Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
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(The Idolmaster) relations | ||
夜のショーウインドーに アナタの後ろ姿を見た |
Yoru no
SHOU UINDOU ni Anata no ushirosugata o mita |
I saw the figure of
your back through the show window that night |
人波がスチルのように 私も不意に立ち停まるの |
ga SUCHIRU no you ni Watashi mo fui ni tachidomaru no |
And suddenly everyone
stood still and even I went to a halt |
瞳に焼き付いたのは アナタとアノコの笑顔 |
Hitomi ni yakitsuita
no wa Anata to ano ko no egao |
The image that's
burned inside my eyes was The smiles of you and that girl |
切なく苦しいけれど 聞くだけならば 簡単じゃない |
Setsunaku kurushii
keredo Kiku dake naraba kantan janai |
Though it really
hurts inside It's not that easy just to (confront you and) ask |
「べつに」なんて言わないで 「ちがう」って言って |
"Betsu ni" nante
iwanaide "Chigau" tte itte |
Don't say "it's
nothing" Say "I was wrong" |
言い分けなんか聞きたくないわ 胸が張り裂けそうで |
Iiwake nanka
kikitakunai wa Mune ga harisakesou de |
I don't wanna hear
any excuses This is ripping my chest apart |
私のことが好きなら アノコを忘れて |
Watashi no koto ga
suki nara Ano ko o wasurete |
If you really love me then forget all about that girl |
どこか遠くへ連れて行って | Dokoka tooku e tsurete itte | And take me someplace far, far away |
夜の駐車場で アナタは何も言わないまま |
Yoru no chuushajou de Anata wa nani mo iwanai mama |
You were dead silent in the parking lot that night |
ラジオから流れるメロディ 私は今日を振り返るの |
RAJIO kara nagareru
MERODI Watashi wa kyou o furikaeru no |
I reminisced about
today to the tune the radio played |
あの海 あの街角は 思い出に残りそうで |
Ano umi ano machikado
wa Omoide ni nokorisou de |
The ocean, the city
streets we saw today Will remain in my memories |
この恋が遊びならば 割り切れるのに 簡単じゃない |
Kono koi ga asobi
naraba Warikireru no ni kantan janai |
If this love were
just a plaything It could be shared evenly, but it's not that simple |
「じゃあね」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って |
"Jaa ne" nante
iwanaide "Mata ne" tte itte |
Don't say "so long" Say "see ya later" |
私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい |
Watashi no mono ni
naranakute ii Soba ni iru dake de ii |
I don't care if
you're not ever gonna be mine Just being with you is enough |
アノコにもしも飽きたら すぐに呼び出して |
Ano ko ni moshimo
akitara Sugu ni yobidashite |
If you ever get tired
of her then call me straightaway |
壊れるくらいに抱きしめて | Kowareru kurai ni dakishimete | And hold me till I break apart |
「ゴメン・・・」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って |
"Gomen..." nante
iwanaide "Mata ne" tte itte |
Don't say "I'm
sorry..." Say "see ya later" |
私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい |
Watashi no mono ni
naranakute ii Soba ni iru dake de ii |
I don't care if
you're not ever gonna be mine Just being with you is enough... |
アノコにもしも飽きたら すぐに呼び出して |
Ano ko ni moshimo
akitara Sugu ni yobidashite |
If you ever get tired
of her then call me straightaway |
壊れるくらいに抱きしめて | Kowareru kurai ni dakishimete | And hold me till I break apart |
壊れるくらいに愛して | Kowareru kurai ni aishite | And love me till I break apart... |
(WoWoWoWoWooWooouWo~) | (WoWoWoWoWooWooouWo~) | (WoWoWoWoWooWooouWo~) |