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Kurosaki Maon - X-encounter | |
ここからじゃ 横顔 眺めてるだけじゃ 無力さを 嘆いても この背を 誰も押さない Going out! |
I can't fly... from here I just watch from the sidelines Even if I lament this powerlessness there's no one who'll push my back Going out! |
Tobenai... koko kara ja Yokogao nagameteru dake ja Muryokusa wo nageite mo Kono sei wo dare mo osanai Going out! |
―飛び方を忘れていた 闇鴉(とり)たちの 嘆きのvoice...― |
-I forgot how to fly The voices of the wailing ravens of darkness...- |
- Tobikata wo wasurete ita toritachi no nageki no voice - |
無機質な 世界に 何を望むの? そう だけどね 確実な 希望が もう僕の中に Going up! |
From a freezing and inorganic world, what could you desire? Yeah, but you know, a unyielding hope is already inside me Going up! |
Itetsuku mukishitsu na Sekai ni nani wo nozomu no? Sou dakedo ne kakujitsu na Kibou ga mou boku no naka ni Going up! |
―「何が出来るか」なんてもう やってみなきゃ ワカラナイ― |
-Again with the "What can I do?" If you don't try you won't know- |
- "Nani ga dekiru ka" nante mou yatte minakya WAKARANAI - |
序章(はじまり)へ きっと生まれる前から 決まっていた 羽根を揺らし 強く地を蹴って キミの元へ ―羽撃たく "RAVENS!"― Fight! Keep holding on! 何千の ループの中 出逢う この現世(ばしょ)で もう止められない 宿命(カルマ)の真下で 僕に出来ることが どんなに僅かでも |
I dashed to the beginning Surely it was decided before my birth Flapping my wings, I kick hard off from the ground and go to your side -"RAVENS" flapping their wings!- Fight! Keep holding on! Within the thousands loops we met in this present age It can no longer be stopped. Under this fate (karma) I'll do whatever I can do, as little as it may be |
Hashiridashita hajimari e Kitto umareru mae kara kimatte ita Hane wo yurashi tsuyoku chi wo kette KIMI no moto e - Habataku "RAVENS!" - Fight! Keep holding on! Nanzen no RUUPU no naka deau Kono basho de Mou tomerarenai KARUMA no mashita de Boku ni dekiru koto ga donna ni wazuka demo |
その体に背負うもの その痛み 分け合える日まで ―キミの 傍にいるよ― 飛び立つ 今こそ Rave on! |
That body was burdened by pain until the day it could share it -I'm by your side- Fly, right now. Rave on! |
Sono karada ni seou mono Sono itami wakeaeru hi made - KIMI no soba ni iru yo - Tobitatsu ima koso Rave on! |
無性に 振り返る 自分の 居場所探して 後悔に なぞらえた 脆い生 蝕む夜にいた |
I looked back many times Looking for the place I belonged I was attached to regret and passed the undermining nights like a fragile being |
Mushouni furikaeru Jibun no ibasho sagashite Koukai ni nazoraeta Moroi sei mushibamu yoru ni ita |
風に揺れて 僕はまだ 弱いままで...― |
-Clumsily I sway in the wind I'm still weak...- |
- Bukiyou ni kaze ni yurete Boku wa mada yowai mama de... - |
迷って 壊れては そうやって 続く世界へ たったひとつ 見つけたら 瞬く 五芒星(ほし)を描き 進め! |
Astray and broken I continue like this in the world If I could find a single thing I'll draw a pentagram and continue! |
Mayotte kowareta wa Sou yatte tsuzuku sekai e Tatta hitotsu mitsuketara Matataku hoshi wo egaki Susume! |
―闇から覗いた閃光(ひかり) 手を伸ばして さあ 行こう― |
-A light flashes from the darkness Reach out to it, come on, let's go- |
- Yami kara nozoita hikari Te wo nobashite saa ikou - |
この決意(おもい) ほら 孤高の五芒星(ほし)が 導いて 染み付いてる 癒えない絶望(きず)を この翼で ―運び出す "RAVENS!"― Fight! Keep holding on! 空(くう)を切り 形の無い波も蹴散らして 凛とした瞳(め)に 宿る燈(ともしび)を 曇らせはしない... キミはそのままいて |
My determination started rushing Look, the pentagram is guiding us The deep despair (wound) that won't heal, with this wings -take it away, "RAVENS"!- Fight! Keep holding on! Cut through the emptiness and break through the shapeless waves Dignified eyes with light dwelling in them will never be clouded... Always be like that |
Hashiridashita kono omoi Hora kokou no hoshi ga michibiite Shimitsuiteru ienai kizu wo Kono tsubasa de - Hakobidasu "RAVENS!" - Fight! Keep holding on! Kuu wo kiri katachi no nai nami mo kechirashite Rin to shita me ni yadoru tomoshibi wo Kumorase wa shinai... KIMI wa sono mama ite |
向かい風に逆らい 小さな羽根 広げ目指そう 僕ら ―果てる日まで― 共に翔けて行く Take off! |
Going against the wind let's spread our small wings towards our aim -Until the last day- Let's soar together. Take off! |
Mukai kaze ni sakarai Chiisana hane hiroge mezasou bokura - Hateru hi made - Tomo ni kakete yuku Take off! |
―誰のせいでもない残痕(ナミダ) 誇りにして さあ 行こうー |
-Your scars (tears) is no one's fault Make them your pride, come on, let's go- |
- Dare no sei demo nai NAMIDA Hokori ni shite saa ikou - |
序章(はじまり)へ きっと生まれる前から 決まっていた 羽根を揺らし 強く地を蹴って キミの元へ ―羽撃たく "RAVENS!"― Fight! Keep holding on! 何千の後悔のあとに 息吹く産声(おと) この一瞬が 永遠へ変わる 手を繋ぎ そして... 世界を見に行こう |
I dashed to the beginning Surely it was decided before my birth Flapping my wings, I kick hard off from the ground and go to your side -"RAVENS" flapping their wings!- Fight! Keep holding on! After a thousand regrets, I cry for the first time This moment will go on changing forever Let's hold hand and... go see the world |
Hashiridasou hajimari e Kitto umareru mae kara kimatte ita Hane wo yurashi tsuyoku chi wo kette KIMI no moto e - Habataku "RAVENS!" - Fight! Keep holding on! Nanzen no koukai no ato ni ibuku oto Kono isshun ga eien e kawaru Te wo tsunagi soshite... sekai wo mi ni yukou |
皮肉にも僕たちは 長い夜 くぐり抜けて知るんだろう ―強さの意味を― 真実へと 翔けて行こう |
Ironically after going through long nights, we will finally know -the meaning of strength- Let's soar to the truth |
Hiniku ni mo bokutachi wa Nagai yoru kuguri nukete shirun darou - Tsuyosa no imi wo - Shinjitsu e to kakete yukou |
それは幸福 どの景色にも愛を持てた時に世界はまた ...生まれ変わる― |
-Detours... they are happiness Whatever the scene is, once I come to love it the world starts ....a new again- |
- Toomawari... sore wa koufuku dono keshiki ni mo ai wo moteta toki ni sekai wa mata ...umarekawaru - |