Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V

(Animelo 2009)
Angela - Spiral
(Asura Cryin' OP) アスラクライン

Angela - Spiral  
時に焦り 供に歩み

Being hurried by time, we walk side by side
And our hearts reach out to each other (cuddle close together)

toki ni aseri tomo ni ayumi
kokoro wa yorisotte
目に見えぬ歯車が 今君とかみ合った
常識は音をたてて 崩れ去りゆくけれど

The unseen wheel now be in gear with you (interlocked)
Though commonsense slowly rumbles leaving only sounds behind
   (crumble away), but

me ni mienu haguruma ga ima kimi to kamiatta
joushiki wa oto o tatete kuzuresari yuku keredo
何が真実で(I don’t know why)
幻なんて(Can’t stop my mind)
What is the truth (I don’t know why)
and what is illusion (Can’t stop my mind)
I want to strength to be able to distinguish them genuinely
nani ga shinjitsu de (I don’t know why)
maboroshi nante (Can’t stop my mind)
junsui ni mikiwameru chikara ga hoshii
嘆く 響く 結局 きつく

Laments, echoes, and in the end
  latched on tightly, The passion towards you

nageku hibiku kekkyoku kitsuku
shimetsukeru kimi e no jounetsu
生ける限り 永遠の仕組み
I wanna say采は投げられた
Let's go on to the journey of revealing
the structure of eternity for as long as we live
I wanna say the dice has been thrown
ikeru kagiri eien no shikumi
toki-akasu tabiji e
I wanna say sai wa nagerareta
回る螺旋階段 出口は見えないから

Just like being swallowed by a large whirlpool
Because I can't see the way out of this spinning spiral stairway

marude ookina uzu ni nomi-komareteku youni
mawaru rasen kaidan deguchi wa mienai kara
現実なんて(I don’t know why)
不確かすぎて(Can’t stop my mind)
Why, In reality (I don’t know why)
There's so much uncertainties (Can’t stop my mind)
It's getting dangerous to even believe
genjitsu nante (I don’t know why)
futashika sugite (Can’t stop my mind)
shinjiru imi sae mo ayaui mama
固く 抱く 結束 熱く
今 僕に芽生えた衝動
時に焦り 供に歩み

Holds tightly, unites passionately
The impulse growing (sprouting) in me now
Being hurried by time, we walk side by side
And our hearts reach out to each other (snuggle up)
And we feel love so close

kataku idaku kessoku atsuku
ima boku ni mebaeta shoudou
toki ni aseri tomo ni ayumi
kokoro wa yorisotte
aijou wa hodo chikai kankaku de
人はいつでも(I don’t know why)
失ってから(Can’t stop my mind)
大切なモノを知る 愚かさ故に
People are foolish being (I don’t know why)
Until they lose it (Can’t stop my mind)
They don't know what is precious to them
  stupidity, therefore
hito wa itsudemo (I don’t know why)
ushinatte kara (Can’t stop my mind)
taisetsu na mono o shiru orokasa yueni
無上の祈り 捧ぐほどに

that I offer the greatest prayer ever
I'm so filled with overflowing courage

mujou no inori sasagu hodo ni
minagiru yuuki ni mitasareru
嘆く 響く 結局 
きつく 締めつける君への情熱
Laments, echoes, and in the end
latched on tightly, The passion towards you
nageku hibiku kekkyoku
kitsuku, shimetsukeru kimi e no jounetsu
生ける限り 永遠の仕組み
I wanna say采は投げられた
Let's go on to the journey of revealing
the structure of eternity for as long as we live
I wanna say the dice has been thrown

ikeru kagiri eien no shikumi
toki-akasu tabiji e
I wanna say sai wa nagerareta



Japanese 2008-2020