Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
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Sound Horizon - 朝と夜の物語 | |
生まれてくる朝と 死んで行く夜の物語... 嗚呼...僕達のこの寂しさは よく似た色をした《宝石》 |
It's a story of my (Laurant's) birth in the morning and death in the evening.
Ah...this loneliness of ours is a jewel bearing a color similar to the story. |
umarete kuru asa to shinde yuku yoru no Roman (Laurant)
aa...bokutachi no kono sabishisa wa yoku nita iro shita pierre |
生まれて来る意味 死んで行く意味 君が生きている現在 11文字の《伝言》 幻想物語 『第五の地平線』 |
The meaning of my birth and my death, and this moment of your existence.
An 11-lettered message, a fantasy story, and the 5th horizon. |
umarete kuru imi shinde yuku imi kimi ga ikite iru ima juuichi-moji no message gensou Roman daigo no chihensen |
("aa...soko ni Roman wa aru no darou ka?") | ("Ah...can my story be found over there?") |
泣きながら僕達は来る 同じ苦しみを抱きしめて 笑いながら僕達は行く 遥か地平線の向こうへ |
nakinagara bokutachi wa kuru onaji kurushimi o dakishimete warainagara bokutachi wa yuku haruka chiheisen no mukou e meguriau kimi no kuchibiru ni aa...boku no uta o tomosou... (la vie) itsu no hi ka tsunagaru Roman |
廻り合う君の唇に嗚呼…僕の詩を灯そう... いつの日か繋がる《物語》―― |
We arrive in tears, bearing in our arms the same pain. We leave in laughter, towards the other side of the distant horizon. While you move from one place to another, let me cast my song onto your lips... It's a story in which we will eventually become reunited during our lifetime. |
nakinagara bokutachi wa kuru onaji kanashimi o dakishimete warainagara bokutachi wa yuku haruka chiheisen no mukou e meguriau kimi no kuchibiru ni aa...boku no uta o tomosou... (la vie) bokutachi ga tsunagaru Roman |
泣きながら僕達は来る 同じ哀しみを抱きしめて 笑いながら僕達は行く 遥か地平線の向こうへ |
We arrive in tears, bearing in our arms the same grief. We leave in laughter, towards the other side of the distant horizon. While you move from one place to another, let me cast my song onto your lips... It's a story in which we are becoming reunited during our lifetime. |
umarete kuru asa to shinde yuku yoru no Roman (Laurant) aa...bokutachi no kono setsunasa wa yoku nita iro shita fleur |
廻り逢う君の唇に嗚呼…僕の詩を灯そう... 僕達が繋がる《物語》―― |
It's a story of my (Laurant's) birth in the morning and death in the evening.
Ah...this agony of ours is a flower bearing a color similar to the story. |
taiyou no fuusha tsuki no yurikago samayoeru hikari no Roman kowareta ningyou mukuro no otoko toki o kataru yami no Roman |
生まれてくる朝と 死んで行く夜の物語... 嗚呼...僕達のこの刹那さは 良く似た色をした《美花》 太陽の風車 月の揺り籠 彷徨える《焔》の物語 壊れた人形 骸の男 時を騙る《幻想》の物語 右腕には菫の姫君... そして... 左腕には紫陽花の姫君... 嗚呼...僕の代わりに廻っておくれ...其の世界には―― 僕が生まれてくるに至る物語はあるのだろうか? 我等は彷徨える 追憶に揺れる《風車》 巡り往く何の地平にも 詩を灯すでしょう…… 此れは―― 生まれて来る前に 死んで行く僕の物語... 嗚呼...僕達はもう逢えなくても 現在を生きて往く《憧憬》 ――詠い続けよう → 君が迷わぬように…… Note: The italicized words are in French. [1] Violette = violet (the flower), Hortensia = hydrangea [2] "Hiver" could also mean "winter" |
C'est Mademoiselle Violette qui est dans le bras droit... et C'est Mademoiselle Hortensia qui est dans le bras gauche... aa...boku no kawari ni megutte o-kure...sono sekai ni wa boku ga umarete kuru ni itaru Roman wa aru no darou ka? ("saa...itte oide...") ("Oui, monsieur...") (megurikuru sei no zawameki...taiyou no fuusha...) (meguriyuku shi no yasuragi...tsuki no yurikago...) warera wa samayoeru tsuioku ni yureru moulin a vent meguriyuku nan no chihei ni mo uta o tomosu deshou... kore wa-- umarete kuru mae ni shinde yuku boku no Roman (Laurant) aa...bokutachi wa mou aenakute mo ima o ikite yuku Roman utaitsuzukeyou/sagashitsuzukeyou -> kimi ga mayowanu you ni... (asa to yoru no hazama honoo wa yurameki houseki o tsukamou to ude o nobashi fuusha ga mawareba hoshikuzu wa kirameite tenshi ga warai shi utsukushiki gensou no budoushu no yume ni kenja mo kihi suru dengon no shin'i o chiheisen wa shiru) (migite ni shi o...hidarite ni sei o... katamukazaru...fuyu no tenbin...) ("Hiver-sama...") ("doke...") ("megurikuru sei no zawameki...taiyou ni fuusha...") ("asa to yoru no hazama...") ("souretsu ni sanka suru mono wa minna...") ("...kirisaki...mata yatsu ga arawareru...") ("oi, matte kure yo!") ("meguriyuku shi no yasuragi...tsuki no yurikago...") ("Bonsoir...") ("ame ni nurenagara ayumitsuzukeru yori...") ("hema sun ja nee zo, Laurencin...") ("watashi wa sekai de ichiban utsukushii hikari o mita...") ("Au revoir...") ("higaisha wa dare ka...") ("sagashita zo...Christophe...") ("shayou no kage ni yaiba wa akaguroku kirameite...") ("zankoku na unmei nara...") ("Loraine de...") ("koroshite kureru...") ("nee...Savant?") ("sayounara...") ("...Roman") ("arigatou...") ("soko ni Roman wa aru no kashira?") ("soko ni Roman wa aru no darou ka?") ("uso o tsuite iru no wa dare ka?") |
The sun's windmill, the moon's cradle, a story of the wandering flame's light.
Two broken dolls, one man's carcass, a story of the delusive fantasy's darkness. Held by my right arm is Miss Violette... and held by my left arm is Miss Hortensia...[1] Ah...in my place, please journey to the other world... Could the story of my birth be found there by any chance? ("Now...make your trip...") ("Yes, Sir...") (The commotion of my repeated birth... The sun's windmill...) (The tranquility of my repeated death... The moon's cradle...) We are wandering windmills spinning to the wind of reminiscence. No matter which horizon we reach next, we'll always light up a story there. This is-- my (Laurant's) story, in which I'm on my way to death even before my birth. Ah...although we can't meet again, we shall live on in our yearnings. Allow me/us to continue singing/searching, so that you wouldn't lose your way... (In the crevice between morning and evening, a flame flickers, so, trying to seize that jewel, I reach my arms out. As the mills turn, the stardust glitters in the sky, while the angels rejoice in the beautiful fantasy created from wine's intoxication. Although the sages are evading the true meaning of the message, the horizon will soon find out.) (Life in the right hand...death in the left hand... the winter's scales...remain balanced...) ("Master Hiver...")[2] ("Move...") ("The commotion of my repeated birth... The sun's windmill...") ("The crevice between morning and evening...") ("The lined-up funeral attendees all...") ("The one he fears is back again...") ("Yo, wait for me!") ("The tranquility of my repeated death... The moon's cradle...") ("Good evening...") ("Nothing more than to keep walking in the soaking rain...") ("Don't slip up now, Laurencin...") ("I saw the most beautiful light in the world...") ("Farewell...") ("Who is the victim?...") ("I've been looking...Christophe...") ("The blades shine in a maroon hue in the setting sun's shadow...") ("If it's a cruel fate...") ("Loraine...") ("Kill him...") ("Please...Savant?")[3] ("Goodbye...") ("...story") ("Thank you...") ("Could the story be found over there?") ("Can my story be found over there?") ("Who is the one telling lies?")