When you want to talk about things you do not know the name of,
you can use
such expressions as kore, sore, are, and dore?. |
refers to something close to the speaker;
sore refers to something close
to the person you're talking to;
are refers to an object that is neither
close to the speaker or the listener. |
あれ は わたし の ペン です。 |
That /thing/
is my pen over there. |
are wa watashi no pen desu. |
これ は 私 の ペン です。 |
This /thing/
is my pen. |
kore wa watashi no pen desu. |
それ は わたし の ペン です。 |
That /thing/
is my pen. |
sore wa watashi no pen desu. |
これ は いくら です か? |
How much is this? |
kore wa ikura desu ka? |
それ は さん ぜん えん です。 |
That is 3,000 yen. |
sore wa san-zen en desu. |
Dore can be used to express "which?" |
どれ です か。 |
Which one?
Which one is it (that you are talking about?? |
dore desu ka? |
Question words like dore
and nani cannot be followed by the particle wa.
Instead, they
must be followed by the particle ga. |
どれ が あなた の ペン です か。 |
Which one is your pen? |
dore ga anata no pen desu ka? |