Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
ÀÓÄÈÎ 329 | GRAMMAR II - 13.01 | ||||
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ALI PROJECT - 亡國覚醒カタルシス | |
Bookoku Kakusei Catharsis | |
嘆キノ壁ハ 積ミ上ゲラレテ 愚カノ神ハ 奉ラレル |
The walls of grief are
piling up As the gods of foolishness are being worshipped |
nageki no kabe wa tsumi agerarete oroka no kami wa tatematsurareru |
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生きるは毒杯 杞憂の苦しみを 飲み干す術を誰が授けよう 太陽に棲むと云う賢者の鷲 羽搏きだけが谺する |
Living is a cup of poison
full of needless anxiety Who will bestow upon me the means by which I can drink it down? A wise man's eagle is said to be nesting in the sun But only the sound of its flapping wings is echoing |
ikiru wa dokuhai kiyuu no kurushimi
wo nomihosu sube wo dare ga sadzukeyou taiyou ni sumu to iu kenja no washi habataki dake ga kodama suru |
この双つの眸に宿った 闇と光 その何方で 僕は未来(あした)を 見つめるべきなのだろう |
Both darkness and light Have resided in these two eyes But with which one Should I look at the future? |
kono futatsu no me ni yadotta yami to hikari sono dochi de boku wa ashita wo mitsumeru beki na no darou |
渇き切った瓦礫の街 点と線を繋ぎ合わせ 意味など無い事ばかり 溢れてゆく |
In this dried up town of
rubble I connect the dots and lines together But only meaningless things Proceed to overflow |
kawaki kitta gareki no machi ten to sen wo tsunagi awase imi nadonai koto bakari afurete yuku |
炎のごとき孤独 抱く體 鎮めては 暗渠へと滴ってく雫 |
Like a flame in isolation As I clasp my body, I am calmed By the drops of water dripping into the duct |
honoo no gotoki kodoku daku karada shizumete wa ankyo he to shitatatteku shizuku |
掲げる毒杯 この生は満ちても 焦がれる死の夢は流れ着く 砦に喰い込む爪 孤高の鷲 羽搏きだけが 舞い上がる |
Even if the cup of poison I
uphold is filled with this life My dreams that yearn for death will still drift into it The aloof eagle digs its talons into the fortress But only the sound of its flapping wings soars into the sky |
kakageru dokuhai kono sei wa
michite mo kogareru shi no yume wa nagaretsuku toride ni kuikomu tsume kokou no washi habataki dake ga maiagaru |
あの蒼穹に磔刑にしてくれたまえ 天と地が結ぶ場所に僕は立つ |
Let me be crucified in that
blue sky I'll stand in the place where the sky and earth meet |
ano soukyuu ni takkei ni shite kure
tamae ten to chi ga musubu basho ni boku wa tatsu |
花実のような記憶たちは 焼かれ爛れ抜け殻だけ あの日の魂は 何処へ行ったのだろう |
My memories, like flowers
and fruits Are now hideously burned with only empty shells remaining The spirit of those days To where has it gone? |
kajitsu no you na kioku-tachi wa yakare tadare nukegara dake ano hi no tamashii wa doko he itta no darou |
冷たい膚 寄せて触れて 胸の傷と傷を合わせ 再び辿るべき地図 ここに刻む |
Our cold skin gathers close and touches Uniting the wounds and scars of our hearts And engraving the map we shall pursue once again Into this place |
tsumetai hada yosete furete mune no kizu to kizu wo awase futatabi tadoru beki chizu koko ni kizamu |
世界は見えぬ翼 その黒影(かげ)に隠された 純白の一羽 射止めよ |
Shoot dead the pure white bird That concealed the world's invisible wings In its black shadow |
sekai wa mienu tsubasa sono kage ni kakusareta junpaku no hitohane itomeyo |
生きるは祝杯 口移しの快楽 渇く嗤いも息も絶え絶えに まぐわいあう慰みの掌に 虚しさだけが脹らんで |
Living is a celebratory drink full of mouth-to-mouth pleasure As we weakly thirst for laughter and breaths We caress our palms together for amusement But our emptiness only continues to expand |
ikiru wa shukuhai kuchiutsushi no keraku kawaku warai mo iki mo taedae ni maguwai au nagusami no tenohira ni munashisa dake ga fukurande |
ああ玉砕と美しく散り逝くならば 恍惚の先にはまだ君が居る |
Ah, if I am beautifully scattered by this honorable death You will still be right there on the other side of the ecstasy |
aa gyokusai to utsukushiku chiri yuku naraba koukotsu no saki ni wa mada kimi ga iru |
嘆キノ壁ハ 突キ崩サレテ 愚カノ民ハ 鏖サレル |
The walls of grief are demolished As the nation of foolishness is annihilated |
nageki no kabe wa tsuki kuzusarete oroka no kami wa minagoru sareru |
生きるは毒杯 愛する哀しみを 飲み干す術を誰が授けよう 月下に眠ると云う静かの鷲 啼き声だけが舞い降りて |
Living is a cup of poison full of the sorrow of loving Who will bestow upon me the means by which I can drink it down? A quiet eagle is said to be sleeping in the moonlight But only the sound of its singing voice flies down |
ikiru wa dokuhai aisuru kanashimi wo nomihosu sube wo dare ga sadzukeyou gekka ni nemuru to iu shizuka no washi nakigoe dake ga maiorite |
掲げる祝杯 わが生は満ちても 果敢ない死の遊戯は果てもなく 砦に喰い込む爪 孤高の鷲 羽搏きだけが舞い上がる |
Even if the celebratory drink I uphold is filled with my life These momentary games of death are still without an end The aloof eagle digs its talons into the fortress But only the sound of its flapping wings soars into the sky |
kakageru shukuhai waga sei wa michite mo hakanai shi no yuugi wa hate mo naku toride ni kuikomu tsume kokou no washi habataki dake ga maiagaru |
あの蒼穹に磔刑にしてくれたまえ 罪と罰を生む時代(とき)を僕は視る |
Let me be crucified in that blue sky I'll watch over the era that births crime and punishment |
ano soukyuu ni takkei ni shite kure tamae tsumi to batsu wo umu toki wo boku wa miru |