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JAM Project - Rescue Fire! (Tomica Hero Rescue Fire OP) |
JAM Project - Rescue Fire! | |
羽ばたけ空へ 高く舞い上がれ レスキューファイアー GO! 急げ! |
Fly into the sky, and soar up higher! Rescue Fire! Go! Hurry! |
habatake sora e takaku maiagare RESUKYUU FAIAA GO! isoge! |
走り出せ 闇を突き抜けろ レスキュー 呼んでるぜ 向かい風に 顔を上げろ そして 目を開け |
Start running. Break through the darkness. Someone is shouting "Rescue".
Raise your head to the incoming wind, and open your eyes. |
hashiridase yami o tsukinukero RESUKYUU yonde'ru ze mukaikaze ni kao o agero soshite me o hirake |
抱きしめろ 小さな叫びを レスキュー 僕らは今 愛のため ひとつになれるはずさ |
Embrace! We'll rescue that small voice. Right now, for love, we should be able to unite as one. |
dakishimero chiisana sakebi o RESUKYUU bokura wa ima ai no tame hitotsu ni nareru hazu sa |
だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto 魂揺さぶる使命感(おもい) 解き放て だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto ワンツースリー ワンツースリー 爆裂的にバーニングソウル |
So, more and more! Yes, more and more!
Release those thoughts that are shaking your souls. So, more and more! Yes, more and more! One, two, three! One, two, three! My burning soul is explosively hot. |
dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto
tamashii yusaburu omoi tokihanate dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto WAN TSUU SURII WAN TSUU SURII bakuretsuteki ni BAANINGU SOURU |
レスキューファイアー いつでも 君のそばに居るよ 暮れかかるあの空を 未来(あした)へ つなぐために レスキューファイアー 君が望むなら どこへだって 駆けつけるぜ 燃える勇気のレスキューファイアー 急げ GO! |
Rescue Fire! No matter when, I'll always stay by your side,
in order to lead that darkening sky into the future. Rescue Fire! As long as you call, we will reach anywhere possible. We are the Rescue Fire with burning courage. Hurry! Go! |
RESUKYUU FAIAA itsu de mo kimi no soba ni iru yo
kurekakaru ano sora o ashita e tsunagu tame ni RESUKYUU FAIAA kimi ga nozomu nara doko e datte kaketsukeru ze moeru yuuki no RESUKYUU FAIAA isoge GO! |
立ち上がれ やばい場面でも レスキュー 逃げないぜ 君の夢を守れるなら 何も惜しくない |
Stand up. No matter how hopeless the situation is, we will not run away.
We'd do anything to protect your dream with no regret |
tachiagare yabai bamen de mo RESUKYUU nigenai ze
kimi no yume o mamoreru nara nani mo oshikunai |
忘れない 使命の重さは レスキュー 僕らはそう この胸に 強く誓ったはずさ |
We will not forget the weight of our duty.
That's right, we firmly made such a vow to our heart. |
wasurenai shimei no omosa wa RESUKYUU
bokura wa sou kono mune ni tsuyoku chikatta hazu sa |
だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto 尊い命のために 熱くなれ だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto ワンツースリー ワンツースリー 怖さ知らずのバーニングソウル |
So, more and more! Yes, more and more!
Burn with heat for the noble lives. So, more and more! Yes, more and more! One, two, three! One, two, three! My burning soul knows no fear! |
dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto
toutoi inochi no tame ni atsuku nare dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto WAN TSUU SURII WAN TSUU SURII kowasa shirazu no BAANINGU SOURU |
レスキューファイアー 駆け出せ 虹の橋を越えて 輝いた青空と 未来(あした)を守るために レスキューファイアー たとえこの身体 傷ついたって かまわないさ 固い絆のレスキューファイアー 急げ! GO! |
Rescue Fire! Dash out, and cross over the rainbow,
in order to protect the bright blue sky and the future. Rescue Fire! Even if my body should become injured, I wouldn't mind. We're the Rescue Fire with a strong bond. Hurry! Go! |
RESUKYUU FAIAA kakedase niji no hashi o koete
kagayaita aozora to ashita o mamoru tame ni RESUKYUU FAIAA tatoe kono karada kizutsuitatte kamawanai sa katai kizuna no RESUKYUU FAIAA isoge GO! |
だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto 魂揺さぶる使命感(おもい) 解き放て だから Motto Motto そうさ Motto Motto ワンツースリー ワンツースリー 爆裂的にバーニングソウル (ファイナルレスキュー) |
So, more and more! Yes, more and more!
Release those thoughts that are shaking your souls. So, more and more! Yes, more and more! One, two, three! One, two, three! My burning soul is explosively hot. |
dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto
tamashii yusaburu omoi tokihanate dakara motto motto sou sa motto motto WAN TSUU SURII WAN TSUU SURII bakuretsuteki ni BAANINGU SOURU |
レスキューファイアー いつでも 君のそばに居るよ 暮れかかるあの空を 未来(あした)へ つなぐために レスキューファイアー 君が望むなら どこへだって 駆けつけるぜ 燃える勇気のレスキューファイアー 急げ GO! (爆鎮完了!) |
Rescue Fire! No matter when, I'll always stay by your side,
in order to lead that darkening sky into the future. Rescue Fire! As long as you call, we will reach anywhere possible. We are the Rescue Fire with burning courage. Hurry! Go! (Explosion complete!) |
RESUKYUU FAIAA itsu de mo kimi no soba ni iru yo
kurekakaru ano sora o ashita e tsunagu tame ni RESUKYUU FAIAA kimi ga nozomu nara doko e datte kaketsukeru ze moeru yuuki no RESUKYUU FAIAA isoge GO! (bakuchin kanryou!) |