RASHII らしい rashii Adjective meaning: I hear, seem to, be likely to, like… The supposition expressed by rashii is based on what the speaker has heard. 1. After (adjectival) noun 彼女は風らしいです。 Kanojo wa kaze rashii desu. I heard she has a cold. 彼女は先週病気だったらしいです。 Kanojo wa senshuu byouki datta rashii desu. I hear she was sick last week. (the past tense verb must be placed before rashii) そんなことをするのは彼女らしい。 Sonna koto o suru no wa kanojo rashii. It is like her to do such a thing. この町には図書館らしい図書館はありません。 Kono machi ni wa toshokan rashii toshokan wa arimasen. There is no library-like library in this town. 2. After dictionary form of verb/adjective 天気予報によると明日は晴れるらしい。 Tenki yohou ni yoru to ashita wa hareru rashii. According to the weather forecast, it is likely to be clear tomorrow. 3. After nai-form of verb/adjective 彼は肉は食べないらしい。 Kare wa niku wa tabenai rashii. It seems that he doesn’t eat meat. 彼はあまりよくないらしい。 Kare wa amari yokunai rashii. It seems that he is not doing very well. 4. After ta-form of verb/adjective 彼は先月ヨーロッパを旅行したらしい。 Kare wa sengetsu youroppa o ryokou shita rashii. I hear he traveled in Europe last month. 彼が買ったバイクは高かったらしい。 Kare ga katta baiku wa takakatta rashii. I hear that that motorcycle he bought was expensive. -> See also: mitai (1), mitai (2), sou desu, you desu |
SOU DESU (1) そうです(1) soo desu Predicative phrase meaning: (I) hear (that), it is said (that) It is used with reported speech or hearsay. 1. After dictionary form of verb/adjective 明日は晴れるそうです。 Asu wa hareru sou desu. I hear it will be sunny tomorrow. このビルは日本で一番高いそうです。 Kono biru wa nihon de ichiban takai sou desu. It is said that this building is the tallest in Japan. 2. After nai-form of verb 田中さんは今日は来ないそうです。 Tanaka san wa kyou wa konai sou desu. I hear Mr. Tanaka won’t come today. 3. After ta-form of verb/adjective 彼女は泣いていたそうです。 Kanojo wa naite ita sou desu. I hear she was crying. それはうまく行かなかったそうです。 Sore wa umaku ikanakatta sou desu. They say it didn’t go well. 4. After (adjectival) noun + da/datta 彼女は先週熱だったそうです。 Kanojo wa senshuu netsu datta sou desu. I hear she had a fever last week. -> See also rashii |
SOU DESU (2) そうです(2) Predicate phrase meaning: look(s), seem(s) The supposition expressed is based on the speaker’s observation. 1. After conjunctive form of verb 雨が降りそうですね。 Ame ga furisou desu ne. It looks like rain, doesn’t it? 私は試験にパスしそうもありません。 Watashi wa shiken ni pasu shisou mo arimasen. It doesn’t look like I’ll pass the exam. 2. After stem of adjective あの人はとても優しそうです。 Ano hito wa totemo yasashisou desu. That person looks very gentle. 彼はあなたに会えてとてもうれしそうでした。 Kare wa anata ni aete totemo ureshisou deshita. He looked very glad to see you. 3. After adjectival noun 退屈そうでしたね。 Taikutsu sou deshita ne. You looked bored. このケースは丈夫そうではありません。 Kono keesu wa joubu sou dewa arimasen. This case doesn’t look durable. 4. After yosa- or nasa- (the irregular stems of you and nai respectively) 車の調子は良さそうです。 Kuruma no choushi wa yosasou desu. The condition of the car seems good. 彼女は元気がなさそうです。 Kanojo wa genki ga nasasou desu. She seems to be lacking in spirit. (She does not seem well.) この料理はあまり美味しくなさそうです。 Kono ryouri wa amari oishiku nasasou desu. This dish doesn’t look very good. 5. In answer to a question (used as affirmative answer to a question ending in desu ka) 「これはあなたのかばんですか。」「はい、そうです。」 “Kore wa anata no kaban desu ka.” ”Hai, sou desu.” “Is this your bag?” ”Yes, it is.” See also mitai (1), mitai (2), rashii, sou desu (1), you desu |
Lareine - 極東の恋人
Kyokutou no Koibito
風に乗せた憂いの吐息で 愛に生きたまま連れ去りたい
震えながら手綱を戻して 引いて弾いて奏でてゆく