Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V |
The Idolmaster - my song | |
始まってゆく 果てなく続くひとつの道を 駆け出してゆく まっさらな名もない希望を抱いて |
Let’s start and begin a single endless road that continues for ever. Let’s run through and embrace this deep and unknown hope! |
Hajimatteyuku Hatenaku tsuzuku hitotsu no michi o Kakedashiteyuku Massarana na mo nai kibou o daite |
どんな行き先でも 喜びと悲しみは廻る 辛くても進んでゆけるのは 大切な夢があるから |
No matter where we go, happiness and sadness will sure follow. It may be painful, but we must continue forward because waiting for us is our precious dream! |
Donna yukisaki demo Yorokobi to kanashimi wa meguru Tsurakute mo susunde yukeru no wa Taisetsu na yume ga aru kara |
Start この My Life Song 私の歌声で どこまでも響け Feel 感じるまま 好きなメロディーでいい それを心と呼ぼう |
Start My Life Song with my singing voice it’ll resound everywhere. Feel, if you continue to feel with your favorite Melody it’s fine, that is called “your heart”. |
Start kono My Life Song Watashi no utagoe de Dokomademo hibike Feel kanjiru mama Suki na MERODII de ii Sore o kokoro to yobou |
Stay この My Love Song エールくれる人よ 愛を込め贈ろう Shine 輝いて ねぇ幸せあれ いま明日が生まれる |
Stay My Love Song To the people calling us, we’ll give you our love! Shine and shine brightly, ’cause you know, that is happiness! Today our future is born! |
Stay kono My Love Song EERU kureru hito yo Ai o kome okurou Shine kagayaite Nee shiawase are Ima ashita ga umareru |
通りすぎてく いろんな景色 胸に刻もう 振り返ってく どんな足跡が 続いてるだろう |
We will hold all of these scenery we’ve passed through in our hearts. If we look back, we’ll see the foot steps we’ve left behind. |
Toorisugiteku Iron na keshiki mune ni kizamou Furikaetteku Donna ashiato ga tsuzuiteru darou |
風が舞い上がれば 優しさと厳しさを運ぶ それはほら心の傍にいる 大切なあなたのようだね |
As the wind dances, tenderness and strictness will come with it. That’s because they exist near our hearts, just like the precious “you”! |
Kaze ga maiagareba Yasashisa to kibishisa wo hakobu Sore wa hora kokoro no soba ni iru Taisatsu na anata no you da ne |
Stand この My Live Song 私の歌詞(ことば)から いつまでも届け Wish 願うまま 自由なコールでいい それを絆と呼ぼう |
Stand My Live Song from my lyrics it will always be received. Wish, if you wish you can call me however you want, that is called “bond”. |
Stand kono My Live Song Watashi no kotoba kara Itsumademo todoke Wish negau mama Jiyuuvna KOORU de ii Sore o kizuna to yobou |
Stage この My Light Song 分かち合う仲間よ 感謝を忘れない Rise 昇りだす 太陽のように さあ今日を照らして |
Stage My Light Song my understanding friends, I won’t forget my gratitude towards you guys. Rise, rise high like the sun and illuminate the day! |
Stage kono My Light Song Wakachiau nakama yo Kansha o wasurenai Rise noboridasu Taiyou no you ni Saa kyou o terashite |
喜びだって 悲しみだって いつかは思い出になるから 未知なる道へ 常(とわ)なき永遠(とわ)へ 新しい私になる |
Both happiness and sadness will someday become my memories! I go towards an unknown road, I go towards an infinite eternity, and I’ll become a brand new me! |
Yorokobi datte Kanashimi datte Itsuka wa omoide ni naru kara Michinaru michi e Towanaki towa e Atarashii watashi ni naru |
Start この My Life Song 私の歌声で どこまでも響け Feel 感じるまま 好きなメロディーでいい それを心と呼ぼう |
Start My Life Song with my singing voice it’ll resound everywhere. Feel, if you continue to feel with your favorite Melody it’s fine, that is called “your heart”. |
Start kono My Life Song Watashi no utagoe de Dokomademo hibike Feel kanjiru mama Suki na MERODII de ii sore o kokoro to yobou |
Stay この My Love Song エールくれる人よ 愛を込め贈ろう Shine 輝いて ねぇ幸せあれ いま明日が生まれる |
Stay My Love Song To the people calling us, we’ll give you our love! Shine and shine brightly, ’cause you know, that is happiness! Today our future is born! |
Stay kono My Love Song EERU kureru hito yo Ai o kome okurou Shine kagayaite Nee shiawase are Ima ashita ga umareru |
終らない My Song… | I will never end My Song… |
Owaranai My Song |