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Ayane + Faylan - Northern Lights (Shaman King OP) |
林原めぐみ Hayashibara Megumi - Northern Lights |
君に届け Northern lights… | Please reach you, Northern Lights |
kimi ni todoke Northern lights... | |
引き裂かれた二つの魂 行き場のない想いが胸をしめつけ なぜこの時代に出逢ったのかと 問い掛ける術は 冴えた影に散る |
Two souls torn apart, Feelings of nowhere to go strangle my heart. Why did we meet this day? The way to ask this question Vanishes into clear shadow. |
hikisakareta futatsu no kokoro yukiba no nai omoi ga mune o shimetsuke naze kono toki ni deatta no ka to toikakeru sube wa saeta kage ni chiru |
揺らぐ事ない 強さなどなく 進んだ先に 求める答えがある |
No need to waver. Though without any strength, You can find answers that you're looking for After you've moved on. |
yuragu koto nai tsuyosa na do naku susunda saki ni motomeru kotae ga aru |
愛も罪も夢も闇も 今すべて身にまとって 君の力 僕の心 重なりあった瞬間 何が生まれる… Do you believe in destiny? |
Love, sin, dreams, and darkness Wear all of them now. And at the moment when Your power and my heart overlap, Something will be born. Do you believe in destiny? |
ai mo tsumi mo yume mo yami mo ima subete mini matotte kimi no chikara boku no kokoro kasanariatta shunkan nani ga umareru... Do you believe in destiny? |
緑白色の幻が この星の悲しみを優しく包む 同じ運命をたどるかと 遥が彼方から 唄声がひびく |
Light-green illusion Surrounds this planet's sadness softly "Are you going to follow the same destiny?" Singing voices sounds From far, far away. |
ryokuwakushoku (usu-midori-iro) no maboroshi ga kono hoshi no kanashimi o yasashiku tsutsumu onaji unmei o tadoru ka to haru ga kanata kara uta koe ga hibiku |
あきらめるには まだ早すぎる 折り重なった 光に希望のせて |
It's too early To give up. Let's entrust your hope on Folding lights. |
akirameru ni wa mada hayasugiru ori kasanatta hikari ni kibou no sete |
そしていつ届く夢を 今静かに感じよう 君の決意 僕の迷い めぐり逢いが指し示す 道慓を信じて I live with facing my destiny. |
And just feel silently now Your dream which will come true sometime. Your decision. My hesitation. Believe in the way That encounter indicates you. I live with facing my destiny. |
soshite itsuka todoku yume o ima shizuka ni kanji you kimi no ketsui boku no mayoi meguriai ga sashishimesu michi o shinjite I live with facing my destiny. |
そしていつ届く夢を 今静かに感じよう 君の決意 僕の迷い めぐり逢いが指し示す |
And just feel silently now Your dream which will come true sometime. Your dream. My hesitation. Believe in the way.... |
soshite itsuka todoku yume o ima shizuka ni kanji you kimi no ketsui boku no mayoi meguriai ga sashishimesu |
愛も罪も夢も闇も 今すべて身にまとって 君の力 僕の心 重なりあった瞬間 何が生まれる… Do you believe in destiny? |
Love, sin, dream, and darkness. Wear all of them now. And at the moment when Your power and my heart overlap, Something will be born.... Do you believe in destiny? |
ai mo tsumi mo yume mo yami mo ima subete mini matotte kimi no chikara boku no kokoro kasanariatta shunkan nani ga umareru... Do you believe in destiny? |