |
くがつ に かえります。
will go back in September. |
kugatsu ni kaerimasu. |
You do not need to use the time particle に with
1) time expressions
defined relative to the present moment, such as "today" and "tomorrow",
2) expressions
describing regular intervals such as "every day",
and 3) the word for "when". |
あした きます。 |
I will come tomorrow. |
ashita kimasu. |
まいばん テレビ を みます。 |
I watch TV every evening. |
maiban terebi o mimasu. |
いつ いきます か。 |
When will you go? |
itsu ikimasu ka? |
You normally do not use ni with
1) the parts of day, like "in the morning" and "at night"
2) the word for "weekend".
Unlike words like ashita and maiban
above, however,
these words are sometimes followed by ni , depending
on style, emphases and personal preferences. |
あさ(に)しんぶん を よみます。 |
I read the newspaper in the morning. |
asa (ni) shinbun o yomimasu. |
しゅうまつ(に)なに を します か。 |
What will/do you do on weekends? |
shuumatsu (ni) nani o shimasu ka? |