Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
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Angela - Shangri-La |
愚かでいいのだろう 見渡す夢の痕 さよなら 蒼き日々よ |
It's all right if it's foolish The traces of the dream I look out over... Goodbye, Days of my youth |
oroka de ii no darou miwatasu yume no ato sayonara aoki hibi yo |
流れに身を任せ いつか大人になってゆく 少しずつ汚れてゆく事なの? |
Entrusting my body to the current, someday I'll become an adult Will I become dirty, little by little? |
nagare ni mi o makase itsuka otona ni natte yuku sukoshizutsu yogorete yuku koto na no? |
熟した果実だけ 選ばれて ナイフで裂かれて 呑み込まれる前に |
Only the mature fruits are chosen And cut with a knife before being gulped down |
jukushita kajitsu dake erabarete NAIFU de sakarete nomikomareru mae ni |
僕等は目指した Shangri-La 欲望は抑えきれずに 空想にまみれた 「自由」を求め続けた 今なら言えるだろう 此処がそう楽園さ さよなら 蒼き日々よ |
We aimed for Shangri-La- without suppressing our desire, Covered in daydreams, we kept searching for "freedom" Now we can say it -- this is paradise Goodbye, days of my youth |
bokura wa mezashita Shangri-La yokubou wa osaekirezu ni kuusou ni mamireta "jiyuu" o motometsudzuketa ima nara ieru darou koko ga sou rakuen sa sayonara aoki hibi yo |
大切な何かを 踏み台にしてまでも 一番高い林檎 掴みたかった |
We wanted to grab the highest apple Even if we had to stand on our precious things to reach it |
taisetsu na nanika o fumidai ni shite made mo ichiban takai ringo tsukamitakatta |
無くしてから気付く 尊いモノ 幼い僕等は 的はずれだらけさ |
We only notice what's important to us when we lose it We who are very young are always missing the target |
nakushite kara kidzuku toutoi MONO osanai bokura wa mato hazure darake sa |
満ち足りた日々の制圧は 情緒不安定になる 傷を負ってでも 羽ばたきたいと願うよ 愚かでいいのだろう 見渡す夢の痕 さよなら 蒼き日々よ |
Suppressing happy days makes me feel unstable Although I'm wounded, I want to fly away It's all right if it's foolish, the traces of the dream I look out over Goodbye, days of my youth |
michitarita hibi no seiatsu wa joucho fuantei ni naru kizu o otte demo habatakitai to negau yo oroka de ii no darou miwatasu yume no ato sayonara aoki hibi yo |
輝く空は 無邪気さを装い 全てを知っていた... |
The shining sky was dressed in innocence But it knew everything... |
kagayaku sora wa mujakisa o yosooi subete o shitte ita... |
僕等は目指した Shangri-La 欲望は抑えきれずに 空想にまみれた 「自由」を求め続けた |
We aimed for Shangri-La- without suppressing our desire, Covered in daydreams, we kept searching for "freedom" |
bokura wa mezashita Shangri-La yokubou wa osaekirezu ni kuusou ni mamireta "jiyuu" o motometsudzuketa |
距離をおいてこそ 自分の大きさを知る 未熟な心は それさえ分からないまま 今なら言えるだろう 此処がそう楽園さ さよなら 蒼き日々よ |
I'll surely leave the distance behind, knowing my own largeness With my inexperienced heart not understanding even that Now I can say it- this is paradise Goodbye, days of my youth |
kyori o oite koso jibun no ookisa o shiru mijuku na kokoro wa sore sae wakaranai mama ima nara ieru darou koko ga sou rakuen sa sayonara aoki hibi yo |