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Suzumura Kenichi - Asunaro (Heaven's Memo Pad ED) |
鈴村健一 - あすなろ Suzumura Kenichi - Asunaro |
路地裏には暗い暗い灯り そこに集う羽虫たちの様 もがく僕らは crying crying 共に 秘めた思いをくすぶらせてるんだ |
Similar to the gathering small flying insects
that gather around a dim light in the back alley, we, struggling, are crying and crying together. We are reviving the thoughts we've tucked away. |
rojiura ni wa kurai kurai tomori
soko ni tsudou hamushitachi no you mogaku bokura wa crying crying tomo ni himeta omoi o kusuburasete'ru n da |
「何をすればいい」 それがわからない 無限の意味恐れてる しびれ切らした両の足が 立ち上がれとせがんでいる |
"What should I do?"
I do not know. I am fearful of the meaning of "infinity". My two legs, having grown impatient of waiting, are urging me to stand up. |
"nani o sureba ii"
sore ga wakaranai mugen no imi osorete'ru shibire kirashita ryou no ashi ga tachiagare to segande iru |
すべて運命だなんて神の落書きだ 丸めて捨てるさ たったひとつの冴えたやり方 いつも胸に抱いて 夜明け 睨みつけるよ |
That "everything is fate" is only the God's graffiti;
I'll roll it into a ball and throw it away. Holding to my heart the single clear way to do things, I fix my gaze on the daybreak. |
subete unmei (sadame) da nante kami no rakugaki da
玉虫色した未来の話 机上の空論 素晴らしいシミュレーション スニーカーのひも 結んでさあ 計画通りまずは顔上げるんだ |
Iridescent talks about the future
are merely empty theories and lovely simulations. Tie your sneakers' shoelaces, and, like the plan says, let's first lift our heads. |
tamamushiiro shita mirai no hanashi
kijou no kuuron subarashii SHIMYUREESHON SUNIIKAA no himo musunde saa keikaku-doori mazu wa kao ageru n da |
アスファルト叩く無数の足音 一つ一つに意味がある ここにいる理由探し求めて くちぶえ吹いて歩いていく |
There are countless footsteps on the asphalt surface,
and each one of them has its own meaning. Searching for my reason of being here, I whistle and walk on. |
ASUFARUTO tataku musuu no ashioto
hitotsu hitotsu ni imi ga aru koko ni iru wake sagashimotomete kuchibue fuite aruite'ku |
箱庭の外にいるのぞき見の神に会えたとしたら 平手打ち一発くらいはかましてみたいよね |
If I had met the God peeping from outside my small garden,
I'd want to at least try to give him a slap across his face. |
hakoniwa no soto ni iru nozokimi no kami ni aeta to shitara
hirateuchi ippatsu kurai wa kamashite mitai yo ne |
名もなき花は明日へ 生まれ変わるため 夢から覚める 誇り高く伸びゆく姿 僕ら知ってるんだよ |
I awake from my dream,
so that the nameless flowers may be reborn. We are already familiar with the majestic look of their growth. |
namonaki hana wa asu e umarekawaru tame
yume kara sameru hokoritakaku nobiyuku sugata bokura shitte'ru n da yo |
生まれ落ちた謎はすべて終わる時 解けると信じて たったひとつの冴えたやり方 神を欺くんだ 今を生き抜くのさ |
I believe that the riddle of our being born
will be solved when everything comes to an end. There's only one sure way to do it: we must deceive God, and live through the present. |
umareochita nazo wa subete owaru toki
tokeru to shinjite tatta hitotsu no saeta yarikata kami o azamuku n da ima o ikinuku no sa |