Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
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Let’s Go! Onmyouji (レッツゴー!陰陽師 ) | |
「あらゆる困難が科学で解決するこの平成の時代 人々の閉ざされた心の闇に蔓延る魑魅魍魎が存在していた 科学の力ではどうしょうも出来ないその奇怪な輩にたちむかう 神妙不可侵にて 胡散臭い男が一人 その名は 矢部彦麿(やべのひこまろ) そう 人は彼を 陰陽師と呼ぶ」 |
"In this Hesei Era, every problem is solved with
science. But, spreading through the darkness of people's closed minds, evil spirits of rivers and mountains originated and science efforts are unable to do anything. Standing against that mysterious band of spirits, there is only one suspicious man with faithful inviolability. His name is Yabeno Hikomaro. And people calls him Onmyouji" |
konnan ga kagaku de kaiketsu suru kono heisei no jidai hitobito no tozasareta kokoro no yami ni habikoru chimimouryou ga sonzaishite ita kagaku no chikara de wa doushou mo dekinai sono kikkai wa hai ni tachimukau shinmyou fukashin ni te usankusai otoko ga hitori sono na wa yabeno hikomaro sou hito wa kare wo onymouji to yobu |
悪霊退散!悪霊退散! 怨霊、ものの怪、困った時は ドーマン! セーマン! ドーマン!セーマン! 直ぐに呼びましょ陰陽師 レッツゴー! |
Evil spirits begone! Evil spirits begone! When you are having problems with apparitions or specters Douman Seiman! Douman Seiman! * Immediately call the Onmyouji, Lets go! |
akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan! onryou, mononoke, komatta toki wa DOUMAN! SEIMAN! DOUMAN! SEIMAN! sugu ni yobimasho onmyouji RETTSU GO-! |
「死してなほ この世に未練 残せしは 魑魅魍魎と 成り果てる その悪しき血を 清めるが 陰陽の道」 |
"At death, they attach to this world. Those who are left
behind, are reduced to evil spirits of rivers and mountains. Exorcising that evil blood, it's the way of Onmyou." |
"shishitenaho konoyo ni miren nokoseshi ha
chimimouryou to nari hateru sono akushikichi wo kiyomeru onmyou no michi" |
人の世に生まれし悪を 闇にへと ほおむれや | Bury evil born in the Human world into the darkness |
hito no yo ni umareshi aku wo yami ni e to hoomureya | |
悪霊退散!悪霊退散! 妖怪 あやかし 困った時は ドーマン! セーマン! ドーマン!セーマン! 助けてもらおう 陰陽師 レッツゴー! |
Evil spirits begone! Evil spirits begone! When you are having problems with Youkai or Ayakashi * Douman Seiman! Douman Seiman! Receive our help. Onmyouji, Lets go! |
akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan! youkai, ayakashi, komatta toki wa DOUMAN! SEIMAN! DOUMAN! SEIMAN! tasukete moraou onmyouji RETTSU GO-! |
「生きながら恨み憎しみ 集りしは悪鬼悪霊 よびさます その激昂を宥める 陰陽の道」 |
"Bitterness and hatred in life, gathers evil spirits of
rivers and mountains. Soothing that rage, it's the way of Onmyou". |
"ikinagara urami nikushimi shourishi wa akki
akuryou yobisamasu sono gekkou wo nadameru onmyou no michi" |
愛しさの 行き着く果てに 病む心 なぐさめや | Comfort the ill heart, arriving a lovely end. |
itoshisa no iki tsuku hate ni yamu kokoro nagusameya | |
悪霊退散!悪霊退散! 怨念 怨恨 困った時は ドーマン! セーマン! ドーマン!セーマン! 鎮めてもらおう 陰陽師 レッツゴー! |
Evil spirits begone! Evil spirits begone! When you are having problems with malice and grudge. Douman Seiman! Douman Seiman! We can suppress it. Onmyouji, Lets go! |
akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan! onnen, enkon, komatta toki wa DOUMAN! SEIMAN! DOUMAN! SEIMAN! shizumete moraou onmyouji RETTSU GO-! |
「辛い時 悲しい時 人はそんな時 心の隙間に闇が出来る その心の闇に 魔物達は容赦無く 入り込んでくるのだ だから 苦しくても 挫けるな 落ち込むな くよくよするな 何事にも 屈しない 強靭な心こそが 最強の武器なのだから!」 |
"Bitter moments. Sorrowful moments. In that kind of
moments darkness grows inside the cracks of people's hearts. Evil beings penetrate inside that darkness without mercy. That is why, although its difficult, don't be crushed, don't feel down and don't worry. Don't give up to anything! Because a strong heart, is the strongest weapon." |
"tsurai toki kanashii toki hito ha sonna
toki kokoro no sukima ni yami ga dekiru sono kokoro no yami ni mamonotachi wa yousha naku irikonde kuru no da dakara kurushikutemo kujikeruna ochikomuna PUYO PUYO suru na nanigoto ni mo kushinai kyoujinna kokoro koso ga saikyou no bukina no dakara!" |
寂しさで 揺らめく 心を 狙う物 打ち砕け | Crush what a flickering heart aims with loneliness. |
sabishisa de yurameku kokoro wo nerau mono uchikudaku | |
悪霊退散!悪霊退散! 超常現象 困った時は ドーマン! セーマン! ドーマン!セーマン! 払ってもらおう 陰陽師 レッツゴー! |
Evil spirits begone! Evil spirits begone! When you are having problems with supernatural phenomena. Douman Seiman! Douman Seiman! We'll receive your payment. Onymouji, Lets Go! |
akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan! choujougenshou komatta toki wa DOUMAN! SEIMAN! DOUMAN! SEIMAN! haratte moraou onmyouji RETTSU GO-! |
悪霊退散!悪霊退散! 呪い 呪われ 困った時は ドーマン! セーマン! ドーマン!セーマン! 相談しましょう 陰陽師 レッツゴー! |
Evil spirits begone! Evil spirits begone! When you are having problems with curses and maledictions. Douman Seiman! Douman Seiman! Consult it with us. Onmyouji, Lets go! |
akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan! noroi noroware komatta toki wa DOUMAN! SEIMAN! DOUMAN! SEIMAN! soudan shimashou onmyouji RETTSU GO-! |
やっぱり頼れる 陰陽師 レッツゴー! | You will contract us without doubt Onmyouji, Lets Go! |
yappari tayoreru onmyouji RETTSU GO-! | |
みんなのヒーロー 陰・陽・師! | Everybody's heroes ON - MYOU - JI! |
minna no HI-RO- ON.MYOU.JI! | |
「成仏しろよ」 | "Rest in Peace!" |
"joubutsu shiro yo" | |
* Douman and Seiman are Buddhist chants. * Youkai and Ayakashi are Japanese mythological creatures. |