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七森中☆ごらく部 - マイペースでいきましょう Nanamori Chu☆Goraku Bu - My Pace de Ikimashou (Yuru Yuri ED) |
七森中☆ごらく部 - マイペースでいきましょう Nanamori Chu☆Goraku Bu - My Pace de Ikimashou |
いつもミラクル...... 妄想中 | Always a miracle... in a fantasy |
itsumo MIRAKURU... mousouchuu | |
朝からギリギリ 朝飯モリモリ 髪型なんて気にしない 棚ぼた ぼたもち 餅つき 餅つけ 食いしん坊でいきますよ |
Rushing straight through morning, stuffing myself with breakfast I don't worry about my hair A windfall of bean mochi, making more and more I'm gonna eat it all! |
asa kara GIRIGIRI asameshi MORIMORI kamigata nante ki ni shinai tanabota botamachi mochitsuki mochitsuke kuishinbou de ikimasu yo |
いきなりむちゃぶり ちゃっかりねたふり うけないくらいじゃくじけない ちょっぴり強がり なんでもアリアリ?! 根拠はないけど大丈夫 |
Suddenly acting crazy, then pretending to sleep I won't be disheartened if you don't believe me If I act a bit strong, everything's clear?! I don't have any proof, but that's okay |
ikinari muchaburi chakkari neta furi ukenai kurai ja kujikenai choppiri tsuyogari nandemo ARIARI?! konkyo wa nai kedo daijoubu |
寂しい時はすぐ 会いにいくから 隠し事はなしだよ 「ひとりじゃやっぱりつまんない みんなでいこうよレッツゴー」 |
When I'm lonely, I go to see you right away
There's nothing we hide from each other "It's boring to be alone, so let's all go together!" |
samishii toki wa sugu ai ni iku kara
kakushigoto wa nashi da yo "hitori ja yappari tsumannai minna de ikou yo RETTSU GOO" |
いつもミラクル 信じてミラクル 心は晴れ晴れ満開 今日も明日も ごゆるりゆるゆり いつでもマイペースでいきましょう いまミラクル 迷わずミラクル 愛して咲かせて☆満開 君と毎日 会えるこの奇跡 大好き思いきり伝えるよ |
Always believe in the miracle, and your miracle heart will bloom
Today and tomorrow, a happy-go-lily bending in the breeze Let's always go at our own pace Now without going astray, love the miracle and let it bloom I'm going to tell you how I love the miracle of being able to see you every day |
itsumo MIRAKURU shinjite MIRAKURU kokoro wa harehare mankai
kyou mo ashita mo goyururi yuruyuri itsudemo MAIPEESU de ikimashou ima MIRAKURU mayowazu MIRAKURU aishite sakasete mankai kimi to mainichi aeru kono kiseki daisuki omoikiri tsutaeru yo |
ツンツン デレデレ 鼻血がドバドバ 妄想モードに突入よ ムラムラ ホラホラ 脱いだらすごいの お色気勝負はだめですよ~ |
Getting angry, being sweet, blood pouring from my nose
I'm breaking into fantasy mode Turned on, hey look, it'd be great if you took that off Don't have a sex appeal contest! |
mousou MOODO ni totsunyuu yo MURAMURA HORAHORA nuidara sugoi no o-iroke shoubu wa dame desu yo |
失敗ばっかり ガッカリ しょんぼり めげずにせ~のでいきますよ つっこみ 追い込み 剃り込み 盛り込み 主役はやっぱり私です~~~!! |
Nothing but failures, getting disappointed
I'm not discouraged! Smart remarks, final stage, partly shaved, included inside The leading actress is me after all!! |
shippai bakari GAKKARI shonbori
megezu ni se node ikimasu yo tsukkomi oikomi sorikomi morikomi shuyaku wa yappari watashi desu!! |
足りないことばかりいつでも妄想 止められないくらいに 「一に妄想 二に妄想 三四はなくて五に妄想」 |
Always something missing, in a fantasy
Almost like I can't stop "Fantasy at one, fantasy at two, there's no three or four, fantasy at five!" |
tarinai koto bakari itsudemo mousou
tomerarenai kurai ni "ichi ni mousou ni ni mousou sanshi wa nakute go ni mousou" |
そうよ!ミラクル くじけずミラクル 恋して夢みて全開 ずっとずっとね まったりゆるゆり 一緒にマイペースでいきましょう ほらミラクル キタコレ!ミラクル 愛してばっちり☆満開 君にドキドキ この胸溢れる 想いを伝えてもいいですか |
That's right! Without giving up on the miracle, open up, love, and dream
Always, always waiting, for a happy-go-lily Let's go at our own pace together Look, a miracle's here! Love the miracle, and it's sure to bloom Is it okay to tell you these heart-pounding feelings overflowing from my heart? |
sou yo! MIRAKURU kujikezu MIRAKURU koishite yumemite zenkai
zutto zutto ne mattari yuruyuri issho ni MAIPEESU de ikimashou hora MIRAKURU KITAKORE! MIRAKURU aishite bacchiri mankai kimi ni DOKIDOKI kono mune afureru omoi wo tsutaetemo ii desu ka |
さみしい時はすぐ 会いに来てよね 隠し事できないよ 「ひとりじゃやっぱりつまんない みんなで集まれレッツゴー」 |
When you're lonely, come and see me right away We can't hide anything from each other "It's boring to be alone, so let's all go and come together!" |
samishii toki wa sugu ai ni kite yo ne kakushigoto dekinai yo "hitori ja yappari tsumannai minna de atsumare RETTSU GOO" |
いつもミラクル 感じるミラクル ほんとに大事な存在 今日も明日も ごゆるりゆるゆり 一緒にマイペースでいきましょう いまミラクル 迷わずミラクル 愛して咲かせて☆満開 君と毎日 会えるこの奇跡 大好き思いきり伝えるよ |
I always feel the miracle, it's really a great life Today and tomorrow, a happy-go-lily bending in the breeze Let's go at our own pace together Now without going astray, love the miracle and let it bloom I'm going to tell you how I love the miracle of being able to see you every day |
itsumo MIRAKURU kanjiru MIRAKURU honto ni daiji na sonzai kyou mo ashita mo goyururi yuruyuri issho ni MAIPEESU de ikimashou ima MIRAKURU mayowazu MIRAKURU aishite sakasete mankai kimi to mainichi aeru kono kiseki daisuki omoikiri tsutaeru yo |