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16 Plasmagica - Seishun wa Non Stop! (Show by Rock!! OP) |
Plasmagica - Seishun wa Non Stop! | ||
いぇい!いぇい! うー、ハイハイ! いぇい!いぇい! せーの!1・2・3 GO! |
Iei! Iei! Uu, haihai! Iei! Iei! See no! 1 - 2 - 3 GO! |
Yay! Yay!
Oooh, Yes, yes! Yay! Yay! Let's go! 1-2-3 GO! |
恋愛命!Very!Very!Happy! 友情命!はじけるJumping! 冒険命!ドキドキOK? 青春謳歌!Com'on ready? Let's Go! |
Ren'ai inochi! Very! Very! Happy! Yuujou inochi! Hajikeru Jumping! Bouken inochi! Dokidoki OK? Seishun ouka! Come'on ready? Let's Go! |
Romance, Life! Very Very! Happy! Friendship, Life! Pop out Jumping! Adventure, Life! Heart-pounding, OK? Ode to Youth! Come'on ready? Let's Go! |
青空を背にして 通学路飛び出してこう あれもスキ!これもスキ! 全部ぜーんぶ!もらっちゃえ? 恋はロマン 妄想Girl 攻めるなら大胆に オリジナル未来予想図見つけましょ? |
Aozora wo se ni shite tsuugakuro tobashitekou Are mo suki! kore mo suki! Zenbu zeenbu! Moracchae? Koi wa roman mousou Girl Semeru nara daitan ni Orijinaru mirai yousoe mitsukemasho? |
Let's rush down the road to school, facing the sky I love that, too! I love this, too! Can I have all of it? Aaall of it? I'm a girl with the delusion that love is all romance If you're going to attack, be bold Shall we search for an original plan for the future? |
たまにはナイショの 恋愛相談タイム 好きな人はだぁれ? 恋のシグナル 青信号は今だ!進めばチャンス! |
Tama ni wa naisho no ren'ai soudan taimu Suki na hito wa daare? Koi no shigunaru aoshingou wa ima da! Susumeba chansu! |
Sometimes we have a secret time for discussing love Who do you like? The signal, green light for love is now! It's your chance to make a move! |
だからもっと はじけていこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 恋していこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 青春はNon-Stop! (あ~いあいあいあいあい!) 走れ!目指すは未来! (ハイ!ハイ!) みんな集まって (ハイ!ハイ!) ハッピーエンド! (そーれ Let's go!) 明日もウレシカナシ? (Hu!Hu!) ノラリクラリ? (Hu!Hu!) 頑張っちゃおう! (は~いはいはいはい!) いつだって夢をみたいな! (う~、いぇい!いぇい!) 全力で羽ばたいていこう! |
Dakara motto Hajikete iko! (Hu! Hu!) Koishite iko! (Hu! Hu!) Seishun wa Non-Stop! (A~iaiaiaiai!) Hashire! Mezasu wa mirai! (Hai! Hai!) Minna atsumatte (Hai! Hai!) Happii Endo! (Soore Let's go!) Ashita mo ureshi kanashi? (Hu! Hu!) Norarikurari? (Hu! Hu!) Ganbacchaou! (Ha~ihahahai!) Itsudatte yume wo mitai na! (U~, iei! Iei!) Zenryoku de habataite ikou! |
So, even more, Let's pop out! (Hu! Hu!) Let's fall in love (Hu! Hu!) Youth is Non-Stop! (Heey, hey hey hey hey!) Run! Aim for the Future! (Yes! Yes!) Everyone, get together (Yes! Yes!) For a happy ending (Hey, Ley's go!) Will tomorrow be happy or sad? (Hu! Hu!) Laid-back? (Hu! Hu!) We'll work hard! (Ye~s yes yes yes!) We always want to dream (Oooh~ Yay! Yay!) Let's flap our wings as hard as we can! |
純情命!笑顔はCharming! 完全無敵!気分はHopping! 頂点目指せ!なれたらLucky? 限界突破Com'on Ready Let's go! |
Junjou inochi! Egao wa Charming! Kanzen muteki! Kibun wa Hopping! Chouten mezase! Naretara Lucky? Genkai toppa Com'on Ready Let's go! |
Purity, Life! Your smile is Charming! Perfect, invincible! My feelings are Hopping! Aim for the top! Are you getting used to being Lucky? Break the limit, Come'on Ready Let's go! |
ドライブをONにして 光る風追い越してこう 涙アリ?笑顔アリ?ドラマティックに彩って 恋のVision 純情Girl 出会いなら感覚で! 花盛り気持ち甘めのアラモード |
Doraibu wo ON ni shite Hikaru kaze oikoshitekou Namida ari? Egao ari? Doramatikku ni irodotte Koi no Vison junjou Girl Deai nara kankaku de! Hanazakari kimochi amame no aramoodo |
Let's set it to drive And pass by the shining wind Are there tears? Are there smiles? It's colored dramatically I'm a pure-hearted girl with visions of love If we meet, it's because I sensed you! My feelings in full bloom are sweet a la mode |
気になるあの子の 好感度急上昇 押すの引くのどっち? ハートがぐらり急展開もアリだ! ここからJump! |
Kininaru ano ko no Koukando kyuujoushou Osu no hiku no docchi? Haato gagurari kyuutenkai mo ari da! Koko kara Jump! |
I noticed that girl And had a sudden surge of good feelings Push or pull? My heart is unsteady - it's a new development! Jump from here! |
だからずっと 夢見ていこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 歌っていこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 青春はNon-Stop! (あ~いあいあいあいあい!) 向かえ!果てない未来! (ハイハイ!) 今が最高の (ハイハイ!) スポットライト浴びて! (Let's show time!) 地球はグルリマワリ (Hu!Hu!) 今日もキラリ (Hu!Hu!) 張り切っちゃおう! (は~いはいはいはい!) 無限の音を重ねて (う~、いぇい!いぇい!) 巻き起こせ!ミュージックセンセイション! |
Dakara zutto Yume mite iko! (Hu! Hu!) Utatte iko! (Hu! Hu!) Seishun wa Non-Stop! (A~iaiaiaiai!) Mukae! Hatenai mirai! (Hai! Hai!) Ima ga saikou no (Hai! Hai!) Supottoraito abite! (Let's show time!) Chikyuu wa gururi mawari (Hu! Hu!) Kyou mo kirari (Hu! Hu!) Harikicchaou! (Ha~ihahahai!) Mugen no oto wo kasanete (U~, iei! Iei!) Makiokose! Myuujikku senseishon! |
So, always,
Let's dream! (Hu! Hu!) Let's sing! (Hu! Hu!) Youth is Non-Stop! (Heey, hey hey hey hey!) Turn around! The future is limitless! (Yes yes!) Now is the best (Yes yes!) Bask in the spotlight! (Let's show time!) The earth spins round and round (Hu! Hu!) It sparkles even now (Hu! Hu!) We'll hold out! (Ye~s yes yes yes!) We'll create (Oooh~ Yay! Yay!) Infinite notes overlapping! Music sensation! |
爆音鳴らせ!Let's go シアン! ノンストップ続け!Lovely チュチュ! ハートを揺らせ!見せ場だレトリー! リズムで決めろ!ラストはモア! |
Bakuon narase! Let's go Shian!
Nonsutoppu tsudzuke! Lovely Chuchu! Haato wo yurase! Miseba da Retorii! Rizumu de kimero! Rasuto wa Moa! |
Exploding roar! Let's go, Cyan!
Going non-stop! Lovely Chuchu! Rock your heart! Highlight Retoree! Determine the rhythm! Last is Moa! |
世界中響け この鼓動絶対止められない 五線譜の音符に乗っかって 最大音量越えちゃって ハイテンションで行こう 今すぐStep All right スピードをあげて いつだってセッション奏でよう 笑ったり泣いたりそうやって はっちゃかめっちゃか全力で 果てないMyステージ歌ってさぁエンドレスライブ |
1-2-3 Sekaijuu hibike
Kono koudou zettai tomararenai Gosenfu no onpu ni nokkatte Saidai onryou koechatte Hai Tenshon de ikou Ima sugu Step All right Supiido wo agete Itsudatte sesshon kanadeyou Warattari naitari sou yatte Hacchakka macchakka zenryoku de Hatenai My suteeji utatte saa endoresu raibu |
1-2-3 Sound around the world
This beat will never stop Let's ride the notes on the score Exceed the maximum volume And go high tension! Step All right, very soon, Raise your speed We can have a jam session anytime Laughing, crying, and all that Toppsy-turvy, with full power My stage is limitless, C'mon, let's sing an endless live |
だからもっと はじけていこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 恋していこっ! (Hu!Hu!) 青春はNon-Stop! (あ~いあいあいあいあい!) 走れ!目指すは未来! (ハイ!ハイ!) みんな集まって (ハイ!ハイ!) ハッピーエンド! (そーれ Let's go!) 明日もウレシカナシ? (Hu!Hu!) ノラリクラリ? (Hu!Hu!) 頑張っちゃおう! (は~いはいはいはい!) いつだって夢をみたいな! (う~、いぇい!いぇい!) 全力で羽ばたいていこう!ミュージックセンセイション! (ハイハイ!ハイハイ!ハイハイ! あいあいあいあい!) (いぇい、いぇい!いぇい、いぇい!いぇい、いぇい! う~さんはい!) |
Dakara motto Hajikete iko! (Hu! Hu!) Koishite iko! (Hu! Hu!) Seishun wa Non-Stop! (A~iaiaiaiai!) Hashire! Mezasu wa mirai! (Hai! Hai!) Minna atsumatte (Hai! Hai!) Happii Endo! (Soore Let's go!) Ashita mo ureshi kanashi? (Hu! Hu!) Norarikurari? (Hu! Hu!) Ganbacchaou! (Ha~ihahahai!) Itsudatte yume wo mitai na! (U~, iei! Iei!) Zenryoku de habataite ikou! Myuujikku senseishon! (Haihai! Haihai! Haihai! Aiaiaiai!) (Iei, iei! Iei, iei! Iei, iei! U~sanhai!) |
So, even more,
Let's pop out! (Hu! Hu!) Let's fall in love (Hu! Hu!) Youth is Non-Stop! (Heey, hey hey hey hey!) Run! Aim for the Future! (Yes! Yes!) Everyone, get together (Yes! Yes!) For a happy ending (Hey, Ley's go!) Will tomorrow be happy or sad? (Hu! Hu!) Laid-back? (Hu! Hu!) We'll work hard! (Ye~s yes yes yes!) We always want to dream (Oooh~ Yay! Yay!) Let's flap our wings as hard as we can! Music Sensation! (Yes yes! Yes yes! Yes yes! Hey hey hey hey!) (Yay, yay! Yay, yay! Yay, yay! Oooo, round 3!) |
恋愛命!VeryVery!Happy! 友情命!はじけるJumping! 冒険命!ドキドキOK? 青春謳歌!Com'on ready?Let's go! |
Ren'ai inochi! Very! Very! Happy!
Yuujou inochi! Hajikeru Jumping! Bouken inochi! Dokidoki OK? Seishun ouka! Come'on ready? Let's Go! |
Romance, Life! Very Very! Happy! Friendship, Life! Pop out Jumping! Adventure, Life! Heart-pounding, OK? Ode to Youth! Come'on ready? Let's Go! |