Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
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平野綾 - Unnamed world | |
so Pleasure to Remain Heart&Soul 切ない心を瞳で捕まえれば 閉じ込められてた 私の未来は その時動き出した |
So pleasure to remain heart & soul
If I could keep away the painful heart in my eyes The future I locked away Has started to move again |
So pleasure to remain heart & soul
setsunai kokoro o hitomi de tsukamaereba tojikomerareteta watashi no mirai wa sono toki ugokidashita |
出会う為には 強くなりたい 嘘に飽きたから |
To meet you, I have to get stronger 'Cause I'm tired of lies |
deau tame ni wa tsuyokunaritai uso ni akita kara |
Don't you worry 'bout A Thing 名前も知らない 世界が始まるよ 私だけのUnnamed world Whatever I choose And I'll sing 無理矢理飛びだした今なら ただ気の向くままにfind a way |
Don't you worry 'bout a thing I don't know the name but, a new world will start My one and only Unnamed world Whatever I choose and I'll sing If we were forced to jump ahead now We'll just freely find a way |
Don't you worry 'bout a thing namae mo shiranai sekai ga hajimaru yo watashi dake no Unnamed world Whatever I choose and I'll sing muriyari tobidashita ima nara tada kinomuku mama ni find a way |
I make up underground for me あの日々は遠くて 永遠に戻らない 胸を切り裂いた懐かしさだけを 刻んで進みたいよ |
I make up underground for me Those distant days will never return I've torn my heart; I want to move on With only fond memories attached to me |
I make up underground for me ano hibi wa tookute eien ni modoranai mune o kirisaita natsukashisa dake o kizande susumitai yo |
幸せの意味 わからないけど 微笑みこぼれて |
I don't know what happiness is But I'm filled with smile |
shiawase no imi wakaranai kedo hohoemi koborete |
Fly to higher mind shelter 自分の力で どこまでも行けそう 私の夢 無限だよ Things will never be same again 目指す場所が見えてくるはず そう、そこにある愛はproper pride |
Fly to higher mind shelter With my own strength, I can go everywhere My dreams have no limit Things will never be same again The place I aim at should be on sight Right, that's where love is a proper pride |
Fly to higher mind shelter jibun no chikara de doko made mo ikesou watashi no yume mugen da yo Things will never be same again mezasu basho ga mietekuru hazu sou, soko ni aru ai wa proper pride |
こわれかけてももう一度やり直したい 生き抜くことに疲れてもまだ大丈夫 希望の光は 消えない輝き |
Though it's breaking into pieces, I want to start over again Getting exhausted going through it, still, I'm up for it The shining light of hope won't dim |
kowarekakete mo mouichido yarinaoshitai ikinuku koto ni tsukarete mo mada daijoubu kibou no hikari wa kienai kagayaki |
Fly to higher mind shelter 自分の力で どこまでも行けそう 私の夢 無限だよ Don\'t you worry \'bout A Thing 名前も知らない 世界が始まるよ 私だけのUnnamed world Whatever I choose And I'll sing 無理矢理飛びだした今なら ただ気の向くままにfind a way |
Fly to higher mind shelter With my own strength, I can go everywhere My dreams have no limit Don't you worry 'bout a thing I don't know the name but, a new world will start My one and only Unnamed world Whatever I choose and I'll sing If we were forced to jump ahead now We'll just freely find a way |
Fly to higher mind shelter jibun no chikara de doko made mo ikesou watashi no yume mugen da yo Don't you worry 'bout a thing namae mo shiranai sekai ga hajimaru yo watashi dake no Unnamed world Whatever I choose and I ' ll sing muriyari tobidashita ima nara tada kinomuku mama ni find a way |
Naked half there's a shiny way |