Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese V

Sixth grade (181 kanji) - 2
181 êàíäæè, óðîâåíü 6, äëÿ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ

Kanji Sample # Strokes Meaning On yomi Kun yomi Simpl.Chinese Pinyin Trad.
存在 860 6 existence, being son   cún  
孝心 861 7 filial piety   xiào  
宅地 862 6 home taku ie zhái  
宇宙 863 6 space, cosmos; eaves u    
宗教 864 8 religion; sect, school shū zōng  
  865 8 mid-air; universe chū   zhòu  
宝箱 866 8 treasure takara băo
宣言 867 9 proclaim sen notama-u xuān  
秘密 868 11 secrecy; dense, thick mitsu    
寸法 869 3 measurement; inch sun   cùn  
専ら 870 9 specialty sen moppa-ra zhuān
射撃 871 10 shoot sha i-ru shè  
将軍 872 10 leader shō   jiāng
        /future/, will be     jiāng
尊ぶ 873 12 revered; honor son touto-bu zūn  
874 12 concerning; only... shū tsu-ku jiù  
尺度 875 4 measure of length; foot shaku   chĭ  
届く 876 8 to reach; arrive at kai todo-ku jiè
展示 877 10 expand; unfold ten   zhăn  
層雲 878 14 stratum; layer, level   céng
  879 3 self ko onore  
巻き物 880 9 scroll kan maki juăn
幕開け 881 13 curtain maku, baku    
干す 882 3 dry kan ho-su gān  
        to do     gàn  
幼い 883 5 infancy osana-i yòu  
庁舎 884 5 government office chō   tīng
座る 885 10 sit za suwa-ru zuò  
延ばす 886 8 prolong; postpone en no-basu yán  
律動 887 9 rhythm ritsu    
        law, control      
従う 888 10 obey shitaga-u cóng
        from...     cóng
忘れる 889 7 forget wasu-reru wàng  
忠誠 890 8 loyalty chū   zhōng  
憲法 891 16 constitution ken   xiàn
  892 7 ego ga ware  
批判 893 7 criticism hi    
担う 894 8 shouldering; carry burden tan nina-u dān
拝む 895 8 worship hai oga-mu bài  
拡げる 896 8 broaden kaku hiro-geru kuò
捨てる 897 11 discard, abandon sha su-teru shě
探す 898 11 grope; search out tan saga-su tàn  
推定 899 11 infer; shove, push sui   tuī  
揮発 900 12 brandish, wave ki   huī