Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
ALI PROJECT - 愛と誠 | |
Ai to Makoto / ALI PROJECT (pop'n music Game song) |
命は明日枯れるかも しれないと思えば 今という瞬間の 重みを知るだろう |
When I think about how I don't know Whether or not life will wither away tomorrow I know the importance of This moment that's called "right now" |
Inochi wa asu kareru kamo Shirenai to omoeba Ima to iu shunkan no Omomi wo shiru darou |
散るは覚悟咲く花の 香に匂う強さに 千代に栄え都は あなたを迎えた |
Smelling strength in the scent of flowers That bloom with the resolution to scatter I went out to meet you In this capital, that will prosper for thousands of years |
Chiru wa kakugo saku hana no Kani niou tsuyosa ni Chiyo ni sakae miyako wa Anata wo mukaeta |
はばたけ大志よ 誰より高みへ 昇りつづけるため |
Flap your wings, my ambitions To a place higher than anyone's So that you can keep on rising |
Habatake taishi yo Dare yori takami e Nobori tsuzukeru tame |
爛漫の四方よもの春 愛と誠たずさえ 迎え討つ敵の数 まだ計りしれずとも |
Spring is in full bloom in every direction With love and truth in my hands I go out to meet my many enemies It's still so unfathomable |
Ranman no yomo no haru Ai to makoto tazusae Mukae utsu teki no kazu Mada hakarishirezu tomo |
いつかは誉れの酒杯さかずき 空の色うつし |
Someday these prestigious wine glasses Will reflect the color of the sky |
Itsuka wa homare no sakazuki Sora no iro utsushi |
胸の唐獅子吠えるままに 大和男子やまとだんじならいつまでも 男であってください |
The portrait of the lion on your chest roaring If you're a Yamato man Then please be a man |
Mune no karajishi hoeru mamani Yamato danshi nara itsumademo Otoko de atte kudasai |
何も無いところから 生まれてきた恋が 刹那を運命さだめという 永い時に変える |
A love that was Born from nothing Will change a moment into A long period of time called "fate" |
Nanimo nai tokoro kara Umaretekita koi ga Setsuna wo sadame to iu Nagai toki ni kaeru |
この私があなたの たどり着く場所ならば ただ微笑みを湛え ここで待っている |
When it comes to the place that You're going to arrive at I'll be waiting there My face brimming with a smile |
Kono watashi ga anata no Tadoritsuku basho naraba Tada hohoemi wo tatae Kokode matteiru |
見せない涙で 私をくるんで そっと濡らせばいい |
You engulf me with The tears that you don't show Just quietly soak me with them |
Misenai namida de Watashi wo kurunde Sotto nuraseba ii |
清らけき永久とわの春 愛と誠ささげて 白い肌刻むのは たった一人の名前 |
A pure eternal spring Offering up love and truth The thing that I carve into my white skin Is a single name |
Kiyora keki towa no haru Ai to makoto sasagete Shiroi hada kizamu no wa Tatta hitori no namae |
千年先まであなたを 愛すると誓う |
One thousand years ago, I swore That I would love you |
Sennen saki made anata wo Aisuru to chikau |
夢の通い路 地の果てまで 大和撫子でいつまでも 女でいさせてください |
A dream route That leads to the end of the earth I'm forever a Yamato Nadeshiko So please let me be a woman |
Yume no kayoi ji Chi no hate made Yamato Nadeshiko de itsumademo Onna de isasete kudasai |
千々乱れ桜吹雪 愛と誠のために 抜く刃はためかせ 信じる道行けばいい |
Pieces of a storm of cherry blossoms fly about wildly For the sake of love and truth I wave my drawn sword And I'll go down the path that I believe in |
Chichi midare hana fubuki Ai to makoto no tameni Nuku yaiba hatamekase Shinjiru michi yukeba ii |
千年先でもあなたに 出逢えればわかる |
One thousand years ahead in the future You appear to understand |
Sennen saki demo anata ni Deaereba wakaru |
爛漫の四方よもの春 愛と誠たずさえ 迎え討つ敵の数 まだ計りしれずとも |
Spring is in full bloom in every direction With love and truth in my hands I go out to meet my many enemies It's still so unfathomable |
Ranman no yomo no haru Ai to makoto tazusae Mukae utsu teki no kazu Mada hakarishirezu tomo |
いつかは誉れの酒杯さかずき 空の色うつし |
Someday these prestigious wine glasses Will reflect the color of the sky |
Itsuka wa homare no sakazuki Sora no iro utsushi |
胸の唐獅子吠えるままに 大和魂よ最後まで 男で生きてください |
The portrait of the lion on your chest roaring If you're a Yamato Damashii until the end Then please live as a man |
Mune no karajishi hoeru mamani Yamato Damashii yo saigo made Otoko de ikite kudasai |