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Wake Up, Girls! - 7 Girls War (Wake Up, Girls! OP) |
Wake Up, Girls! - 7 Girls War | |
(いくぞ!がんばっぺ!Wake Up, Girls!) | Here we go! Do our best! Wake Up, Girls! |
(Ikuzo! Ganbappe! Wake Up, Girls!) | |
私たちに任せてよみんな どんなヘビーな問題でもペロリと食べちゃう (食べ過ぎだよね)(ねー) 普段は自信ないキャラだけど 君に会えるためだったら何にでも変われる |
Leave everything to us, everyone! No matter how heavy the problem, we’ll gulp it down! (You eat too much though. Yeah!) Generally, we don’t have much confidence but in order to meet you, we can change anything about us! |
watashi-tachi makasete yo minna donna HEBI-na mondai demo PERORI to tabechau (tabesugi da yo ne, ne-) fudan wa jishin nai KYARA dakedo kimi ni aeru tame dattara nani demo kawareru |
世間知らずなんて言わせないから 少女は今目覚める 幸せつかむため Take Off! |
We won’t let you say we’re naive. Today, these girls open their eyes to take hold of happiness! Take Off! |
seken shirazu nante iwasenai kara shoujo wa ima mezameru shiawase tsukamu tame Take Off! |
(3、2、1、Go!) | |
大きく大きくChanging(Changing) それは楽じゃないけど だって 君がそばにいるから 勇気出して一歩踏み出す(よっしゃいくぞー!) |
We keep and keep Changing (Changing) and that is not easy at all… but because you’re there for us We have the courage to take a step forward! (Alright, here we go!) |
ookiku ookiku Changing (Changing) sore wa raku janai kedo datte kimi ga soba ni iru kara yuuki dashite ippo fumidasu (yossha ikuzo-!) |
夢はまだまだ遠いよ(So Far) 焦ってる訳じゃないけど もっと強く想いを込めて 明日はきっとShining Star |
Our dream is still far from reach (So Far) and we’re not in any rush but if we put in all our strong feelings, I’m sure tomorrow we’ll be a Shining Star! |
yume wa mada mada tooi yo (So Far) asetteru wake janai kedo motto tsuyoku omoi wo komete ashita wa kitto Shining Star |
ダメなことはノーと言えるJapanese だけどツンツンしてばかりじゃ友達減っちゃう (しょうがないじゃん)(うんうん) いつもオ・モ・テ・ナ・シを忘れずに いつも努力と根性(こぉんじょう)でベストを演じる |
“Don’t do what’s in vain” say the Japanese But if you keep being pessimistic you’ll lose friends! (Oh well…) Don’t forget to be hospitable, always do your best with effort and spirit! |
DAME na koto wa NO- to ieru Japanese dakedo TSUN TSUN shite bakarija tomodachi hecchau (shouganai jan) itsumo O-MO-TE-NA-SHI wo wasurezuni itsumo doryoku to konjou (koonjou) de BESUTO wo enjiru |
ウザい悩みなんて吹き飛ばしちゃえ 少女はただ奏でる 魔法の旋律を For You (ワン、ツー、さん、し!) |
Blow away all your annoying worries. These girls will simply continue to play a magical melody For You |
UZAi nayami nante fukitobashichae shoujo wa tada kanaderu mahou no senritsu wo For You |
WAN, TSU, SAN, SHI! | One, two, three, four! |
一日一度のChallenging(Challenging) それは地味な道だけど だって 目指す果ては見えてる 戦国時代を駆け抜ける(ハァビバノンノン) |
Day by day, we keep Challenging (Challenging) That’s a boring path but we can see the end of our goal! We’ll overcome the Warring Era! (HAABIBA NONON) |
ichinichi ichido no Challenging (Challenging) sore wa jimina michi dakedo datte mesasu hate wa mieteru sengoku jidai wo kakenukeru |
夢はキラリ眩しい(So Bright) 不安な訳じゃないけど きっとなれる強い自分に 願いを叶えるShooting Star |
Our dream shines bright (So Bright) We’re not exactly too anxious, I’m sure we’ll become stronger and will make our wish come true. Shooting Star |
yume wa KIRARI mabushii (So Bright) fuanna wake janai kedo kitto nareru tsuyoi jibun ni negai wo kanaeru Shooting Star |
悔しさに耐える時もある 涙流す時もある でもね一緒に流した涙は 七つの星に変わる 輝け!輝け! (3、2、1、Go!) |
There are time we must endure all these frustrations. Times we must let our tears flow. But you know, those tears we shed together will become seven stars! Shine! Shine~ 3, 2, 1, Go! |
kuyashisa ni taeru toki mo aru namida nagasu toki mo aru demo ne issho ni nagashita namida wa nanatsu no hoshi ni kawaru kagayake! kagayake! 3, 2, 1, Go! |
今生まれ変わるChanging(Changing) それは楽じゃないけど だって 君がそばにいるから 勇気出して一歩踏み出す(ごめんください!) |
We’re making a new start in life and Changing (Changing) That is not easy at all… but because you’re there for us we have the courage to take a step forward! (Excuse me!) |
ima umarekawaru Changing (Changing) sore wa raku janai kedo datte kimi ga soba ni iru kara yuuki dashite ippo fumidasu (gomen kudasai!) |
夢はまだまだ遠いよ(So Far) 焦ってる訳じゃないけど もっと強く想いを込めて 明日はきっとShining Star |
Our dream is still far from reach (So Far) and we’re not in any rush but if we put in all our strong feelings, I’m sure tomorrow we’ll be a Shining Star! |
yume wa mada mada tooi yo (So Far) asetteru wake janai kedo motto tsuyoku omoi wo komete ashita ha kitto Shining Star |