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Project.R - ByunByun! ToQGer (Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger ED) |
ビュンビュン!トッキュウジャー | |
Project.R - ByunByun! ToQGer | |
乗車したら ハロー! 到着して Good Luck! 特急 オーライ 快速 オーライ 準急 各駅 オーライ |
When you board, Hello! When you arrive, Good Luck! Express, alright! Speed, alright! Limited stops, each station, alright! |
Jousha shitara HAROU! Touchaku shite Good Luck! Tokkyuu OORAAI Kaisoku OORAAI Junkyuu kakueki OORAAI |
みんな憧れる 運転席 未来へと続いてく レールが光る スクールガールも オシゴトパパも 安全に 目的地 連れて行ってあげるよ |
Everyone vies for that driver's
seat That rail to the future shines Schoolgirls and fathers at work... ...are safely taken to their destinations |
Minna akogareru unten seki Mirai e to tsuzuiteku REERU ga hikaru SUKUURUGAARU mo OSHIGOTO PAPA mo Anzen ni mokutekichi tsurete-itte ageru yo |
心モヤモヤ してる朝でも 気分を乗り換え!出発進行 |
If you're feeling gloomy in the
morning... ...transfer into a new feeling! Full speed ahead! |
Kokoro MOYAMOYA shiteru asa demo kibun wo norikae! Shuppatsu shinkou |
カッコいーぜ! 風を切って ビュンビュン!キミを運ぶ 晴れの日だって 雨の日だって まかせとけ みんなのエクスプレス DREAM DREAM 夢を運ぶ キミが行きたい駅まで 一緒に走ろう |
It's so cool! Cutting through the wind (ZIP ZIP!) as we quickly transport you! Whether it rains or shines, we'll arrive on time Everyone's express (DREAM DREAM!) is carrying their dreams! Let's ride together till we reach your station |
Kakko ii ze! Kaze wo kitte BYUNBYUN! Kimi wo hakobu Hare no hi datte ame no hi datte makasetoke Minna no EKUSUPURESU DREAM DREAM Yume wo hakobu Kimi ga ikitai eki made issho ni hashirou |
ねぇ次はどんな列車に 会えそう? 乗れそう?ジリリ待ちきれないよ |
What train will we ride next? We might see it. We might ride it. I can't wait! |
Nee tsugi wa donna ressha ni Aiesou? Noresou? JIRIRI ni machi kirenai yo |
窓からのぞいた 景色がほら 早回し したみたい 流れていくよ どこまで遠くへ 行けるのだろう 海の上 雲の果て 走ってみたいなら |
When you look out the window the scenery rushes pass you How far can we go It's like we're rushing over the sea and through the clouds |
Mado kara nozoita keshiki ga hora Haya mawashi shita mitai nagarete iku yo Doko made tooku e ikeru no darou Umi no ue kumo no hate hashitte mitai nara |
キミの想いが始発の駅さ 虹色 レールを 延ばしてこう |
Your feelings are the first station Extend the rainbow rail! |
Kimi no omoi ga shihatsu no ekisa Nijiiro REERU wo nobashitekou |
かっ飛ばすぜ! 闇 照らしてビュンビュン!駆け抜けてく ワクワクしてる気持ちがいつも パワーになる かがやくエクスプレス Zoom Zoom 動き出せば 乗り合わせたみんなが 新しい仲間 |
Go flying! Rush through, (ZIP ZIP!) lighting the darkness Your excitement is always a source of power Shining express! (ZOOM ZOOM!) If you start moving everyone you meet on the ride will be a new friend |
Kattobasu ze! Yami terashite BYUNBYUN! Kakenuketeku WAKUWAKU shiteru kimochi ga itsumo PAWAA ni naru Kagayaku EKUSUPURESU Zoom Zoom Ugoki-daseba Nori-awaseta minna ga atarashi nakama |
ねぇ次は どんな街まで 行けるか 今から ジリリ待ちきれないよ |
So what kind of town can we reach next? I can't wait to find out |
Nee tsugi wa donna machi made ikeru ka ima kara JIRIRI machi kirenai yo |
普通じゃ乗れない きっと探せない 秘密の路線図 キミになら 見えるはずさ |
Normally you can't ride this. You'd
never find it. But if it's you, then surely... you will find this secret train line |
Futsuu ja norenai kitto sagasenai Himitsu no rosenzu kimi ni nara Mieru hazu sa |
風を切って ビュンビュン!キミを運ぶ 晴れの日だって 雨の日だって まかせとけ みんなのエクスプレス DREAM DREAM 夢を運ぶ キミが行きたい駅まで 一緒に走ろう |
Cutting through the wind (ZIP ZIP!)
as we quickly transport you! Whether it rains or shines, we'll arrive on time Everyone's express (DREAM DREAM!) is carrying their dreams! Let's ride together till we reach your station |
Kaze wo kitte BYUNBYUN! Kimi wo hakobu Hare no hi datte ame no hi datte makasetoke Minna no EKUSUPURESU DREAM DREAM Yume wo hakobu Kimi ga ikitai eki made issho ni hashirou |
ねぇ次はどんな列車に 会えそう? 乗れそう?ジリリ待ちきれないよ |
What train will we ride next? We might see it. We might ride it. I can't wait! |
Nee tsugi wa donna ressha ni Aiesou? Noresou? JIRIRI ni machi kirenai yo |
発車ベルが鳴る 旅が始まるよ 冒険 オーライ 感動 オーライ みんな準備は どうだい? |
The departure bell is ringing. The
journey is starting! Adventure, alright! Emotional, alright! Is everyone ready? |
Hassha BERU ga naru tabi ga hajimaru yo Bouken OORAAI Kandou OORAAI Minna junbi wa dou dai? |
乗車したら ハロー! 到着して Good Luck! 特急 オーライ 快速 オーライ 準急 各駅 オーライ |
When you board, Hello! When you arrive, Good Luck! Express, alright! Speed, alright! Limited stops, each station, alright! |
Jousha shitara HAROU! Touchaku shite Good Luck! Tokkyuu OORAAI Kaisoku OORAAI Junkyuu kaku eki OORAAI |